MBA (T840) Final Exam Prep Flashcards

Juran’s breakthrough sequence
- breakthrough in attitudes - management climate
- identify vital projects - by Pareto analysis
- Organise knowledge breakthrough - steering and diagnostic groups
- conduct analysis - by diagnostic group
- overcome resistance to change - participation is key
- institute change - training essential
- institute control - formal follow-up
Process Word (Contrast)
Set in opposition in order to bring out the differences - you may also note that there are similarities.

Project definition

Process Word (Summarise)
give a clear, short description, explanation or account, presenting the chief factors and omitting minor details and examples - see also outline.
Handling Operational Improvement
- Operational Improvement enhances the performance of a system thereby tightening its operational limits.
The Deming-Shewart approach has four steps.
1 Plan. This involves deciding on the changes that might be desirable,
evaluating the data that are available, considering whether new
observations are needed and deciding how to use the observations.
2 Do. Undertake the change that has been decided upon, preferably in
a small experimental way.
3 Check. Observe the effects of the change or the experiment. Study the
results, decide what has been learnt and what can be predicted.
4 Act. Put the change into effect.

What are the external market factors of an integrative approach?
- Product features:
- Primary - basic purpose
- Secondary - distinguishing features
- Tertiary - discovered after purchase
- Grade - tightness of specification and degree to which specification is met.
- Availability - time between decision to purchase and acquisition
- Price:
- Purchase price
- In-use price
- Disposal cost
- Response time - time to develop a new product
- Sales/General competence
All these features can be represented in a polar graph

Innovation and Technical Change (II)
- Invention begins with a new basic set of ideas
- Innovations are based on inventions but are designed for commercial exploitation
- Innovation is a social activity and for a company to be successful at it, it must be a learning organisation
- Two drivers for innovation
- Market push
- Market pull
- Legislation can be a powerful way of generating market pull
Revolutionary Innovation - new technology, new markets
Radical Innovation - new technology, existing markets
Market Niche - existing technology, new markets
Regular Innovation - existing technology, existing markets
Different industries have different combinations of technical and market complexity

Robust Design
Design is ‘robust’ if it has enough design flexibility to evolve to satisfy changing needs.
A robust design provides a platform for subsequent product derivatives. Conversely, a ‘lean’ design may satisfy current requirements but will be difficult to develop.
Design that simplifies the manufacturing process can reduce costs significantly.
Process Word (Assess)
Determine the value of, weight up - see also Evaluate
What are the three phases in the lifespan of an industry?
The Abernathy-Utterback model distinguishes the following three phases:
- Fluid phase - level of innovation high. Product continually modified to meet needs of users
- Transitional phase - design established. Emphasis shifts to process innovation
- Specific phase - incremental process innovation
Product innovation and process innovation are linked, with the former leading the latter.
Integrating frameworks notes
There is no single best way of managing. This theory has been replaced by the contingency theory of innovation management i.e. the best way to manage ‘all
depends’ on various factors.
• Science can be incremental in nature where it follows the theory-hypothesis-experiment route (normal science), or it can be radical where a paradigm shift occurs (revolutionary science).
• Different stakeholders are likely to have differing views regarding innovation in an organization.
• Investors require a greater return as a reward for taking on more risk. Therefore, a portfolio of projects must earn a risk-adjusted rate of return.
• We can construct a 3-dimensional matrix to assess 3 types of risk in relation to projects:
– Uncertainty over output
– Uncertainty over transformation process
– Uncertainty about administration and control
• Defensive companies will undertake projects that are at the low end of the above dimensions. Aggressive companies will target the high end.
• One way of reducing risk is to restrict innovation to one of the above dimensions at a time.
Process Word (Compare)
Look for and show the similarities and differences between examples, perhaps reach a conclusion about which is preferable and justify this.
Important factors in R&D activities
Rothwell and Zegveld identify three important factors:
- Technology explosion
- Shortening of the technology cycle
- Globalisation of technology
Tools and techniques for implementing programmes of incremental innovation
- Product mapping
- Quality Function deployment
- Experience curves
- Continuous Improvement - Kaizen
- Robust design
Features of radical innovation vs incremental innovation
*Attributes associated with radical innovation are not negatve

Process Word (Criticise)
Make a judgement backed by a reasoned discussion of the evidence involved, describe the merit of theories or opinions or the truth of assertions.
What is Technology Management?
A field that links engineering, science and management disciplines to plan, develop and implement technological capabilities to shape and accomplish the strategic and operational objectives of an organization.
Improving the effectiveness of an organisation by operating, improving and integrating existing systems and by introducing innovation (B1, p.33)
Ford TOPS(8D) approach to problem solving
Block 1
Team Approach
Describe Problem
Implement Interium Actions
Define Root Cause
Choose Perm Actions
Implement Perm Actions
Operations, Strategy and Mission
- The value of a misson statement is that it should be intended for both internal and external audiences. Also, a good mission statement includes the things that won’t be done, as well as those that will
- Looking top-down, the mission is pre-eminent; the strategy and operations serve the mission. Strategic management sets longer term goals while operational management is concerned with the here and now. There may be a middle ground occupied by tactical management.
Product Cycles
Block 2
2 curved hills on graph
First - Product
Second - Process
Process Word (Justify)
give reasons for a point of view, decisions or conclusions, and mention any main objections or arguments against.
- sort of a monopoly of the technology
- product is launched into the market before the competition
- significant R&D activity and substancial marketing resources