Matters Of Life After Death Flashcards
The removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive
Assisted suicide
Providing a seriously ill person with the means to commit suicide
The painless killing of someone dying from a painful disease
Immortality of the soul
The idea that the soul lives on after the death of the body
Near- death experience
When someone about to die has an out of body experience
Non-voluntary euthanasia
Ending someone’s life painlessly when they are unable to ask but you have good reason for thinking they would want you to do so
Unexplained things which are through to have spiritual causes e.g. Ghosts, mediums
Quality of life
The idea that life must have some benefits to be worth living
The belief that, after death, souls are reborn in a new body
The believe that, after death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world when it is raised
Sanctity of life
The belief that life is holy and belongs to god
Voluntary euthanasia
Ending life painlessly when someone in great pains ask for death
Why Catholics believe in life after death
1) Jesus rose from the dead this is recorded in the Gospels and the New Testament.
2) St. Paul teaches us in 1 Corinthians that people will have a resurrection like Jesus.
3) Most Catholics believe in the immortality of the soul. They believe when the body dies the soul leaves the body to live with God.
4) The major creeds of the church teach that Jesus rose from the dead and their will be life after death.
How beliefs about life after death affect the lives of Catholics
1) Catholics believe that they will be judged so they will try to live a good catholic life.
2) Living a good catholic life means following the scripture and teachings of the church so people
Non-religious reasons for believing in life after death
1) Near- death experiences
• people experience being close to death but survive often have feelings of joy and peace, meet dead relatives or see visions of a dark tunnels with a light at the end temporarily entering heaven
2) a spiritual world
• some people experience beyond the range of scientific explanations such as mediums who contact dead people and spiritual causes like ghosts.
3) Reincarnation
• experiences of souls being reborn into new bodies e.g. Many documentaries of young children telling their parents of their time in the war etc.
Reasons why people do not believe in life after death
1) not enough evidence, would only believe it to be true if they had a personal experience.
2) scientifically proven that when the body dies so does the brain meaning there cannot be life after death as the brain is dead which controls everything we do.
3) people do not believe in God meaning things like souls don’t exist. So without souls no one can enter heaven.
4) Paranormal evens could be scientifically explains as hallucinations and not by a spirit. Meaning there is no hard evidence that life after death exists as ghosts.
Laws of abortion
Law says that abortion is only allowed if two doctors agree:
• mothers life is at risk
• mothers physical or mental state is at risk
• there is a risk to an existing child
• the child is very likely to be born severely handicapped.
Abortions cannot be carried out after 24 weeks unless:
• Mothers life is at risk
• foetus is likely to be born severely handicapped
Arguments for Abortion
1) could save mothers life is she’s at risk.
2) back-street abortions could rise if it were to be illegal which would put women at more risk.
3) women have the right to choose what happens to their bodies.
4) Every child should feel wanted and loved and abortions will save that child from being unwanted.
Arguments against abortion
1) Taking a life away from a living thing as it can be knows as alive from conception.
2) everyone should have a right to live and this baby’s right is being taken away from it.
3) if the mother doesn’t want to have the child their are many loving parents who can’t make babies that would live to adopt.
4) it has been medically declared that child is very vulnerable in the womb and can start to feel things at an early age therefore abortion is hurting a living thing.
Catholic attitudes to abortion
1) God created life if you have an abortion you are killing Gods creation and breaking the 10 commandments.
2) If the child has a disability it’s discrimination to not allow them to live but to allow normal babies to live.
3) Catholics believe life starts at contraception therefore believe if you have an abortion you are killing a life.
4) Counselling, help and adoption are better than abortion to women who are raped as a good thing can be made out of evil.
Liberal protestants attitudes to abortion
1) life does
Why euthanasia should remain illegal
1) you can never be sure if it’s their choice e.g. Money could be involved and relatives
2) cure could be found for the disease or the patient might go into remission.
3) They may change their minds, but then it would be too late.
4) trust in doctors would be lost, as it is their role to save lives not end them.
Why euthanasia should be made legal
1) people are suffering in pain, it may be the male living thing to do to end their pain.
2) its their life they should be able to have the right to choose to die and to ask doctors in assistance for their suicide.
3) it allows family’s to grieve easier knowing it was their choice and their way to die and they will all be together for the death.
Catholic view on euthanasia
1) The Catholic Church teaches that all forms of euthanasia are wrong.
2) life is created by God, therefore it is Gods choice when he wants to take life away from us.
3) It is thought as murder and goes against the 10 commandments.
4) Catholics believe in the sanctity of life and that all life is precious and should be respected and protected.
Christians that’s allow euthanasia
1) A person should be able to die with dignity - Jesus did teach us to love our neighbours.
2) surely God wouldn’t want someone to suffer.
3) Free will is a basic human right.