MCP PANEL Flashcards
- Lateral -
- displays course set by selector
- Note - if you have different courses and freq on 2 VHF nav recievers it can cause diagreement between CAPT & FO F/D’s - affecting AP ops.
- sets course in the display for the related Nav receiver, AFDS and DU
- # 1 VHF nav
- capts course pointer and deviation bar
- # 2 VHF Nav
- FO course pointer and deviation bar
- in VOR/LOC or APP modes AP ‘A’ and Capt F/D use crs/nav data from #1 VHF Nav and the AP ‘B’ and FO’s F/D use crs/nav data from #2 VHF nav.
Master F/D Light (White)
- if a FD is ON - the light indicates which FCC is controlling the FD modes
Illuminated: related FCC is controlling FD (ie MASTER FCC)
Extinguished: FD modes are controlled by opposite FCC
Both Illuminated: each FCC is controlling modes for related FD (indicates INDEPENDENT FD operations)
- with both ON - the logic for both is controlled by the MASTER FCC and both FMAs display show the same mode status
Master FCC is determined by:
- if neither AP is has CMD selected - Master is first FD turned ON
- with one or more in CMD - Master is the first one to select CMD regardless of which FD switch was turned on first
- Important to know which FCC is in command:
- in VOR/LOC, the MA will tell you which nav receiver the FCC is tracking
- left FCC uses Capt ALT and baro the right vice versa
- left switch ON = Capt command bars
- right switch ON = FO command bars
- can use one at a time or both together
- can use with or without AP or AT
Switch ‘ON’.
- Flight
- if selected with the AP ON - it engages FD into current AP mode
- show ‘FD’ in the AP status display (if AP off or in CWS)
- shows command bars on related side (if CMD pitch/roll are engaged - will not show if CMD pitch/roll are NOT engaged)
- Ground -
- arms pitch and roll modes (TOGA) and HDG SEL (TOGA pushed)
Switch ‘OFF’.
- command bars retract from view
AT ARM Switch
Switch OFF.
- disengages AT and prevents AT engagement
Switch ARM. (green light)
- arms AT for engagement (magnetically)
- AT engages automatically when the following modes are engaged:
- TOGA (the GA mode is armed when descending below 2000’ RA)
- VS
- GS capture
AT Disengagement.
- will cause AT switch relase to ‘OFF’ and flashing RED AT disengage light
- switch to OFF
- AT disengage switch (on throttles)
- fault
- 2 seconds after touchdown
N1 Switch and Mode
Push (with light NOT illuminated).
- AT goes to N1 mode (if compatable with AFDS modes)
- Illuminates N1 switch
- N1 annunciation in autothrottle mode
Push (with light already illuminated).
- deselects N1 (light goes out)
- AT goes to ARM mode
N1 Mode.
- AT maintains thrust at the N1 limit selected from the FMC CDU
- Mode engaged manually or automatically
- push N1 switch (as long as compatible with AFDS mode)
- LVL CHG in Climb (except w/in 2.5 min after lift off - inhibited)
- VNAV climb
SPEED Switch and Mode
Push (when light is NOT illuminated).
- AT engages SPEED mode (if compatible with AFDS modes)
- illuminates switch
- [MCP SPD] displayed in AT mode
- maintains speed selected in MCP speed display
Push (when light is already illuminated).
- deselects SPEED mode (light out)
- sets AT back to [ARM] mode
- in speed mode - AT holds whats in speed display (or a performance or limit speed)
- engaged manually or automatically
- push the SPEED button (if compatible with AFDS modes)
- V/S engages
- G/S capture occurs
- AT will not set thrust ABOVE displayed N1 limit
- AT CAN exceed N1 value MANUALLY set by N1 Man Set Knob
IAS/MACH Display and Selector
- displays speed selected by selector
- the speed window closes when:
- AT in FMC SPD mode
- during 2 engine AFDS go-around
- displays 100 kts (when power is first applied)
- Range
- 100 - Vmo (1 kt increments)
- .60 M - Mmo (.01 M increments)
MCP Speed Condition Symbols
- Overspeed or underspeed shown when commanded speed cant be reached
- Underspeed Limiting (flashing A) - minimum speed
Overspeed Limiting (flashing 8) -
- Vmo or Mmo
- gear or flap limit
- rotate to select speed in display and positions airspeed cursor
- this speed is the reference speed for the AFDS and AT
- this selector is INOP when window is closed
C/O Switch & SPD INTV Switch
C/O Switch.
