MCP Flashcards
mutations in genes encoding sterolin 1 and 2 transporters→decreased pumping of phytosterols back to intestine→imparied ability of liver to excrete phytosterols into bile→increased phytosteroil in blood and tissues
synthesis of cholesterol
- in all cells except RBCs
- Actyl CoA→HMG CoA
- HMG CoA→mevalonate by cytosolic HMC CoA reductase (rate limiting step)
- mevalonate (6C) to cholesterol through series of phosphorylations via 5C, 10C, 30C intermediates
what are the ways in which HMG CoA reductase is regulated?
- transcriptional regulation: cholesterol binds SCAP and sequesters complex in ER→decreased enzyme
- post translational regulation: enzyme triggers it ubiquitination
- direct regulation: de/phosphorylation
- hormonal regulation: insulin and thyroxin upregulate, glucagon and glucocorticoids downregulate
structural analogs of HMG that competitively inhibit HMG CoA reductase→lower plasma levels of cholesterol
bile acids vs. bile salts
- salts (deprotonated)
- acids (protonated); conjugated to glycine or taurine before leaving liver (increases amphipathic nature/better detergent)
- in 1:1 ratio in duodenum because their pKa=pH=6
what is the rate-limiting step of bile acid synthesis?
- addition of hydroxyl group at C7 of cholesterol→7-a-hydroxycholesterol
- (downregulated by bile acids)
what is the importance of dual secretion process whereby movement of cholesterol into bile is accompanied by bile salt and phospholipid secretion?
if dual secretion process is disrupted, cholesterol cannot be sufficiently solubilizated by bile salts and phospholipids→precipitation of cholesterol and formation of gallstones
structure of lipoproteins
- inner hydrophobic core of TAG and cholesterol esters
- shell of amphipathic phospholipids, includes unesterified cholesterol and apolipoproteins
chylomicron metabolism
small intestine with ApoB48→ApoCII and ApoE from HDL→lipoprotein lipase cleaves it into FA and glycerol→ApoCII is returned to HDL→chylomicron remnant binds through ApoE to liver and is endocytosed
VLDL metabolism
liver→nascent particles with ApoB100→ApoCII and ApoE from HDL→cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP) exchanges TAGs from VLDL to HDL in return for cholesterol esters→TAG degraded by LPL→VLDL convered to LDL in blood with IDL (VDLD remnants)→ApoCII and ApoE returned to HDL
- serves as circulating supplier of ApoCII and ApoE
reverse cholesterol transport: efflux of cholesterol from peripheral tissue to HDL, esterification by LCAT, binding of cholesterol ester rich HDL2 to liver transfer of cholester ester to hepaocytes
- high HDL is protective against atherosclerotic plaques because of this activity
how does LDL receptor assist cellular uptake of blood lipoproteins?
translation is coordinately regulated with HMG CoA reductase expression by supply level of cholesterol; has 6 regions:
- LDL binding
- where pH dependent conformational change occurs
- 3&4. make receptor accessible for LDL
- single pass through bilayer
- associates with clathrin, initiates endocytosis when LDL is bound
what is the role of lipoproteins in CVDs?
macrophages have scavenger receptors that endocytose oxidative damaged LDL, become foam cells→recruit cytokines→migrate smooth muscle from media to intima where they proliferate and secrete plaque matrix that thin fibrous cap until rupture and expose contents to procoagulants→thrombus
- high LDL correlates with increased likelyhood of artherosclerotic plaques
what is the rate limiting step in steroid hormone formation?
conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone by cholesterol desmolase (located on IMM)
congenital adrenal hyperplasias
deficiencies in enzymes of steroid synthesis→build up of substrates/diminished products
3-ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency
- reduction in all steroid hormones
- increased salt excretion
- female-like genitalia
- increased ACTH
17-a-hydroxylase deficiency
- no cortisol or sex hormones
- increased aldosterone synthesis→hypertension, hypokalemia
- female-like genitalia
- increased ACTH
21-ß-hydroxylase deficiency
- most common form of CAH
- no mineralocorticoids or glucocorticoids
- overproduction of androgens→virilization
- increased ACTH
11-ß-1 hydroxylase deficiency
- no cortisol, aldosterone, or corticosteroid
- overproduction of androgen→virilization
- increased deoxycorticosterone→fluid retension
what is the mechanism of action and the effects of aldosterone?
