MCQ Week 1 Flashcards
Psychological qualities that contribute to an individuals enduring and distinctive patterns of feeling, thinking and behaving.
Scientific Observation
Large and diverse groups, Objective observations, Specialised tools
Ideas related in a logical coherent way
Needs proof
All psychological significant aspects should be discussed
Applied value
Theory can solve problems (therapy)
L-O-T-S of Data
Life (life records), Observer (Observer data from knowledgeable observers), Test (Data from experimental procedures or standardised tests), Subject (Information from subject themselves)
Stoeber et al. (2010); S- and T-Data
Striving for perfection predicts task performance via time on task
Idiographic Strategies (flexible)
Case studies, Situation/person specific, Open ended questions
Nomothetic Strategies (fixed)
Correlational Research, Lab Studies and Experimental Research
Correlation (Cohen) r; Small Medium, Large
Small .10; Medium .30; Large .50
Big Five (OCEAN)
Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism
Observations can be replicated, measures are dependable, exact and consistent
Observations reflect the phenomena of interest, measures what it is designed to
Internal Consistency
Consistency within the same measure
Test-Retest Reliability
Consistency over time
Parallel-Test Reliability
Consistent between two forms of the same measure
Interrater Reliability
Consistency between two raters
Construct Validity
Actually measures the construct it was designed to measure
Convergent Validity
Does it show high correlations with other measures that measure the same or related constructs
Discriminant Validity
Does the measure show lower correlations with other measures that have been demonstrated to measure a different construct or unrelated constructs
Content Validity
Do items of a measure adequately represent a broader class of feelings, thoughts or behaviours
Criterion Validity
Does the measure correlate with a separate criterion as is expected according to theory
A system in which some units are higher in order and therefore in control of the functions of other units
Those characteristics of the person that account for consistency patterns of experience and action
In personality theory, the concept that refers to the motivational aspects of personality
In personality theory, the concept that refers to the more enduring and stable aspects of personality
A collection of highly interconnected parts that function together; in the study of personality, distinct psychological mechanisms may function together as a system that produces the psychological phenomena of personality
Biologically based emotional and behavioural tendencies that are evident in early childhood
An enduring psychological characteristic of an individual; or a type of psychological construct that refers to such characteristics
A cluster of personality trait that may constitute a qualitatively distinct category of persons (personality type)
Units of analysis
A concept that refers to the basic variables of a theory; different personality theories invoke different types of variables, or different basic units of analysis, in conceptualizing personality structure
Demand characteristics
Cues that are implicit (hidden) in the experimental setting and influence the subjects behaviour
Response style
The tendency of some subjects to respond to test items in a consistent, patterned way that has to do with the form of the questions or answers rather than their content