- Push - changes display between IAS and MACH
- automatically changes at approx FL260
SPD INTV Switch.
- Push (when VNAV is engaged).
- display shows selected speed then blanks
- when window is open FMC speed intervention active
- FMC target speed is shown and now you can use the speed selector to set desire speed
- when window is closed - FMC target speed is active and shown on the airspeed indicator.
VNAV Switch and Mode
VNAV Switch.
- Push -
- switch illuminates
Pitch Mode:
- VNAV SPD - or -
AT Mode:
- N1
- Speed window closes (airspeed cursor to FMC target speed)
VNAV Mode.
- FMC commands AFDS (pitch) and AT (vertical profile)
- AT holds FMC thrust limit (AT Mode)
- AFDS hold FMC target speed (Pitch Mode)
- Level Off - automatic at either MCP alt or VNAV alt (whichever first)
- VNAV PTH (VNAV constrained Alt)
- AT holds FMC target speed (AT Mode)
- AFDS holds FMC altitude (Pitch Mode)
- if you select a lower MCP altitude - it arms the FMC to automatcially begin descent at FMC TOD point
- AT hold IDLE (AT mode)
- AFDS holds FMC target speed (Pitch)
- AT holds IDLE (but can command FMC SPD mode if ground speed to low for FMC vertical path)
- AFDS tracks FMC descent path
Level Off - MCP or VNAV alt (whichever first)
- VNAV contrained alt annunciates VNAV PTH
- VNAV mode is inhibited below 400’ RA or if performance initialization not complete
- another pitch mode selected
- G/S capture or transition of GS intercept waypoint if GS armed (can be re-engaged for the waypoint)
- end of LNAV route
- xtrk deviation > 2x RNP value during PTH descent (active leg) that has a database vertical angle and LNAV NOT engaged.
- when pitch mode changes from VNAV SPD to ALT ACQ (intermediate level off) the AT will target an IAS (not Mach # - even at alt > C/O alt). If climb is resumed (LVL CHG or V/S) the airspeed window opens at the target IAS which may result in an overspeed.
LVL CHG Switch and Mode
LVL CHG Switch.
- Push -
- light illuminates
AT mode: (window and cursor display tgt speed)
- N1
- Retard (then ARM)
Pitch Mode:
- MCP SPD (for both climb and descent)
- coordinates Pitch and Thrust commands
- inhibited after G/S capture
- Climbs and Descents are initiated by:
- select new altitude
- push LVL CHG
- set desired airspeed
- Climb.
- AT holds limit thrust
- AFDS holds selected airspeed
- Descent.
- AT hold IDLE
- AFDS holds selected airspeed
Airspeed Considerations.
- if a speed mode is active when LVL CHG is engaged - this speed is retained as the target speed
- if speed mode is NOT active the existing speed BECOMES the target speed
- speed can be changed with the selector
HDG Selector / Display / Bank Angle / Switch
- displays selected heading
- Rotate - sets HDG in display and positions bugs on the DU’s
Bank Angle Selector.
- Rotate -
- sets max bank angle for AFDS (HDG SEL or VOR modes only)
- angles - 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 degrees available
HDG SEL Switch.
Push -
- engages HDG SEL command mode (roll to follow selected hdg)
- FMA Mode: shows HDG SEL (lateral mode) and illuminates switch
- first selection of this commands airplane to turn in shortest direction to bug
- on all subsequent selections - airplane turns in same direction as rotation of the knob
- automatic after capturing a selected course in either VOR/LOC or APPR modes (ie with VOR/LOC armed)
LNAV Switch and Mode
LNAV Switch.
- Push -
- commands AFDS roll to intercept and track active FMC route
- LNAV in FMA lateral mode (switch light comes on)
LNAV Mode.
- FMC controls roll to intercept and track active route
- Arming Criteria:
- departure rwy in the flt plan
- active route in FMC
- first leg - w/in 5 degrees or rwy hdg
- LNAV selected prior to TOGA
- guidance begins at 50’ agl
Inflight (engagement)
- active route in FMC
- if you are w/in 3 miles of the active route - LNAV will engage on any hdg
- if you are beyond 3 miles of the active route you must be on an intercept course (90 deg or less) and you need to intercept the route segment BEFORE the active waypoint
LNAV Disconnect. (automatically)
- end of active route
- route discontinutiy
- intercepting a selected approach course (VOR/LOC or APP mode i.e. arm)
- manually selecting HDG SEL
- loss of capture criteria
VOR/LOC Switch and Mode
VOR/LOC Switch.
