May-June 2023: Vocabulary and pronunciation Flashcards
What adjective do we use to describe a person who has a lot of energy?
Exemple: Nathalie est une personne très énergique!
Example: Nathalie is a very energetic person!
What is “intérêts composés” in English?
Compound interest
What is a “piscine hors-terre” in English? And a “piscine creusée”?
Above-ground pool
In-ground pool
What is “zonage” in English?
Exemple: Le zonage sur la rue Léger ne permet pas de vendre des spas.
Example: Zoning on Léger street doesn’t allow selling spas.
What is “assemblage” in English?
Exemple: L’assemblage est fait à Sherbrooke.
Example: Assembly is done in Sherbrooke.
What is “droit acquis” in English?
Vested right
What is “épargner” and “épargne” in English?
Exemple: On doit apprendre à nos enfants l’importance d’épargner.
Example: We have to teach our kids the importance of saving.
What is “toile de piscine” in English (to cover it”?
What is “un fonctionnaire” in English?
Exemple: Les fonctionnaires ont un bon fonds de pension.
Government employee
Public servant
Example: Officials have a good pension fund.
What is “retarder” in English?
Exemple: On a plusieurs défis qui retardent nos commandes.
Example: We face many challenges that delay our orders.
What is “préoccupé” in English?
What is the verb “conseiller” in English?
Exemple: Nos directeurs de comptes conseillent les clients.
Example: Our account managers advise clients.
What is “adversité” in English?
Exemple: Plusieurs personnes deviennent égoïstes quand elles font face à l’adversité.
Example: Many people become selfish when they face adversity.
What is “mettre des bâtons dans les roues”?
Exemple: Quelques personnes nous mettent des bâtons dans les roues.
Throw sand in the gears.
Example: Some people throw sand in our gears.
What is “curriculum vitae” in English?
What is “se reposer” in English?
Exemple: J’aime me reposer la fin de semaine.
Example: I like to rest on the weekend.
What is “faire le bilan” in English?
Exemple: Ils doivent faire le bilan de la saison.
Take stock of…
Example: They have to take stock of the season.
What is “trio” in English in hockey?
Exemple: il joue sur le premier trio.
a line
Example: He plays on the first line.
What is a “citation” in English?
Exemple: J’aime les citations de Steve Jobbs.
Example: I like Steve Jobbs’ quotes.
What is “chum” in English, as in “Vincent Mongeau a plusieurs chums.”
Example: Vincent Mongeau has many buddies.
What is a “loge” at the Phoenix arena?
Corporate box
Example: I like to watch the games in a corporate box.
What is “demande de soumission” in English?
Request for quote.
What is “à la mi-mai” in English?
Exemple: On est très occupés à partir de la mi-mai.
Example: Starting mid-May, we’re very busy.
What is “Salon de l’habitation” in English?
Home show
What is “armoires” in English?
What are “pieux vissés” in English?
Screw piles
What are “stylos” in English?
What is “fusionner” in English? and “fusion”?
Fusionner = Merge
Fusion = Merger
What is “offre d’emploi” in English?
Job offer
Job ad
What is “droitier” in English? and “gaucher”?
What is “service de traiteur” in English?
Catering service