Maximal Oxygen Uptake /limitations Flashcards
What is Vo2?
– Maximum amount of O2 which can be
consumed by the working muscles per
unit time by a person at a maximal work
It is the measure of aerobic systems’ power about the cardiovascular system which is expressed in absolute (l/min) or relative (ml/kg/min)
what are the factures that influence v02?
Mode of exercise
* Heredity
* State of training
* Sex
* Age
* Body size and composition
what are the variables associated with performance?
stroke volume
muscle mass
capillary density/oxidative enzymes
hr max
cardiac output
max av02 diffusion
running economy
does vo2 decrease with age?
yes it does it decreases by 10% per decade after 30
what are some relationships v02 during exercise?
1) as heart rate increases so does vo2
2) Ve increases with v02
3) Blood Lactate Increases with vo2 (above threshold)
4) Rer increases with vo2
5) vo2 max increased with rpe
define anerobic threshold?
The intensity of exercise/workload
above which measurement of oxygen
uptake cannot account for
all of the required energy.
highest steady-state oxygen
it is the intensity at which oxygen supply can’t meet the demands of the muscles so steady state is not achieved
why is the steady state levels in untrained vs trained indiviual?
In a trained individual the steady states are at higher HR and take longer to reach those levels because of a higher capacity to deliver oxygen and muscles can use alot.
In an untrained person doesn’t take long to reach a steady state because of a decreased ability to utilze oxygen and a lower capacity for o2 to be used by the muscles
v02 max is reached how?
when the steady state cannot reach a plateau.
what are the components associated with anerobic threshold?
ventilatory threshold
respiratory exchange ratio
how many many ventilatory thresholds are there?
1) aerobic threshold when lactate is slightly elevated above resting
2) when blood lactate begins to accumulate
describe Ventilatory threshold 2?
1)The “excess” ventilation results directly from CO2
increased output from buffering of the lactate that
begins to accumulate from increased anaerobic
2) when ventilation increases as intensity does as well which is when lactate starts to accumulate and c02 is being produced at a faster rate
with increasing exercise ?
vc02 increases with v02
when vc02 is greater than 02 hyperventilation occurs because oxygen is not meeting energy demand.
both increase with workload
what does a higher Threshold mean?
It indicates a higher endurance capacity/ ability to sustain long periods of exercise and it is a better predictor of v02
define steady state?
steady state is when there is an equilibrium between lactate removal and production
what is obla?
Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation is defined
as the intensity of exercise at which blood
lactate reaches 4 mM during an incremental
exercise test.