- Push -
- AFDS roll to capture and track selected VOR or LOC course
- switch light illuminates and you see VOR/LOC in white armed mode on the FMA
- pushing switch sets either VOR or LOC depending on the freq input
- LOC mode tracks INBD FRONT CRS bearing
- intercepting the selected course can be in any of these modes.
- CWS R (if an AP is engaged in CMD)
- capture point depends on intercept angle and closure rate
- LOC capture occurs NLT @ 1/2 dot
- When VOR or LOC modes are engaged:
- AP ‘A’ and Capts FD use info from Capt course selector and NAV 1
- AP ‘B’ and FO’s FD use info FOs course selector and NAV 2
- Note - if you have 2 different freq (or courses) for 2 different radios, it can cause disagreement between Capt & FO’s FD displays and can affect AP operation
- LOC BC tracking is NOT available
APP Switch and Mode
APP Switch.
Push -
- illuminates switch
- ARMS the AFDS for localizer and GS capture
- Roll Mode: VOR/LOC armed
- Pitch Mode: G/S armed
- enables engagement of BOTH autopilots
APP Mode.
- can be engaged for dual or single autopilot operation
- one NAV receiver must be tune to an ILS before APP mode can be engaged
- with 1 receiver tuned the ONSIDE AFDS is enabled for guidance and operation
- both NAV radios must be tuned to an ILS - and -
- both AP’s must be in CMD BEFORE 800’ RA
App Mode Operation.
- localizer MUST be captured before GS
- LOC can be intercepted in HDG SEL, LNAV or CWS R
[SINGLE CH] annunciated in AP status display after localizer capture
- if you choose to do single AP - it will remain
- For a Dual AP approach - SINGLE CH extinguishes when:
- 2nd AP engages
- [FLARE ARMED] is annunciated
- GS capture at 2/5 dots BELOW
- APP switch light extinguishes AFTER LOC/GS capture
Disengagement of APP mode. (After LOC/GS capture)
- push TOGA
- disengage AP and turning off both FD
- retune NAV receiver
- AP ‘A’ and Capts FD use info from Capt course selector and NAV 1
- AP ‘B’ and FO’s FD use info FOs course selector and NAV 2
- Note - if you have 2 different freq (or courses) for 2 different radios, it can cause disagreement between Capt & FO’s FD displays and can affect AP operation
- Note - During a DUAL AP approach and after FLARE ARM, any attempted manual override of the AP will disconnect the AP
Altitude Display.
- displays selected altitude
- displayed alt is reference for ALT ALERTING and auto leve-offs
- displays previously selected ALT when power first applied
Altitude Selector.
- Rotate -
- sets altitude in display
- arms V/S mode (if in ALT HOLD at selected altitude)
ALT HLD Switch and Mode
ALT HLD Switch.
Push -
- engages ALT HLD
- illuminates switch
- shows [ALT HOLD] in pitch mode
- commands pitch to hold UNCORRECTED baro alt at the alt switch was pressed
- commands pitch to hold either:
MCP selected altitude
- pitch mode is in [ALT HOLD] and switch light EXTINGUISHES
- Uncorrected Baro Alt at which the ALT HLD switch was pressed (if you are not currently at the MCP selected altitude)
- pitch mode shows [ALT HOLD] and light ILLUMINATES
MCP selected altitude
- when in ALT HOLD at selected MCP altitude:
- selecting new altitude:
- illuminates switch
- arms V/S mode
- selecting new altitude:
- LVL CHG, V/S and VNAV climbs and descents are inhibited until a new altitude is selected.
- ALT HLD mode is inhibited AFTER G/S capture
- after ALT HLD engaged - changes in altimeter barometric settings do not change the selected altitude reference.
