MCQs RPG Flashcards
The—— has been introduced to provide the rifle platoon with a powerful and yet a light anti tank weapon.
Anti tank grenade RPG7
The RPG7 is ———- open tube and has no recoil
Shoulder controlled
The ——- is obtained by gas pressure produced by the burning of a propellant charge inside the rocket.
Initial motive force
The weapon is fired by a ———- which is struck by a ——— when the trigger is pressed
Firing pin, cocking piece
RPG7 can be used against all types of ——— with accuracy ensuring ———.
A and B vehicles, a first round hit
When the rocket is fired, gases and flames emerge from ———- at high velocity
Convergent-divergent nozzle
Number 1 and 2 must take precautions against the back blast, danger zone of which extends up to ———- from the rear of the launcher.
30 meters
The RPG 7 grenade is a ———-, ——- with two pistol grips one for steady holding of the launcher and the other with trigger and firing mechanism
Smooth bore, open end tube
The middle of the tube is ——- and covered with a ———-
Enlarged, wooden casing
The rear end has a ——- shape
Bell mouth
One —— and a ——- is fitted to the body on the left side of the tube.
Fixed mechanical sight, telescopic sight
The ——- fired from the launcher is rocket shaped and is loaded from the front of the launcher i.e the ———-
Anti tank grenade RPG7, muzzle end
If the rocket does not encounter and object within ——— seconds of firing, the ————-, detonates primer of the self destruction device and explodes the grenade nose.
4 to 6 seconds, electric detonator
It is a ——- weapon and is used to launch ————.
Smooth barrel, HEAT and practice rockets
The —— rocket is capable of penetrating heavy armour upto ——-
HEAT, 320mm
The fuze is a ——- which produces a voltage when the nose of the round is crushed against an ———
Piezo electric type, inner skin
If it is fired into sandbags the ——— of fuze will function but the ——— will by then have broken up and the effect on target is virtually nil
Self destruction element, main HEAT charge
The missile has reasonable accuracy if there is no cross wind but with a cross wind it is ———
The ——— directs the flight of the grenade and retracts the burnt gases after firing
Barrel assembly
It consists of a smooth bore tube with a —— , having the shape of widened breech end a ——— interconnected with a ———-
Chamber, sleeve, thread
The ——— is welded to the tube to prevent accidental unscrewing
The barrel is ————- plated
Mounted in the left side of the barrel is the ——— and a mount for the ————
Open sight, telescopic sight
There are two lugs for the front and rear swivel for the. ——-
Shoulder strap mounting
The ——— has a recess for fixing the round while loading
Muzzle face
———— secured around the barrel with clamping collars, prevent the operator from heat burns while firing the launcher
Two wooden guards
The ——- is designed to detonate the igniting primer of of the shell
Firing pin mechanism
The sight mechanism of the anti tank grenade launcher RPG 7 consists of the ——— and ———— which allow the firing at fixed and moving targets to a range of up to 500m.
Open sight, telescopic sight
Frequent ——— of the launcher is however inadvisable as it results in unnecessary wear and tear
The launcher should be stripped and assembled on a table or on a ———.
Clean ground sheet
The grenade launcher can be stripped in field condition for ——— and stripped in detail for ——- etcetra
Field maintenance, thorough checks and inspection
Insert trigger mechanism locking pin by pressing it in with the ——-
Detailed stripping is done to ———- of grenade launcher and to ——— the launcher
Defective parts, thoroughly clean
While detaching the spring rod, act with due care since the rod can be thrown out with force by the tension of the compressed ———
Cocking spring
The ————- is aimed at timely detection and elimination of faults and malfunctions.
One must bear in mind that minor faults if not detected and eliminated in time can cause heavy damage to the grenade launcher and may even render it ———
The ———— should flash into the bore and return to the previous level i.e flush with the bore
Firing pin
Before ——— wipe the outer surface of the launcher and clean the bore
Detailed inspection
The outer surface of the ——— should be free from bulged metal notches
Muzzle and breech faces
There should be no cracks or Chipping on the ————
Wooden barrel covers
The ———- should securely clamp the barrel covers to the outer surface of the barrel
Clamping collars
The ——— should be free from bends and must be intact
Foresight tip
The ——— on sight leaf should be clearly visible
Painted figures
The ——— and ———- should be easily movable from the horizontal to vertical position and vice versa without without winding, and must be securely fixed in the upright position
Sight leaf , foresight
The —— should be free from chipping of chromium plating, rust, cracks, scratches or dirt
The ——— should be beyond the barrel ear and properly fixed
Split nosed firing pin end
The —— and the side piece fastening screw should be properly secured
Cover screws
The ——- should move upwards with force without bending or jerking
Armed cocking piece
The ——- should move from one position to the other without too much effort and must be securely fixed in both the above positions
Safety lock
No dents, notches, scratches or cracks should be on the the outer surface of the fire and trigger mechanism ————
Body and cover
——— from the grenade launcher and detach the cover to inspect the firing and trigger mechanism
Remove the grip
The parts of the ———— should be free from cracks, scratch, rust or other defects
Firing and trigger mechanism
——— for cleaning the carbon deposit in the barrel, sleeve and other parts of the launcher
Alkaline compound in water
———— for lubricating the bore and darts of the launcher mechanisms after cleaning. This lubricant is used at temperature ———-
Normal rifle lubricant, above 5 degrees centigrade
Rifle oil for lubricating the parts and mechanisms of the grenade launcher at an air temperature———
Below 50 degrees centigrade
Use ———- for leather parts of slings and covers of the grenade launcher
Saddle lubricant
———— causes the steel to rust and destroys the rust preventive qualities in the oil readily
Moist and salty air
———- can be used to remove lubricants especially after long periods of storage
After using water, alkaline compound or kerosene, the parts and mechanisms of the grenade launcher should be thoroughly wiped with ——— and lubricated.
