MCAT Psychology (Princeton) Flashcards
Experimental Design
a technical term for a specific type of research
Independent variable
variable manipulated by the research team
Dependent variable
variable that is measured.
other researchers may want to verify the results or adapt some aspect of the experiment
Operational definition
a specification of precisely what they mean by each variable.
Experimental group
group of participants that receive the treatment
Control Group
group of participants that act as a point of reference and comparison
A control group must be ____________.
same throughout, and as similar as possible to the experimental group except for the variable of interest - the treatment
Extraneous (or confounding) variables
variables other than the treatment that could potentially explain an experimental result.
Placebo Effect
the well-known fact that just believing the treatment is being administered can lead to a measurable result.
Double Blind
neither the person administering treatment nor the participants truly know if they are assigned to the treatment or control groups.
sampling bias
not equally likely for all members of a population to be sampled.
a big picture analysis of many studies to look for trends in the data.
participants dropping out of the study. If the reason that participants are dropping out is non-random, this might introduce an extraneous variable.
Randomized block technique
researchers evaluate where participants fall along the variables they wish to equalize across experimental and control groups. Then they randomly assign individuals from these groups so that the treatment and control groups are similar along the variables of interest.
construct validity
measure what they’re supposed to
study of how to measure psychological variables through testing