Matters of Life and Death Content Flashcards
To help learn the content from the Matters of Life and Death part of the Christianity section.
What do Other Christians (Creationists or Fundamentalists) believe about the Big Bang Theory?
- Science is wrong
- The Bible is right
- Evidence of the Big Bang can be explained by the Apparent Age theory
- Creationists believe that God created the universe in the way described in the Bible
What is the Big Bang Theory?
- The world was started with a big bang - a big explosion. Which led to stars and planets being formed.
- It can lead to people such as Hawking to doubt that God exsists as the world can be created without the need for God.
- It was Lemaitre (A Catholic Priest) who started the work that became known as the Big Bang Theory
Which scholar supports the Big Bang Theory?
Stephen Hawking.
What do Catholics believe about the Big Bang?
- They believe in the Big Bang.
- The theory supports their believe of creation out of nothing.
- The Big Bang theory was put forward by a Catholic Priest.
- ‘Let there be light’ could be reference to the explosion.
- Science explains HOW the universe came about and Genesis explains WHY.
Is there a problem between science and religion?
- No - for Catholics there is no conflict.
- Yes - for people who take the Bible literally (Creationists) there is a conflict.
What is Apparent Age theory?
- The idea that the world would have looked billions of years old when it was only a second old
- When Adam was made the world was 6 days old, but would have looked billions of years old to Adam
What is the ‘intelligent design’ argument?
- The universe is so complex that it can’t have happened by chance
- It must have been created by an intelligent designer - God
- The universe is so complex, a removal of any of its parts would stop it working
- DNA is so complex, this could not have just happened by chance
- These complexities mean that neither the Big Bang or evolution could have happened by chance
What is the scientific theory of evolution?
- Idea proposed by Charles Darwin
- The idea that organisms gradually change and develop through natural selection.
- Certain characteristics help animals to survive.
- An example is the Giraffe getting a longer neck over time
- Evolution takes millions of years to come about.
Which modern scholar did we look at for evolution?
Richard Dawkins
What does Richard Dawkins say about evolution?
- Evolution does away with the need for God and the belief that humans have souls.
- Humans are just survival machines and don’t have any other purpose.
- We are just genetic mutation and advanced animals.
What is the Catholic view of Evolution?
- Catholics think that evolution supports the idea of a loving creator God.
- It supports the idea that God created the world with purpose and everything exists as part of his plan.
- The Pope sees no conflict between evolution and Catholic belief.
What do Christians think about stewardship?
- We should all be stewards of creation.
- Christians believe God made humans superior to other animals by giving them reason and free will and this is why they should look after the world.
- Every individual has a duty to care for their neighbours around the world.
What do Christians believe about killling in self-defence?
- Most Christians would say it is legitimate to take the life of someone attacking you if that is the only way to protect your life
- The Sanctity of your own life takes precedence over the sanctity of other people’s lives
What is the Christian view on the Sancity of life?
- God created human and animal life
- All life is special and should be protected
- Each life is unique and valuable beyond measure
- Only God should take away life
What is the Catholic view of the sanctity of life?
- Human Life is Special and should be cared for
- Each person is unique because God made them.
- Catholic church teaches that all life is sacred and that everyone has the right to life which should be protected and valued AT EVERY STAGE.
What do Christians believe about killing in war?
- Some Christians believe that the sanctity of life means they should never fight in wars (Pacifism)
- Most Christians believe that they can fight in ‘just’ wars because the need to protect the innocent form aggressors justifies breaking the sanctity of life beliefs
What Christian views are there FOR capital punishment?
- Jesus never taught that Capital Punishment was wrong.
- In the Old Testament it teaches that Capital Punishment should be used for some crimes.
- Some people argue that it upholds the commandment ‘do not kill’ as it shows the seriousness of murder as a crime.
- St Paul teaches that you should obey the law of your country - Capital Punishment is legal in some.
- The Catholic Church has not cancelled their statements that Capital Punishment can be used by the country.
What Christian views are there AGAINST capital punishment?
- Jesus came to reform sinners - you can’t reform a dead person.
- The 5th Commandment says ‘do not kill’
- Jesus said revenge is wrong ‘turn the other cheek’
- Christianity teaches all life is Sacred and only God can give and take away life.
