Maydays, Urgents, and MID Flashcards
Ensure wording is correct and make sure you address properly
What are an IC’s initial actions upon receipt of a Mayday or Urgent transmission?
- Pause Momentarily to Obtain radio ID using BC radio or FAST Radio. This should be verified by EFAS monitor
- Gain Control of HT frequency directing all non-essential traffic to cease
When ever possible a Chief Officer shall be assigned
to supervise the rescue effort. What shall this Chief consider?
- Progress of units fighting fire
- Maintain control of rescue effort, assure members not involved in rescue remain clear of area **
- Need for Engine company for CFR or hardline protection of FAST
- Need for specialized equipment
- Tactics that could help mitigate conditions
- Location of EMS resources
**Mentioned in MD Report
When assigning the FAST Unit what should be determined first?
- Identity
- Assignment
- Last known location of member
If unable to contact member and/or location is unknown consider what three procedures?
- Emergency Alert Tone
- Feedback Assisted Rescue
- Conduct a team search with search rope
If the FAST Team is put to work before “Under Control” what actions must follow
- DC notify Boro or Command Chief immediately after incident is “Under Control”
- IC who ordered the FAST unit put to work shall forward detailed report of such work via chain of command to Chief of Operations.
* *Also should be requesting replacement FAST unit
Mayday Urgent situations random points
- When Possible press the Emergency Alert Button
- Upon resolution of Mayday/Urgent make transmission that situation is resolved
- Consider use of Mayday Checklist
- When the EAB is activated some situations will call for deactivating so as not to continue beacon, EM flag with transmissions or 5 watt transmission
- An officer or safety team member upon hearing Emergency Alert Tone followed by a “Mayday” or “Urgent” and realizing it is not acknowledged by the IC must:
1. Acknowledge and ascertain nature
2. Promptly relay info to IC
Mayday for Collapse Imminent
wording and IC action
“MAYDAY-Collapse Imminent
- Location of imminent collapse
- Their Location
IC: Command to all units “Mayday, Get out of building , get out of building” repeat as often as necessary
IC ensure Roll Call is conducted immediately
Mayday for Structural Collapse Has Occurred
wording and IC actions
“MAYDAY-Collapse has occurred”
- Location and extent of collapse
- Number and nature of injuries
- If anyone is trapped
IC shall immediately assign specific units to assist at the location of collapse and simultaneously ensure a roll call is conducted
Mayday for Unconscious or life threatening
wording and IC actions
“MAYDAY- Unconscious member or Injured Member”
- Location
- Unit and ID of member
- Nature and extent of injuries, if known
- Resources needed
* *LUNR**
IC shall assign specific units to assist with injured member
Mayday for Missing Member
wording and IC actions
“MAYDAY-Missing Member”
- Last known Location or reference point
- Unit the member is working in that tour
- Name of affected member
- Assignment
* *LUNA**
IC shall assign specific units to conduct search
contact units on scene by HT to attempt to locate the missing member-only positive responses to be given
When a member locates a missing member what is there communication
When a member locates a missing member they shall press EAB then
MAYDAY Missing member located
- Location
- ID of member to determine if missing member
- Imminent conditions
- Resources needed
Mayday for Lost or Trapped member
wording, actions and IC actions
“MAYDAY-Member trapped or Member Lost”
1. Location if known or recognizable reference point
2. ID and number of members involved
3. Imminent conditions
Member shall not activate their PASS until all vital info given to IC
IC Shall immediately assign specific units to address
When a member located trapped or lost member what is communication
MAYDAY-Missing trapped or lost member located”
- ID of member
- Location
- Imminent conditions
- Resources needed
Urgent is used to indicate that a member has suffered a serious injury (not life threatening) or serious change in conditions. IF possible member shall press EAB button
These are not absolutes like the MAYDAYS Urgent cards are examples of situations
Urgent for a non life threatening injury
Wording and IC action
URGENT-Injured Member 1. Location 2. Unit and ID of injured member 3. Nature and extent of injuries 4. Resources needed **LUNR** IC shall assign specific unit
Urgent 10-70
Urgent- 10-70
provide specific information to assist the IC ie. dead hydrant, low water pressure relay needed
URGENT required to be transmitted to dispatch
IC must announce when positive water supply attained on HT and to Dispatch
Urgent Interior Attack Discontinued
URGENT-URGENT-URGENT, Command to all units, URGENT-all units-URGENT, back out, back out
IC shall immediately contact each unit individually by HT to confirm receipt of message.
IC shall ensure a roll call is conducted immediately and all members are accounted for.
Urgent Danger of Collapse
Wording and IC action
URGENT-Collapse Feared
- Location
- Condition discovered
Urgent Fire Entering Exposure
Wording and IC action
URGENT-Fire Extending
- Location
- Nature of Extension
IC assign specific units to address situation
Urgent Loss of Water
URGENT-Water Loss
- Nature of problem
- ID of units with lines affected
IC shall contact by HT units affected by water loss and units operating above to ensure they are aware
IF necessary IC shall back units out of exposed areas, assign specific units to assist in removal of units and conduct a roll call.