Flannel or tissue paper
The sight is a ————- instrument and it must be handled with care
Precision telescopic
Under ——- conditions, the sight should be stored in a ——— which protects the light from moisture and dust.
Camp, wooden box
Do not wipe the ———- with carbon waste which has been used for wiping other parts of the sight
Sight lenses
The best firing positions for ——— is the one which gives the greatest flexibility, combined with comfort and steadiness
Moving targets
Tanks should preferably be engaged from trenches or other suitable shelters since the splinters of the armour and the grenade may fly up to a distance of ———-
100 - 150 meters
The muzzle should be held and kept at a height of at least ——- from the ground prevent the breaking of the grenade stabiliser fins
20 centimetre
Care should be taken to see that no personnel, ———-, explosives or other inflammable materials are located within ———- behind the launcher
ammunition, 30 meters
Moving targets may be engaged at ———-, if the target is ——- high RPG7
330 meters, 2.7 meters high
Owing to extreme elevation of the launcher at a distance of over ——-, the back blast will strike dangerously close to the crew, the —— position is therefore not recommended beyond the range.
330 meters
Number 1 lies at an angle of approximately ——- to the line of fire
45 degrees
If forced to track a moving target from the first laying position, number 1 should maintain the ———- so that his legs do not even accidentally enter the back blast area.
45 degrees angle
If the round is tight or if the grenade retainer does not sit in the recess in the muzzle end, the round is turned ——- and pushed in
The ——- has been found to be the best when firing in the open or behind the cover.
Kneeling position
—— may be adopted when firing from high cover or when taking a quick shot in the open
Standing position
In defence normally the ——— will be used, while firing from a ——- emplacement
Standing position, fire trench
The ———- of the launcher is meant to assist in accurate laying of the launcher on the target
Sight equipment
The launcher is fitted with telescopic sight ——— and ——— and an open sight both allow firing at static and moving targets upto a range of 500 meters
PGO-7 , PGO-7B
For elementary practice silhouette tank targets should be pinned on a wall or screen ——- from the launcher
10 yards
The sight works on ——- inverting system with a reticle arranged within its focal plane along with a rangefinder scale for measuring the range of 2.7 meters high target from ———
Prism type, 200 to 1000 meters in 100 meters graduations
All the parts of the sight are made as a single unit and this complete unit is called ————-
The sight body
The objective is encased in the carriage both of which can be rotated in the vertical and horizontal plane by the movement of ————
Lateral and elevation adjustment screws
The sight offers to measure the distance, speed and lead to be applied for a target at a distance between ———.
200 to 1000 meters
The sight is the same in all the characteristics of ———, less the ——— which offers the measurement of speed, distance and lead to be applied to engage the target.
PGO7 ( old sight), reticle pattern
The network scale further comprises two scales i.e ——— and ————
Range scale and lead lines
Range scale from top to down, is marked as 1,2,3,4 and 5 graduated in ————
100 meters
As the effective range of RPG - 7 for a moving target is ——- meters, therefore the ——— is prominent than other four lines in range scale
300 meters,Line 3
At the top centre of the reticle pattern the horizontal line is intersected by ———— known as ———
17x vertical lines, lead lines
The central line contains ——- the bore sight cross at the top which is also known as ———-
+ sign, line of fire
There 8 x vertical line, on either side of the line of fire marked after interval of —— ( from line of fire to outward)
4,8,12 and 16 each
Each vertical line represents 1x lead for a target moving with the speed of ——-
2 meters/ second
———- will be applied from the same side of reticle pattern from where the target is approaching
Below the range scale, there are three diagonal scales to determines the range of target having heights of ——— respectively
1.5, 2.3 and 3 meters
An upper dotted curved line with the figure ——— written above it
2, 4, 6, 8 and 10
A lower continuous straight line with the figure ——— written under each
1.5, 2.3 and 3 written under each
The figure above the dotted curved lines represents the distance in ———- and figure under the straight line represents the ——- in meters
100 of meters, height of the target
At the bottom of reticle pattern the horizontal line, marked 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 graduated in 100 of meters, is known as ———-
Speed scale
If a target is at 300 meters moving from left to right, coincides the target with figure 3, the ——— will be the speed of the target in meters/ second.