- The message of Christianity is love and forgiveness - Capital Punishment goes against this.
- The wrong person might be killed.
- Pope Francis stated he is against Capital Punishment.
What non-religious views are there FOR capital punishment?
- Retribution is a major part of punishment - the only retribution for murder is Capital Punishment.
- Human life is valuable and the worth of it will be shown by giving those who take a life the worst punishment it acts as a good deterrent.
What non-religious views are there AGAINST capital punishment?
- No court can be sure the correct verdict is given - you could kill an innocent person.
- It is proven that countries without Capital Punishment have a lower murder rate - so it doesn’t work as a deterrent.
- Murderers regard life in prison as worse than Capital Punishment.
- Humanists say that all people have Human Rights and Capital Punishment takes away this.
What do Literalist Christians (Creationists or Fundamentalists) believe about Evolution?
- It can be explained by Noah’s flood
- Fossils are remains of animal life destroyed by Noah’s flood
- There are no fossils showing changes from one species to anotehr
What is an abortion?
A deliberate ending of a pregnancy
What is pro-life when thinking about abortion?
The idea that abortion is always wrong and every human (including embryos) has a right to life.
What is Pro-Choice when thinking about abortion?
The idea that a woman should be able to choose what happens to her own body. This includes choosing to end a pregnancy.
What are the UK laws on abortion?
- Abortion was legalised in Britain in 1967.
- An abortion cannot happen after 24 weeks.
- Two doctors must agree to the abortion.
- You must have justification to have an abortion.
- If the baby is found to have a severe disability abortion may take place after 24 weeks.
What does the Catholic Church say about Abortion?
- Against abortion in all circumstances as Human life is sacred.
- Life begins at conception, Abortion is therefore seen as murder
- The foetus has a right to life.
- They would encourage adoption after birth rather than abortion.
What is double effect? (Catholic views on abortion)
Double effect says that if the mother’s life was in danger during pregnancy, then the action to save the life of the mother even if it destroys the life of the unborn child is acceptable as the intention is to save the mother.
What are Other Christian views on abortion?
There is no single view on abortion in Christianity.
- Some fundamentalist Christians think abortion is NEVER acceptable.
- Most Christians think that it is not a good thing, but sometimes is the lesser of two evils.
Some situations where it would be the lesser of two evils are:
1. if the pregnancy is the result of rape
2. If continuing the pregnancy might be dangerous to the woman’s health
3. if the child is likely to be severely disabled and so quality of life is affected.
What would a Christian say in response to Peter Singer?
- Humans are always people.
- Even when they are asleep, in a coma or haven’t yet been born.
- Christian would agree that animals should be treated with care.
- However, as humans are made in the image of God, so they have a dignity which animals do not have.
What do Humanists think about abortion?
- There is no set Humanist view on abortion.
- Humanists value happiness and personal choice.
- Generally, they take a pro-choice stance. Abortion is often the most morally acceptable choice to make.
Why might people apply situation ethics when thinking about abortion?
- They would decide the pros and cons of having an abortion and decide what the best thing to do is
- They may allow one if the woman has been raped, the woman or baby would not have a good quality of life or it would affect another child in the family.
Why do Christians believe in life after death?
- Catholics believe Jesus rose from the dead.
- Catholics believe in the immortality of the soul. They believe that when the body dies, the soul goes to be with God.
- St. Paul in the Bible says that people will have a resurrection like Jesus, and God will give them a spiritual resurrection body.
- The catechism of the Church teaches that Jesus rose from the dead and there will be life after death.
How does Christian belief in life after death changes the way Christian live their lives?
- Many Christians believe that only if they have lived a good Christian life will they be allowed into heaven.
- Living a good Christian life means following the two greatest commandments – love of God and love of neighbour.
- In the Parable of the Sheep and Goats, Jesus said Christians should feed the hungry and visit those in prison.
- Jesus taught in the Good Samaritan that loving your neighbour means helping anyone in need.
What are the three main reasons non-religious people believe in life after death?
- Near death experiences
- Evidence for a spirit world (including mediums)
- Reincarnation.
What is a near death experience? Why might this lead to belief in life after death?
- Near death experiences. It happens when people are clinically dead for a period of time and then come back to life.