Urgent can be transmitted anytime a change in conditions will severely impact operations or the safety of members. Wording and IC action
- Nature of Problem
- Location
- Members/Units affected
IC shall determine actions
Urgent for IC to take command of HT Network.
“URGENT-URGENT-URGENT Command to all units-URGENT- all HT transmission are to cease”
IC when using EAB to gain control after transmission deactivate EAB.
Emergency Alert Tone Assisted Rescue procedure after determining that a member is missing, lost or trapped
Announce over HT that “Emergency Alert Tone Assisted Rescue” is to be implemented:
1. Designate a new primary TACTICAL CHANNEL
2.All members change to new channel except member producing tone
3. Designated member should be located in remote area
4. EAB is pressed every few seconds then pause allowing for response from missing, lost or trapped member
5. When a definite location of member has been determined the EAT should be discontinued.
Use of HT Ch 16.
IC Shall consider having the FAST Group switch to HT-16 PRIOR to the arrival fo the 10-66 Units
Who will be on ch 16.
FAST Group Supervisor (aide on HT-1)
FF Removal Officer (RESCUE BATTALION) (aide on HT-!)
FF Locator Officer (BC) (aide on HT-1)
FAST UNIT (FF assigned the FAST Radio on HT-1)
Units assigned to the FAST Group.
(MMID Ch5 Add1)
**2 members of FAST group will be designated to monitor the Primary Tactical Channel and the Command Channel to monitor for other developing situations. (MMID Ch5)
When the FAST Unit is put to work for MID.
- Notify Dispatch immediately that FAST Unit is being put to work, request a replacement unit (establish safety team)
- Transmit 10-66 if necessary
- Announce over HT that FAST unit has been assigned to address situation and all other units shall continue with present assignments
When a member locates a distressed member IC shall obtain:
- Fire Situation
- Air Status of member
- ID of member
- Injuries
- Location
- Route to location
- Resources needed
FAST Group IC can consider using units already in an area or sector where member is reported missing. What must be taken into account when assigning units
- Location of fire
- Severity of fire
- likely spread of fire
On Transmission of 10-66 an additional FAST unit will be assigned what must the IC do until that unit arrives
Assign a temporary FAST unit, announce it to dispatch the identity ensure they are not assigned to the ongoing rescue effort except as specifically assigned by the IC.
FAST Group supervisor can be any available chief on scene. The logical choice is immediate sector supervisor. If a Chief is not available who may be assigned temporary FAST Group supervisor.
SOC Unit Officer.
IF sector chief is reassigned then another chief should be designated Sector chief.
Supervisor will have no other duties. What shall the Supervisor coordinate and control
- Search
- Rescue
- Removal
- Medical Treatment of member
Requests by the FAST group supervisor for relief units or specialized equipment should go thru who?
Upon Arrival of the Rescue Operations Battalion what will be her designation?
Firefighter removal officer- supervising all extrication efforts. FRO will work in conjunction with FGS
Members in Distress/10-66 Random Points
- IC Shall announce on all channels in use that a rescue plan has been implemented and the identity of the units assigned to the FAST group. This will discourage freelancing.
- If a collapse is involved transmit 10-60 or 10-60 code 1
- If a 10-60 code 1 is transmitted the additional DC will be designated the FAST Branch Director.
Assignment of additional units should follow the guidelines
Provide relief or replacement for units that are directly affected by injury or event and for those on-scene units that have been committed to rescue effort ie FAST unit.
Firefighter Locator Officer is often a BC that was on scene already if not one shall be designated immediately from the additional chiefs.
Establish the victim’s last seen point
Assist RUL in conducting Roll Call
Coordinate with Medical Branch Director/Supervisor as to description, ID and location of all members removed from scene by EMS or other resources
On a 10-66 all units except for whom shall report to the staging area
- Rescue
- Squad
- FAST Unit
5 CFR Engine
When a missing member is not readily known Immediate Roll Call shall be conducted beginning with units most exposed. Who can conduct RC
Sector Supervisors
Field Comm Unit
Firefighter Locator Officer will Coordinate roll calls and Search efforts with EMS Patient Tracking Coordinator who accounts for members removed form scene.
Result of all Sector roll calls reported to FF Locator Officer.
Street Coordinator Manager must be assigned to a chief or company officer on transmission of 10-66. This officer is responsible for
- Establish contact with PD and EMS to ensure traffic flow esp ambulance egress
- Ensure access/egress of essential vehicles
- Positioning needed apparatus for efficient use
- Coordinate apparatus staging area
- Coordinate EMS Triage area
IF operations exceed 1 hours the RUL shall be relived by Field Comm Unit and reassigned Planning Section Chief. Responsibility:
- Supervise the RUL
- Maintain situational aswerness and report to the IC
- Develop contingency plans as needed
- Maintain Documentation
When a 10-66 is transmitted to dispatch by or at the direction of the IC. This is with out mixer off. Other information is transmitted how?
- Do not include name or unit of affected member.
- With Mixer off transmit description of incident.
- Phone call immediately to Dispatch with full particulars
- Phone call ASAP to FDOC