- increased blood pressure
- angiotensinogen is cleaved by renin in liver→angiotensin I which is cleaved by ACE→angiotensin II→adrenal cortex (zona glomerulosa)→aldosterone→GPCR→IP3/DAG
what is the mechanism of release and action of the sex hormones?
- required for sexual differentiation and reproduction
- GrH→ant. pituitary→LH and FSH→GPCR→PKA/cAMP
- LH: testosterone, estrogens and progesterones
androstenedione→testosterone→estrogens using aromatase
- aromatase inhibitors: treatment for hormone positive breast cancer in post menopausal women
how do steroid hormones work?
diffuse through plasma membrane→nucleus and dimerizes→ligand-receptor complex bind co-activators/repressors→binds hormone response elements (HRE) in DNA→increase/decrease transcription
- HRE is in promoter region or enhancer element to ensure coordinated regulation
- associates with DNA via zinc finger
vitamin Ds
- group of sterols that regulate plasma Ca2+ and phosphate in a stimularprocess as steroid hormones
active form is 1,25diOH-D3 (calcitrol)
- exogenous from diet or endogenous from intermediate in cholesterol pathway, requires light
- 1-hydroxylase is extensively regulated: low phosphate/Ca2+ increases; calcitrol decreases
how does vitamin D stimulate intestinal absorption of Ca2+?
VDR complex→nucleus and forms heterodimer with retinoid-X-receptor→binds co-activator proteins→recognizes VDRE
how does plasma Ca2+ moderate vitamin D levels?
- low Ca2+→elevation of calcitriol and PTH→increase in Ca absorption, bone resorption, and inhibition of Ca secretion
- high Ca2+→lower PTH→conversion from calcitriol to inactive D→elevated expression of calcitonin→inhibits bone resorption, enhances Ca excretion
how is ethanol detoxified in the liver?
ethanol→acetate and NADH in cytosol
- uses ADH
acetaldehyde→acetate in mitochondria
- uses ALDH2
- acetaldahyde damages liver and other organs→flushing, nausea, vomiting, distaste for alcohol
- ALDH inhibitors for alcoholism
microsomal ethanol oxidizing system (MEOS)
- high blood alcohol leads to induction of MEOS
- comprised of ER cytochrome P450 enzymes (esp. CYP2E1) which has a higher Km for ethanol than ADH
- increases enthanol clearance from blood but produces acetaldehyde faster than ALDH can metabolize it→liver damage and ROS
acute effects of ethanol ingestion
due to elevated NADH/NAD+ ratio
- inhibtion of FA oxidation
- hyperlipidemia
- ketogenesis
- inhibition of gluconeogenesis
- lactic acidosis
chronic effects of ethanol ingestion
due to acetaldehyde and ROS production
- hepatic steatosis
- hepatitis
- fibrosis→sclerosis→cirrhosis
hepatic cirrhosis
irreversible damage to liver; initial hepatomegaly (full of fat and crossed with collagen dibers) but shinks as liver loses function
importance of vitamin A
- visual cycle
- deficiency: night blindness→zerophthalmia
importance of vitamin K
- localization of enzymes required for blood clotting
- deficiency: easy bruising, bleeding, hemorrhage
- affects: newborns without microbes to make K and long-term antibiotic use
importance of vitamin E
- antioxidant, protects membrane and LCL from oxidative damage
- deficiency: CVD, neurological symptoms
- affects: severe prolongued defects in absorption (e.g., celiac disease)
importance of vitamin C
- cofactor for collagen formation, required for steroid synthesis in stress response, aids in iron absorption
- deficiency: scurvy (decreased wound healing, osteoporosis, corkscrew hairs and pinpoint hemorrhages)