- Frequently quoted in near death experiences are: feelings of peace and joy, feelings of floating above the body, seeing a bright light, entering another world, meeting dead relatives and coming to a point of no return.
What is evidence of a spirit world? Why might this lead to belief in life after death?
- Evidence for a spirit world: Ghosts and Ouija boards appear to give evidence of the spirits or souls of the dead surviving death, but the clearest evidence seems to come from mediums.
- Mediums: A medium is a person who claims to have the fist of communicating between the material world which we live and the spirit world inhabited by those who have died. They are sometimes called psychics, clairvoyants or spirit guides.
What is reincarnation? Why might this lead to belief in life after death?
- Reincarnation Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists believe that life after death involves the souls being reborn into another body (reincarnation).
- In 1996 Taranjit Singh was born into a poor peasant family. From aged 2 he said he had been killed by a motor scooter on 10th September 1992. This was proven as true. He went to the village where he had lived and died. His handwriting was identical to the boy who died.
Why do some people not believe in life after death?
- If there is no God, there is nothing non-material. Then there is no spirit world or heaven for life after death to happen.
- There is no place where life after death could take place; space journeys have shown heaven is not above the sky.
- People who have been brought up by atheists will not believe in life after death.
- Different religions believe different things about life after death, if they were true they would say the same things about it.
What other reasons might people have for believing in life after death?
- It gives their life meaning and purpose
- It gives them comfort when a loved one dies
- Non-religious people often say people have gone to be with the angels
- The idea of an afterlife where evil people are punished and the good are rewarded makes a sense of people’s belief in justice and fair play
What do Humanists think about life after death?
- Humans are just a physical body.
- There is no soul.
- This is the only life we have, and we should make the most of it.
- There is NO life after death.
What do Christians teach on the meaning of death?
- Christians believe that death is not the end of our existence.
- Jesus taught that those who believe would have eternal life.
- Death is not the end - just a way to new life.
What do Christians teach about dying well?
- They should prepare to die well.
- They will seek palliative care.
- They might spend time with their loved ones and get their funeral in order.
How does the Church comfort those who have lost loved ones?
- Prayers are said for those who have died.
- They explore the belief of eternal life through music and art.
What do Christians teach about euthanasia and assisted suicide?
- It rejects them as appropriate ways of ending life.
- They disagree because all life is sacred and is a gift from God and should be respected until a natural death.
- They are against ‘do not murder’
What is palliative care?
- Aims to control pain
- Medication is provided to give the person as much dignity and quality of life as possible.
Why is palliative care important?
- Christians support palliative care.
- It respects the value of every person until their death.
What do non-religious people think about the right to die?
- People who suffer from incurable diseases might choose to end their life before their illness reaches the final stages.
- they wish to end their life before their quality of life is diminished.
- a person who is fully conscious and rational has the freedom to choose when to end their life.
What do Christians believe about the Sanctity of life?
- All human life is sacred and holy
- Life is a gift from God and should be respected
- Euthanasia and assisted suicide are going against the sanctity of life.
What do Christians think about euthanasia/assisted suicide?
- It is wrong.
- It goes against the sanctity of life
- It goes against the Ten Commandments ‘do not murder’
- Anyone who assists in euthanasia is co-operating with murder
What do Christians think the right way to die is?
- People should die with dignity using palliative care.
- It is acceptable to turn off a life support machine if the patient is braindead.
- It is acceptable for a person to refuse treatment which would prolong a painful illness.
- It is not acceptable to withdraw food and fluids to someone in a permanent vegetative state. As food and water are part of basic human dignity.
What do some people think about quality of life and euthanasia?
- Quality of life is more important than life being considered sacred.
- If someone is in constant pain beyond any pleasure, they could have they could have a poor quality of life.
- Some people argue if a person has a poor quality of life, they have a right to die.
What would the argument be against no quality of life condoning euthanasia?
Quality of life is subjective. How do we measure it?
What arguments are there FOR the right to die argument?
- Many consider it a basic human right to control the ending of your life.
- Advances in medicine have led to people being alive who would previously have died. They should be allowed a painless death.
- Those who believe in free will think it is wrong to keep someone alive who has no hope of recovery
- We do not let animals suffer so why should humans?
- People should be allowed to die with dignity.
