DECEMBER 22 Flashcards
I have flu, -, ?
and you?
and her?
and us?
and him?
and them?
I have flu, I don’t have flu, do I have flu?
You have flu, you don’t have …, do you have?
She has flu, she doesn’t have.., does she have…?
Would you mind repeatING that?
Te importaría repetir eso?
Do you like to play chess?
Yes, I like TO play chess
No, I don’t like TO play chess
Were you at the cinema last night?
Yes I was at the cinema..
No, I wasn’t at the cinema..
Hay muy poco dinero
Hay muy poco turismo
There’s very little money
There’s very little tourism (“turízm”)
Hay muy pocas oportunidades
Hay muy pocas personas
There are very few opportunities
There are very few people
How long does your lunch break last?
It lasts….
Will you come to class on Tuesday?
No, I won’t.
No, I won’t come to class on Tuesday
Will you come to class on Friday?
Yes, I will.
Yes. I’ll come to class on Friday
We have worked on this project….
desde 1999
desde mayo
desde el 1 de abril
We have worked on this project….
since 1999 (“sins”)
since May
since the 1st of April
¿Tenemos suficiente dinero?
Do we have enough money?
cada trimestre
every quarter
Will it rain tomorrow?
Yes, it will
No, it won’t
Eso será un problema
Eso no será un problema
That will be a problem
That won’t be a problem
The KNOW-HOW is..
the knowledge, the expertise
That’s the way it is!
es así,… así son las cosas
una hora y media
AN HOUR (“aua”) and a HALF (“haf”)
HEATWAVE (“híítweiv”) :ola de calor
FLOODS (“fláds”): inundaciones
DROUGHT (“draut”) : sequía
HEAVY RAIN: lluvia fuerte
THUNDERSTORM (“zánderstorm”): tormenta con rayos/ eléctrica
HAILSTORM (“héilstorm”) tormenta de granizo/granizada
SNOWSTORM: tormenta de nieve
HURRICANE (“hárrikein”)
TYPHOON (“taifún”)
EARTHQUAKE (“erzkuéik”): terremoto
WILDFIRE (“uaildfaia”): incendio
ASIA (“eisia”)
pensamientos e ideas
thoughts and ideas
Los precios están bajando
Prices are going down
Prices are decreasing
Prices are dropping
Prices are falling
SCOR collaborates with a..
a foundation
an NGO
SCOR pays____ the accommodation
The project is over
The project is finished
el sueño de Marco
el jefe de Peter
el cuñado de Max
Maco’s dream
Peter’s boss
Max’ brother-in-law
when you do an exam you can …
PASS the exam of FAIL the exam
He’s feeling well, -, ?
and me?
and her?
He’s feeling well, he’s not feeling well, is he feeling well?
I’m feeling well, I’m not feeling well, am I feeling well?
She’s feeling well. she isn’t feeling well, is she feeling well?
I have aches and pains,
and you?
and him?
and us?
and her?
I have aches and pains
You have aches and pains
He has aches and pains
we have aches and pains
she has aches and pains
Did you find your bag?
Yes, I found (“faund”) it
No, I didn’t find it
Did you come on Thursday?
Yes, I came (“keim”) on Thursday
No, I didn’t come (“kam” ) on Thursday
I have a headache, - , ?
and you?
and him?
and them?
I have .. I don’t have… do I have…?
you have … you don’t have… do you have..?
He has… he doesn’t have… does he have..?
They have.. they don’t have… do they have..?
Can you guess my age?
guess what?
I guess…
guess (adivinar)
adivina qué
I guess… (me imagino, supongo)
Será importante
No será importante
It will be important
It won’t be important
Hubo un terremoto
no hubo un terremoto
Hubo un terremoto?
There was an earthquake
There wasn’t an earthquake
Was there an earthquake?
Hubo inundaciones
No hubo inundaciones
Hubo inundaciones?
There were floods
There weren’t any floods
Were there any floods?
I need to GET some bread
I need to BUY some bread
Were you at a FAREWELL PARTY last Thursday?
Yes, I was.
No, I wasn’t.
“STS” sound
I don’t GET the joke
I don’t understand the joke
IN 2008 (two thousand and eight)
In winter
In July (julái)
The fans SCREAMED , they were very LOUD (láud)
loud is the opposite of quiet
The Beatles BROKE UP in 1970
break up = separate or divorce
Did you get to work on time?
Yes, I got to work on time (arrive)
Are there many hills in Madrid, or is it flat?
hills (colinas)
flat: plano
Do you like to EAT OUT?
Yes, I like to eat out (eat at a restaurant)
No, I don’t like to eat out
María Jesús if very difficult to REPLACE
Shall we split the bill?
Yes, let’s split the bill (divide)
_____ 2015
_____ otoño
_____ enero
In 2015
In autumn (“ótam”) / in fall
In January
I’m going to GET a taxi
I’m going to take a taxi
¿Puedo hacerte una pregunta?
Can I ask you a question?
¿Es ese el maletín de Denise?
Is that Denise’s briefcase?
¿cuántas páginas tiene el informe?
How many pages does the report have?
¿Cuántas plantas tiene el hotel?
How many floors does the hotel have?
¿Tu jefe toma una copa después del trabajo?
Does your boss have a drink after work?
Suelo estudiar los domingos
I usually study on Sundays
Solía estudiar los domingos
I USED TO study on Sundays
Lejos del aeropuerto
Far from the airport