May-2022 Flashcards
Este bloque de pisos es bastante viejo
This block of flats is QUITE old
Ese proveedor es bastante fiable
That provider/supplier is quite reliable
In addition to…
Además de…
Las dos divisiones se van a fusionar
Both divisions are going to MERGE (“merch”)
People from Ukraine (iukréin) are…
People from Ukraine are Ukrainian (“iukréinian”)
Es demasiado complicado
It’s too complicated
Me duele el brazo
My arm hurts
Ella me dijo que tuviera cuidado
Ella me dijo que no tuviera cuidado
She told me TO be careful
She told me NOT TO be careful
Me duele la pierna
My leg hurts
Random questions
Preguntas al azar
Ellos me están pidiendo que lo cambie
Ellos me están diciendo que lo cambie
They are asking me TO change it
They are telling me TO change it
I ALREADY have it
Ya lo tengo
La empresa está atravesando una crisis
The company is going THROUGH a crisis
Me duelen los brazos
My arms hurt
Te estoy diciendo que lo abras
Te estoy diciendo que no lo abras
I’m telling you TO open it
I’m telling you NOT TO open it
Como tengo tiempo,…
As I have time…
Because I have time….
Ambos informes tienen errores
Both reports have mistakes
Los precios están subiendo
Los precios están bajando
Prices are going up
Prices are going down
Peter le dijo a Mary que esperara
Peter le dijo a Mary que no esperara
Peter told Mary TO wait
Peter told Mary NOT TO wait
Diles que vengan
Diles que no vengan
Tell them TO come
Tell them NOT TO come
Dile que conduzca despacio (a él)
Dile que no conduzca despacio (a él)
Tell him TO drive slowly
Tell him NOT TO drive slowly
Ella me dijo que no me preocupara
She told me NOT TO worry
Diles que no se preocupen
Tell them NOT TO worry
¿Hay un hombre en la sala de reuniones?
Is there a man in the meeting room?
Hay unas cosas en la caja
There are some things in the box
There are some meetings. Negative? Question?
There aren’t any meetings
Are there any meetings?
There is some money. Negative? Question?
There isn’t any money. Is there any money?
Fui a la tienda (ayer)
I WENT to the shop yesterday.
What do we say when someone sneezes?
- Bless you!
Ellos dejaron la empresa (se marcharon)
They LEFT the company
Puedo tomar tostadas con mermelada?
Can I have some toast with jam?
I’m not standing. And you?
I’m not standing EITHER
Se jubilaron
No se jubilaron
Se fueron al cine
They went to the cinema
Mi marido fue a trabajar en bici
My husband WENT to work by bike
Ella habló conmigo por teléfono
She TALKED to me on the phone
I’m not an alien.(“éilien”) And you?. And her? and him?
I’m not an alien EITHER
She’s not an alien EITHER
He’s not an alien EITHER
Did you go to the gym yesterday?
Yes, I WENT to the gym
No, I DIDN’T GO to the gym
Did you go to work on Friday?
Yes, I WENT to work on Friday
No, I DIDN’T GO to work on Friday
What did you have for breakfast?
I HAD boiled eggs,
I HAD tea,
I HAD some toast,
I HAD some cereal….