which artery lies deep to bony area named pterion
middle meningeal artery
largest nasal sinus
what branch of vagus nerve supplies sensation above the vocal folds
internal laryngeal
what nerve is found in mandibular canal
inferior alveolar nerve
sublingual salivary gland rests on which muscle
what two skull bones form the roof of the oral cavity
maxilla and palatine
from what foramen does the motor component of facial nerve emerge
from what artery does superior thyroid artery originate
external carotid
the false vocal fold of the larynx is the lower margin of what structure
quadrangular membrane
what nerve provides sensory supply to oropharynx
the lymphatics of posterior tongue drain into which nodes
deep cervical
in what facial sheath is thyroid gland enclosed
what joint type is formed between parietal and squamous part of temporal
palatoglossus is innervated by what nerve
pharyngeal plexus
Name the 4 parasympathetic ganglion
Ciliary, pterygopalatine, submandibular, otic ganglia
The otic ganglion is suspended from which nerve
nerve to medial pterygoid
To what lymph node does the palatine tonsil drain
jugulodigastric node
Classification of TMJ joint
Atypical synovial condylar joint
Where is platysma located
deep to skin, within superficial fascial layer
Where is thyroid gland located
Posterior to sternothyroid and sternohyoid
Wraps around cricoid cartilage and tracheal rings
From which pharyngeal arch are muscles of mastication derived
What is general sensory innervation of oral cavity
Lingual nerve
The pterygoid process of what bone forms the posterior wall of pterygopalatine fossa
Where is pituitary gland located
base of brain, hypothalmus
Where is submandibular gland located
posterior of submandibular triangle
Innervation of submandibular gland?
chorda tympani via submandibular ganglion
What is the function of the hyoglossus
retrudes and depresses tongue
What is the function of the palatoglossus
maintains pataloglossal arch, elevates back of tongue
What is the function of the styloglossus
retrudes and elevates
What is the function of the genioglossus
Name the 4 types of tonsils
Palatine, Pharyngeal, Lingual, Tubal
What does carotid sheath supply
Fibrous connective tissue around neck
Vagus Nerve, Common carotid arteries, IJV, recurrent laryngeal nerve
What supplies tensor veli palatani
mandibular branch of trigeminal
What innervates muscles of palate
pharyngeal branch of vagus
Function of superior longitudinal?
shortens and widens and curls it upwards
Function of inferior longitudinal?
shortens and widens and curls it downwards
Function of transverse muscle?
elongates and narrows tongue
Function of vertical muscle?
flattens the tongue
Name 8 branches of external carotid artery
Superior thyroid
Ascending pharyngeal
Posterior auricular
Superficial temporal