Maxillary Ectopic Canines Flashcards
61% palatal
34% LOA
4.5% Buccal
Unilateral:Bilateral – 4:1
F: M – 70:30
II:II malocclusion
Root resorption
Crowding/shortening of arch length
Adjacent lateral incisor missing or abnormal in shape/size
Long path of eruption
Palatal - genetic
Buccal - inadequate arch space
Index of suspicion is raised if the pt has a missing, or abnormally shaped lateral incisor’ has spaced arches, or if palpation indicates an asymmetrical eruption.
Clinical signs:
- Delayed eruption of 3s or prolonged retention of C
- Absence of normal labial 3 bulge or presence of palatal bulge in 3 region
- Delayed eruption, distal tipping/migration of the lateral incisor
- Loss of vitality and increased mobility of the central/lateral incisor
Horizontal parallax
Ant Occlusal and IOPA
Vertical Parallax
Ant occlusal and DPT
Ortho tx risks
Risk of resorption to adjacent teeth (lat incisor and 1st premolar)
Risk of pulp obliteration to canine and adjacent teeth causing colour mismatch
risk of discontinued treatment due to prolonged treatment times
Canine ankylosis
high tendency to relapse