MBE and NY Distinctions (Con Law) Flashcards
Substantive Due Process:
Pre-Viability Abortion Rights
& the Undue Burden Test
1st Amendment:
Freedom of Association
& Political Parties/Elections
Equal Protection:
Gender Discrimination Chart
Substantive Due Process: Right to Travel
& Residency Requirements
First Amendment: Freedom of Association (Fundamental)
What is required for gov’t to prohibit group membership?
Regulate private discrimination?
First Amendment:
Establishment Clause
What are the 3 elements
of the Lemon test?
First Amendment:
Regulation of Locations
for Dissemination of Speech
First Amendment:
Free Exercise Clause
What kind of law is immune
to challenge under the
Free Exercise Clause?
Free Exercise Clause Cannot Be Used to Challenge A Neutral Law of General Applicability
Neutral: not motivated by religious animus
General Applicability: applies to everyone, not just religious entity
State has initial burden to prove (a) neutral and (b) general applicability, then RB (or if state doesn’t prove, then SS).
E.g. gov’t cannot deny benefits to people who quit their jobs for religious reasons.
It doesn’t matter how much a neutral law
of general applicability burdens religion,
it is only subject to rational basis review.
First Amendment: Unprotected & Less Protected Speech
Incitement of Illegal Activity: speech directed to and substantially likely to cause imminent illegality
Sexually-Oriented Speech (1) prurient interest, (2) patently offensive, (3) no artistic, literary, political or scientific value
Obscenity: generally protected. 2 Exceptions: free, over-the-air broadcast media (intrusive, kids); Schools
Commercial Speech: must meet I.S. (narrowly tailored but not least restrictive) (Central Hudson)
False/Deceptive Ads: unprotected; true commercial speech capable of deception (professional trade names, in-person attny solicitation, NOT accountant)
Privacy-Related Speech: govt may limit its dissemination of info to protect privacy, can’t punish truthful broadcast of private info, IF media didn’t participate in illegality.
Defamation: depends on ID of Π (public official/figure vs. private figure).
First Amendment:
Sexually Oriented Speech
What is the test for
sexually-oriented speech?
Test to ID Sexually-Oriented Speech: (1) prurient interest, (2) patently offensive, (3) as a whole, lacks serious artistic, literary, political, or scientific value
Zoning Ordinances OK if Some Channel is Allowed
Child Porn = always obscene
Can’t punish private possession, except child porn
May seize assets of businesses violating obscenity laws (7 obscene items = OK to destroy $9 million)
First Amendment:
Symbolic Speech
When is symbolic speech protected? What is the test for regulation of symbolic speech?
First Amendment:
Defamation Liability Chart
First Amendment:
Content-Based vs.
Content-Neutral Restrictions
Content-Based Restrictions à S.S.
Subject matter restrictions (S/M)) Viewpoint restrictions (V/P)
Content Neutral Restrictions à I.S.
Applies to all speech regardless of content/viewpoint (parade in city park)
First Amendment:
Vagueness and Overbreadth
When is a law unconstitutionally overbroad or unconstitutionally vague?
Vagueness and Overbreadth
Vagueness: reasonable person cannot tell what speech is prohibited and what is allowed
E.g. “any book that corrupts morals of youth”
Overbroad: regulates substantially more speech than the constitution allows to be regulated
E.g. “all live entertainment”
Fighting words laws are always
unconstitutionally vague and overbroad.
Equal Protection: Fundamental Rights Under EP
What fundamental rights are protected by the EP Clause rather than the DP Clause?
Right to Travel
Laws that prevent people from traveling state-to-state must meet S.S.
Durational Residency Requirements: S.S. (max of 50 days for voting)
BUT foreign travel, ONLY R.B.
Right to Vote
Laws that deny some citizens: S.S. (poll taxes)
Property ownership except water dist. elect.
One-person-one-vote: same # in each district
At-Large OK: unless discriminatory purpose
Race in drawing district lines: S.S.
Counting uncounted votes w/o stds.: Fail S.S.
First Amendment:
Prior Restraints
Substantive Due Process: Privacy
Chart on Scrutiny Levels for Various Privacy Rights