Maxillary Molars Flashcards
What are the five cusps of the maxillary first molar?
Mesiobuccal, distobuccal, mesiolingual, distolingual, and Carabelli’s cusp.
What is the crown outline of the maxillary first molar from the buccal aspect?
Trapezoidal with a shorter occlusocervical dimension.
Which is the largest and longest cusp of the maxillary first molar?
The mesiolingual cusp.
How does the distobuccal cusp compare to the mesiobuccal cusp?
It is narrower and shorter.
What is the orientation of the buccal groove in the maxillary first molar?
It slants parallel to the distobuccal root.
Which root of the maxillary first molar is the largest and strongest?
The palatal root.
How does the lingual aspect of the maxillary first molar compare to the buccal aspect?
The lingual aspect displays a wider crown.
Where is Carabelli’s cusp located?
On the lingual aspect of the mesiolingual cusp.
What forms the oblique ridge in the maxillary first molar?
The triangular ridge of the distobuccal cusp and the distal cusp ridge of the mesiolingual cusp.
What cusps form the trigone in the maxillary first molar?
Mesiobuccal, distobuccal, and mesiolingual cusps.
Which is the largest fossa in the maxillary first molar?
The central fossa.
Where is the root buccal furcation located in the maxillary first molar?
At the junction of the cervical and middle thirds of the roots.
What are the proximal contact points of the maxillary first molar?
Mesial contact is junctional; distal contact is in the middle third.
What are the developmental grooves in the maxillary first molar?
Buccal, lingual, and oblique ridge grooves.
Where does the lingual groove extend in the maxillary first molar?
To the center of the crown.