MCP Altitude is referenced to:
- for AP ‘A’ and Capt FD - Capt’s Baro Altimeter
- for AP ‘B’ and FO FD - FO baro altimeter
- allows manual deletion of NEXT FMC altitude constraint
- Push -
- lowest FMC alt constraint BELOW the selected MCP alt is deleted
- if AT an alt constraint - deletion allow airplane to resume climb (MCP alt must be set above current alt for each switch press
- if MCP alt is set ABOVE current FMC alt, FMC cruise alt resets to MCP altitude (FMC cruise alt can NOT be DECREASED using this switch)
- if MCP alt is set above current FMC cruise alt, FMC resets cruise alt to MCP alt and initiates a cruise climb
- if MCP alt is set BELOW current FMC cruise alt, an EARLY DESCENT is initiated (a lower FMC cruise alt can NOT be entered using this switch)
- the HIGHEST FMC alt constraint ABOVE MCP alt is deleted
- if AT an altitude constraint, deletion allows airplane to continue descent (MCP alt must be set BELOW current altitude)
- if all FMC alt constraints are deleted during VNAV PTH descent - it will automatically transition to a VNAV SPD descent
VERT SPEED Display and Thumbwheel
- closes - when VS mode not active
- shows current VS when VS mode engaged with VS switch
- shows selected VS when VS is set with the thumbwheel
- Range is: -7900 fpm to +6000 fpm
- Increments:
- 50 fpm (if VS less than 1000 fpm)
- 100 fpm (if VS is 1000 fpm or greater)
- Rotate - DN.
- sets vertical speed in display
- increases rate of descent OR reduces rate of ascent
- Rotate - Up.
- sets vertical speed in display
- increases rate of ascent OR reduces rate of descent
V/S Switch and Mode
- Push -
- either arms or engages VS
- Pitch: commands VS (shows V/S on FMA)
- AT: commands speed mode
- illuminates switch
- commands the AT to hold SPEED mode to hold selected airspeed
- VS has both armed and engaged state
- Pitch Mode: V/S
- vertical speed display goes from blank screen to current vert speed
- desired vertical speed can be selected via the thumbwheel
V/S becomes ARMED when:
- Pitch Mode: ALT HLD (at MCP selected alt) - and -
- new MCP altitude selected (> 100’ from current alt)
- with V/S armed you can engaged VS by moving thumbwheel
- VS automatically engages if:
- ALT ACQ engaged - and -
- new MCP alt is selected (> 100’ from previous selection)
- VS inhibited if:
- ALT HOLD active (at selected MCP alt)
- GS captured in APP mode
Push -
- engages AP (CMD in AP status display)
- enables ALL command modes
enables CWS operation
- engages if either pitch or roll mode NOT selected or DESELECTED
- when engaged CWS shows CWS P or CWS R in AP status display and the pitch and roll displays of the FMA are BLANK
- in CWS P - when approaching selected altitude - pitch mode engages in ALT ACQ followed by ALT HOLD
- in CWS R - when approaching selected course in VOR/LOC or APP modes armed, VOR/LOC engages when course is intercepted
- if you push the other CMD engage switch while first is still engaged it will engage the other AP and disengage the first (as long as you are not in app mode)
- some versions allow you to manually override pitch and roll with control column force
- if in dual ap approach - after FLARE ARM - any attempted manual override will result in AP disconnect
- if you manually override the AP in pitch while in ALT HOLD and if you are within 250’ of that altitude - AP will engage in ALT ACQ and return you to that altitude (YK634)
- During FD only operation - while pitch and roll commands are more than 1/2 scale from center - if you push CMD A or B - it will engage AP in CWS for P or R and the FD bars retract.
CWS ENGAGE Switch (A or B)
Push -
- engages AP (CWS P and CWS R in AP status display - not CMD)
- engages pitch and roll modes in CWS (other pitch and roll modes are NOT enabled)
- AP pitch and roll controlled by pilot (control wheel pressure)
- when pressure released, AP holds existing ATTITUDE
- if aileron pressure released (6 degrees or less bank) the AP rolls wings level and holds existing hdg
- HDG HOLD feature Inhibited:
- below 1500’ RA (gear down)
- after LOC capture (in APP mode)
- after VOR capture (TAS 250 kts or less)
FD’s -
- if ON:
- display guidance commands - shows FD in AP status display
- AP does NOT follow commands while in CWS
- if ON:
Pull Down -
- exposes yellow background
- disengages both AP
- prevents AP engagement
Lift Up -
- conceals yellow background
- enables AP engagement