May 2 Flashcards
Bola urazená
She was offended
Nemám chuť na prechádzku
I don’t feel like a walk
Nemám casovu rezervu
I don’t have a time cushion
Short cut
Pochopil som ta
I got you
Vychadzat s niekym
Get on with
Prave naopak
On the contrary
Nemám ani ponatia
I don’t have a clue
Neubudne z teba
You don’t grow small
Uspech je suma malych usili opakovanych den co den
Success is the sum of smaoll efforts repeated day in and day out
Generujeme strachy ked sedime, prekonavame ich konaním
We generate fears when we sit, we owercome them by action
… je to odvaha pokracovat, co sa pocita.
… it is the courage to continue that counts
Ocakavania - co veris alebo dufas, ze sa stane v buducnosti
Expectation - what you believe or hope will happen in the future
Odvaha je schopnost kontrolovat svoj strach v nebezpecnej alebo tazkej situacii
Nebezpečné športy si často vyžadujú veľa odvahy
Courage - the ability to control your fear in a dangerous or difficult situation
Dangerous sports often require a lot of courage
Podvádzal na teste
He cheated on the test
Vela stastia
Good luck
Tesim sa na vikend
I am looking forward to the weekend
(I am looking for coffee)
Ne/mate drobné?
Do you have any change?
Ospravedlnujem sa za oneskorenie
I am sorry for beeing late
Možeš mi podať soľ, prosim?
Could you pass me the salt please?
Rad som si pohovoril s tebou
Nice talking to you
Chcete uctenku
Would you like a receipt?
Kryjem ti chrbat
I got your back
Som trochu sklamany s mojim vykonom
I am a bit disappointed by my performance
Citi sa trochu unavena
She feels a bit under the weather
Potrebujes si lahnut
You need to lie down
Kiež by som to vedel (prial by som si aby som to vedel)
I wish I know it
Nabuduce sa najprv opytaj
In the future ask first
Preto nelyžujem
That is why i don’t ski
Si robis srandu
You must be joking
Nebud taky hanblivy
Don’t be so shy
Je v kritickom stave
He is in critical condition
Som spolahlivy a zodpovedny a trpezlivy:)))
I am reliable and responsible and patient
To je hlupy napad
It is such a silly idea
Mame dost casu
We have got plenty of time
Je tam neuveritelne pekna priroda
There is incredible nice nature
Nehnevaj sa na neho
Don’t be angry with him
Neotacaj sa lebo zomries
Don’t turn around or you die
V minulosti som hral na klaviri
I used to play piano
Som zvyknutý hrať na klavíri
I am used to playing the piano
My friend is a social butterfly …
But I am more of a home body.
Niektorí ludia maju radi pivo, iní nie
Some people like beer, others don’t
Ako dlho sa učíš anglicky?
How long have you been studying English?
Môžem dostať vodu pls?
Can I have some water pls?
Aky si mal den?
How was your day today?
Aké máš plány na víkend?
What are your plans for the weekend?
Opatruj sa!
Take care:)
Potrebujem si zlepšiť zručnosti v hovorovej anglictine
I need to improve my English speaking skils.
Hobby ma schopnost zmenit (jedneho:)) zivot
Hobby has the ability to change one’s life.
Dnes bol dlhy den, som “hotovy”
Today was a long day, I am done
Vela deti nadava na ihrisku
A lot of kids curse on the playground
Na predaj/vypredaj
For sale/on sale
Stravit cas/minat peniaze/vynalozit usilie
SPEND time/money/effort
Ziaden obed nie je zadarmo
No lunch is for free
Ak potrebujete este nieco, nevahajte sa opytat
If you need anything else, feel free to ask
Dobre vediet
Great to know
Ste tu pracovne alebo pre potesenie? Z kazdeho trochu
Are you here for a business or pleasure? A bit of both.
Stastnu cestu ti prajem
Safe travels to you
You too
Uzi si cas v Pariži
Enjoy your time in Paris
Je mi luto to pocut. Ospravedlnujem sa za neprijemnost
I am sorry to hear that. I apologize for the inconvenience
Uzi si zvysok vyletu
Enjoy the rest of your trip
Urobte si pohodlie
Please make yourself comfortable
Urobte si pohodlie
Please make yourself comfortable
Vies udrzat tajomstvo alebo si niekto, kto prezradi …
Can you keep a secret or are you someone who spill the beans?
Príliš dobre aby to bola pravda
Too good to be true
Oko za oko
Eye for an eye
Take it easy