Number of line the target crosses in one second
The telescopic sight is installed on the ———-
Grenade launcher fastening strip
To assist the firer in lying the launcher at night and in conditions of adverse visibility the sight has ——— and ———-
An inbuilt illuminating set, an auxiliary winter illuminating set
The illuminating set uses ———
One mercury oxide cell ( type20 p2k)
On/off is indicated on russian made sights and on Korean models as ——— respectively
Two light filters are issued with each sight an orange filter for use under ——— and a neutral or smokey filter for use in ———.
Conditions of poor light or haze, bright sun and glare
A ——- covers the eye piece to block unwanted light from the viewer’s eye and a rubber cover is provided for ———
Rubber eye shield, objective lens
The ——— is a canvas pouch and is used to keep the sight along with the spare parts, tools and accessories, and for its protection, when mounted on the launcher
Sight carrier
All carriers do not have inner and outer pockets, some only have pockets ———
On the outside
This sight is constructed on a ——— and has a foresight and rear sight
Normal open sight system
A single non modified foresight tip is meant for use in temperature below ———-
Four degrees centigrade
When the sight is raised a plus (+) sign is visible which is pliant for fire in temperature above ———
Two degrees centigrade
In the raised position the ———- protrudes slightly above the built in tip
Plus (+) tip
The rear sight is also housed in a casing and is ———-.
Leaf spring loaded
The rear sight has the ——- cut into it which indicates a ———.
Figure 1,2,3,4 and 5, range of one to five hundred meters
With the ——- the launcher is aimed like a normal rifle i.e —— of the rear sight and the tip of the foresight are brought in line with firer’s eye and the target
Raised sight, “V”
Since ——— is designed as a normal rifle sight, with it will be on the same principle
Mechanical sight
It must be remembered that in all cases of engagement of moving targets, only ——- can be estimated and as such some deviation of point of impact from the point of aim must be expected and accepted
Apparent speed
The best method of teaching ——— is by explaining with the help of a diagram and if possible the working of actual parts should be shown
Trigger operation
The firing pin mechanism which detonates the ——— of the rocket grenade consists of firing pin, bearing, ——- and firing pin locking nut
Ignition primer, firing pin spring
The ——— is shaped like a needle ; a ——— carries the firing pin spring, collar and tail section
Firing pin, cylindrical housing
——— supports the upper end of the firing pin spring and has a hole to receive the firing pin and a rocket for the firing pin spring
Bearing bushing
———- is meant, to return the firing pin after firing, to the initial position
Firing pin spring
The ——— screwed into the rocket of the firing pin mechanism and controls the movement of the firing pin
Firing pin locking nut
The ——— actuated by its spring is held in the lower most position
Firing pin
The ——- of the pin protrudes outside beyond the locking nut hole
Tail section
With the cocking piece striking the ——-, the firing pin spring moves upwards and the firing pin hits the ignition primer of the grenad
Tail section
The ——— fire the launcher
Firing and trigger mechanism
The middle section has two sockets for the ——- and for the ——-
Plunger and safety lock plunger and its spring
The ——- has recesses from the plunger and a recess for connecting the body to the barrel by means of the ——- of the firing pin mechanism base
Rear section, lug
The body ends with a plate which together with the two wooden side pieces form the ———-
Launcher grip
The ———- strikes the firing pin when the trigger is pressed
Cocking piece
The cocking piece rotates on a pin screwed in the firing and trigger mechanism body and had a —— for arming it
Serrated tongue
There are two lugs ——- and a——— which are coupled with the sear
A cocking nose, safety lug
The ——— prevents the accidental firing of the launcher by limiting the movement of the trigger
Safety lock
The safety lock has a collar and two recesses which the ——— occupies, when pressed, depending on the position of the safety lock
Safety plunger
The ——- is a fiat spring provided with a tooth at the front end for engaging the cocking piece
The ——— of the sear has a hole for fastening the sear to the body of the firing and trigger mechanism with a screw
Tail section
The ——- and ——— imparts the rotary motion necessary for bearing the cocking piece to strike the firing pin
Plunger, plunger spring
The rate of fire is from ———, but may be increased if the launcher team is more proficient in its handling
4 to 6 rockets per minute
The ——— being rigidly fixed can only be checked for accuracy and cannot be adjusted at user level. The ——— can, however, be adjusted.
Open sight, telescopic sight
The ——— can be used indoors or under bad visibility conditions effectively , whereas an outdoor area and good visibility are essential for ———
Testing target method, the aiming point method
Place the testing target at a distance of ——— from the rear sight slide. Ensure with the help of a ———, that testing target is upright
20 meters, plumb line
Sight the launcher keeping the eye about ——— behind the rear sight
15 centimetres
The testing target method. Repeat the process at least ———
Four times
Select an aiming point at a distance of approximately ———- from the launcher
300 meters
While checking the ————, check the correctness of ——- on the aiming point periodically to ensure correct zeroing
Sighting equipment
The primary role of the anti tank grenade launcher RPG 7 is to ——
The —- is used for this role
Kill tanks, HEAT rocket grenade