IMMI Flashcards
Vidime sa skoro
See you soon
Sag Bescheid, wir haben noch Zeit
Dajte vediet, este mame cas
Let me know, we still have time
Mile Ta stretnut, tiez sa mam dobre, dakujem za opytanie
Nice to meet you, I am fine as well, thank you for asking
Naozaj. Nehadal by som tak.
Really? I would not guess so
Dakujem. Je naozaj velmi mile od Teba ze to hovoris
Thank you. It is really very nice of you to say that
Anglicky kurz mi pomohol zlepsit sa v mojej anglictine velmi:)
English course helped me to improve my English a lot
Okrem toho, stretol som tam ludi z celeho sveta, s ktorymi som stale v kontakte
Besides, I met people from all over the world there with whom I am still in touch
Cetovanie s priatelom v anglictine je velmi uzitocne v uceni sa jazyka
Chatting with one’s friends in English is very helpfull in learning the language
Tvoja slovna zasoba rastie o vela rychlejsie nez sa to ucis v skole
Your vocabulary grows a lot faster than you just learn it at school
Sledoval som niekolko dokumentarnych filmov o tom
I have watched a number of documentaries about it
Bolo by velmi mile ostat priatelmi a navstivit sa navzajom v buducnosti
It would be very nice to stay friends and visit each other in the future
Smiem sa spytat aky si stary?
May I ask how old you are
Budem mat 20 o tri tyzdne
I am going to turn twenty in three weeks
Som rovnako stary ako moj brat Tomas. Sme dvojicky
I am the same age as my brother Thomas. We are twins
Som trochu starsi ako ty. Mal som/dosiahol som 22 uplynuly februar
I am a bit older than you. I turned twenty two last February
Bude to cudne
It will be weird
Som si isty ze budem obklopeny laskavymi a krasnymi ludmi ako Ty
I am sure, I am going to be surrounded by kind and lovelly people like you
Bude to trochu smutne
It will be a little bit sad
Jeho snubenica coskoro ocakava ich prve dieta
His fiancee is expecting their first baby soon