What arguments are there AGAINST the right to die argument?
- Life is given by God and so should only be taken by God
- If Euthanasia is legalised people might stop looking for cures to stop terminal illnesses
- People may want to live but go through euthanasia as they don’t want to be a burden to people anymore
- The role of the doctor is to save life not to destroy it
- People might change their minds, but it would be too late.
- All life is special and worthy of protection.
What is Global Warming?
The increase in the temperature of the earths atmosphere (thought to have been caused by the greenhouse effect)
What are the causes of Global Warming?
- The Greenhouse Effect
- Natural Climate Change
- Solar Activity
What is the Greenhouse Effect?
- This is caused by human activity.
- The burning of fossil fuels produces a barrier in the atmosphere which means that the heat from the sun can get in, but cannot get back out again.
What is natural climate change?
- Some scientists believe the Earths climate has always been changing.
- This is supported by the fact that in the last 10,000 years the warmest periods have happened long before humans started to produce lots of carbon dioxide.
What is solar activity?
- Changes in the Earths temperature are caused by the amount of radiation coming from the sun.
- When solar activity is high, solar winds cause fewer clouds to form so more heat from the sun reaches Earth, causing it to heat up.
What are the possible solutions to global warming?
- The Kyoto Protocol (55 nations pledged to cut their greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 5.2% a year)
- Alternative ways of making electricity (solar, wind, nuclear)
- Alternative ways to power cars (electric, biofuel)
- Improving the efficiency of how we travel (car sharing, using public transport, bikes, walking)
What are the forms of pollution?
- Acid rain
- Human Waste
- Eutrophication
- Radioactive Pollution
What is a Finite Resource? Can you give an example?
- They disappear once used
- Coal, oil, gas, iron, tin, copper, uranium and hard wood (takes a long time to grow)
- If finite resources runs out this means no cars, no TV’s, no radios etc.
What is a renewable resource? Can you give an example?
- Resources which can be used over and over again.
- Wind power, solar power, water power, fertile land using food, rape seed oil, sugar cane etc.
- Use of renewable resources causes no problems. However, using it to make electricity is more expensive.
Can you explain the possible solutions to running out of finite resources?
- Use renewable energy resources
- There are already a few cars on the market which can be powered by water and electricity.
- Recycling can enable the lifetime of many finite resources to be extended.
- We could change our lifestyle, use natural products, eat organic food and ride bikes or walk.
What do Christians believe about stewardship?
God gave human the stewardship of the Earth and its resources.
Why do Christians believe they should be stewards of the earth?
- Genesis creation story God gave humans the right to rule over the Earth.
- Parable of the Talents - God expects humans to pass on to the next generation more than they have been given. (leave earth a better place)
- Sermon on the mount this teaches that Christians have a responsibility to ensure a fair sharing of the Earth’s resources.
- Judgment day - People will be judged on their beliefs and behaviour.
How do beliefs about stewardship affect Christian attitudes towards the environment?
- Christians should try to reduce pollution and preserve resources for future generations.
- Christians should try to improve the quality of life of the less fortunate, but sharing the Earth’s resources.
- Christians feel they have a duty to support the work of groups which try to reduce pollution and conserve resources.
- Christians should be judging what they are doing in their life by the standards of Christian stewardship.
What are animal rights?
- The idea that non-human animals are entitled to certain kinds of consideration
- Their most basic interests should be given the same consideration as human beings
Why would some Christians support animal research?
- Humans are unlike animals because only humans are made in the image of God
- God put humans in charge of animals to use for human benefit
- Christians believe only humans have souls
- Animal testing has helped to develop vaccines against diseases
- Advances in treatments for fatal diseases rely on animal tests
Why might some Christians be against animal testing?
- All animals are made by God and are just as valuable as humans
- Animals have souls just like humans
- They are opposed to giving scientists freedom to experiment because many experiments are for cosmetics
Why do some Christians think they can use animals for food?
- God produced the food chain
- In Genesis it says ‘Everything that lives and moves will be food for you’
Why are some Christians vegetarians?
- God was the creator of animals as well as humans
- Humans have a duty as part of stewardship to care for animals as well as humans
- Using animals for food is a waste of resources as it takes more vegetation to raise animals for food