Maydays, Urgents, and MID Flashcards
Ensure wording is correct and make sure you address properly
What are an IC’s initial actions upon receipt of a Mayday or Urgent transmission?
- Pause Momentarily to Obtain radio ID using BC radio or FAST Radio. This should be verified by EFAS monitor
- Gain Control of HT frequency directing all non-essential traffic to cease
When ever possible a Chief Officer shall be assigned
to supervise the rescue effort. What shall this Chief consider?
- Progress of units fighting fire
- Maintain control of rescue effort, assure members not involved in rescue remain clear of area **
- Need for Engine company for CFR or hardline protection of FAST
- Need for specialized equipment
- Tactics that could help mitigate conditions
- Location of EMS resources
**Mentioned in MD Report
When assigning the FAST Unit what should be determined first?
- Identity
- Assignment
- Last known location of member
If unable to contact member and/or location is unknown consider what three procedures?
- Emergency Alert Tone
- Feedback Assisted Rescue
- Conduct a team search with search rope
If the FAST Team is put to work before “Under Control” what actions must follow
- DC notify Boro or Command Chief immediately after incident is “Under Control”
- IC who ordered the FAST unit put to work shall forward detailed report of such work via chain of command to Chief of Operations.
* *Also should be requesting replacement FAST unit
Mayday Urgent situations random points
- When Possible press the Emergency Alert Button
- Upon resolution of Mayday/Urgent make transmission that situation is resolved
- Consider use of Mayday Checklist
- When the EAB is activated some situations will call for deactivating so as not to continue beacon, EM flag with transmissions or 5 watt transmission
- An officer or safety team member upon hearing Emergency Alert Tone followed by a “Mayday” or “Urgent” and realizing it is not acknowledged by the IC must:
1. Acknowledge and ascertain nature
2. Promptly relay info to IC
Mayday for Collapse Imminent
wording and IC action
“MAYDAY-Collapse Imminent
- Location of imminent collapse
- Their Location
IC: Command to all units “Mayday, Get out of building , get out of building” repeat as often as necessary
IC ensure Roll Call is conducted immediately
Mayday for Structural Collapse Has Occurred
wording and IC actions
“MAYDAY-Collapse has occurred”
- Location and extent of collapse
- Number and nature of injuries
- If anyone is trapped
IC shall immediately assign specific units to assist at the location of collapse and simultaneously ensure a roll call is conducted
Mayday for Unconscious or life threatening
wording and IC actions
“MAYDAY- Unconscious member or Injured Member”
- Location
- Unit and ID of member
- Nature and extent of injuries, if known
- Resources needed
* *LUNR**
IC shall assign specific units to assist with injured member
Mayday for Missing Member
wording and IC actions
“MAYDAY-Missing Member”
- Last known Location or reference point
- Unit the member is working in that tour
- Name of affected member
- Assignment
* *LUNA**
IC shall assign specific units to conduct search
contact units on scene by HT to attempt to locate the missing member-only positive responses to be given
When a member locates a missing member what is there communication
When a member locates a missing member they shall press EAB then
MAYDAY Missing member located
- Location
- ID of member to determine if missing member
- Imminent conditions
- Resources needed
Mayday for Lost or Trapped member
wording, actions and IC actions
“MAYDAY-Member trapped or Member Lost”
1. Location if known or recognizable reference point
2. ID and number of members involved
3. Imminent conditions
Member shall not activate their PASS until all vital info given to IC
IC Shall immediately assign specific units to address
When a member located trapped or lost member what is communication
MAYDAY-Missing trapped or lost member located”
- ID of member
- Location
- Imminent conditions
- Resources needed
Urgent is used to indicate that a member has suffered a serious injury (not life threatening) or serious change in conditions. IF possible member shall press EAB button
These are not absolutes like the MAYDAYS Urgent cards are examples of situations
Urgent for a non life threatening injury
Wording and IC action
URGENT-Injured Member 1. Location 2. Unit and ID of injured member 3. Nature and extent of injuries 4. Resources needed **LUNR** IC shall assign specific unit
Urgent 10-70
Urgent- 10-70
provide specific information to assist the IC ie. dead hydrant, low water pressure relay needed
URGENT required to be transmitted to dispatch
IC must announce when positive water supply attained on HT and to Dispatch