January to April 2023 - Vocabulary and pronunciation Flashcards
How do we pronounce the words “woman” and “women”?
Our accounting clerk is a woman.
Many of our employees at Créations Jade are women.
Woman = WÔ-man
Women = Wé-men
What is the meaning of “I used to…” in the sentence “I used to do that in my job.”?
Avant ….
J’ai déjà…
(NOTE: We only use “I used to do…” for things that are no longer true.)
Example: Avant, je faisais ça dans mon travail.
What is “former” un employé in English?
Exemple: Nous formons bien nos employés.
“Train” an employee
Example: We train our employees very well.
What is a “cobaye” in English?
Exemple: Tu vas être mon cobaye pour ma nouvelle façon d’enseigner avec Brainscape!
guinea pig
Example: You will be my guinea pig with my new way to teach with Brainscape!
(note: “Guinea pig” also means “cochon d’Inde”) :-)
What is “bouche-à-oreille” in English?
Exemple: Le bouche à oreille est mon meilleur marketing!
Word of mouth
Example: Word-of-mouth is my best marketing!
What is “Conférence de presse” in English?
Press conference.
What is “Répondant” (à un sondage) in English?
respondent (to a survey)
What is “Exigeant” in English?
Exemple: Mon rôle en tant que président de la Chambre de Commerce est exigeant.
Example: My role as president of the Chamber of Commerce is demanding and time-consuming.
What is “Produit de niche” in English?
Niche product.
What is “relève” in English?
Exemple: Je vais rester président de la Chambre de Commerce pendant 2 ans étant donné qu’il n’y a pas de relève pour l’instant.
Succession (noun) ∕ Successor (person)
Example: I will stay the president of the Chamber of Commerce for 2 years since there are no successors for now.
What is “Défaire ∕ Démolir” in English? (example: of walls, building)
Exemple: Bruno a commencé à défaire des murs.
tear down ∕ knock down
Example: Bruno has started knocking down some walls.
What is “à l’automne” in English?
in the fall
What are “bardeaux de cèdre” in English?
Cedar shingles
What are “volets” in English? (by a window)
What is “à l’aise” in English?
Example: Je ne suis pas à l’aise avec cette situation.
Comfortable (pronounced KOMF-te-bowl)
Example: I’m not comfortable with this situation.
What is “service à la clientèle” in English?
Example: Notre service à la clientèle est excellent!
Customer service
Example: Our customer service is top notch!