MATS Dover Question Bank Flashcards
- What conditions apply to the Area of Common Interest (ACI) between LAC and Paris ACC?
Responsibility for the provision of ATS in Paris’ airspace, between FL115-FL265, is delegated in La Manche East Low under the following conditions:
a) Traffic is to be controlled by DVR.
b) Paris will inform DVR of any known GAT which is joining or crossing FL115 and FL265.
a) What conditions apply to the Area of Common Interest (ACI) between LAC and Reims ACC?
Responsibility for the provision of ATS in Reims’ airspace, between FL265-FL660, is delegated in La Manche East High 1 & 2 under the following conditions:
a) Traffic is to be controlled by DVR.
b) Reims will inform DVR of any known GAT which is joining or crossing FL265-FL660.
- What conditions apply to the Maastricht RFC areas in S15?
- a) All traffic within Area A is RFC.
b) All traffic within Area B is only RFC to FL340.
c) All traffic is RFT by up to 10 degrees within the confines of Areas A and B.
d) All traffic within Area C is RFC and RFT within the confines of Area C subject to not entering the KOKSY Buffer Zone or the MADUX Zone.
- What conditions apply to the operation of the NONVA box?
TC SABER may delegate the NONVA box (FL125 - FL175) to TC JACKO for the control of EGKK inbound aircraft and EGSS / EGSC departures via ABTUM. TC JACKO will notify S15 when the NONVA box is in operation.
- What conditions apply to aircraft entering the VATON box?
S15 is to ensure that coordination takes place with TC VATON before the aircraft is vectored north of OCK-BIG. If traffic is transferred to S15 within the confines of the VATON Box, S15 may assume that TC SE have coordinated with TC VATON.
- What conditions apply to traffic transferred from S16/17 to S26?
- All traffic at or above FL260 (irrespective of RFL) transferred from S16/17 to S26 is RFC FL300 subject to the following conditions:
a) Excludes traffic inbound to the Midlands Group, EGNE, EGGD or EGFF which are subject of separate standing agreements.
b) Traffic which is transferred on a radar heading is not RFT.
c) All traffic on UL613 must be coordinated prior to infringing S17 airspace irrespective of whether S17 appears in the coordination sequence.
- What level planning conditions exist for aircraft via KOK to Maastricht UAC?
- a) Odd levels FL290+ may be planned.
b) All levels FL260-FL280 may be planned.
c) FL250 may be planned for LTMA departures RFL290+.
d) FL310 max for LTMA departures. Traffic may be cleared to a higher level after coordination with both S2 and Maastricht before the aircraft reaches DVR.
e) ODLs for traffic destinations ED** and ETAR may be planned from 2300-0700(L).
f) Minimum of 3 minutes longitudinal separation at all levels.
g) Aircraft departing from the LTMA at FL310 shall be level by KONAN.
h) Except for LTMA departures at FL290 and below, all traffic shall be level by 10nm east of DVR.
i) LTMA departures are RFC after DVR unless otherwise notified by LAC.
j) Traffic below FL190 shall not be transferred before DVR.
- What level planning conditions exist for traffic via KOK to Brussels ACC?
- a) All eastbound levels FL230 and below may be planned.
b) FL200, FL220 and FL240 may be planned for Brussels TMA arrivals.
c) FL230 max for LTMA departures inbound to Brussels TMA.
d) All other Brussels TMA inbounds may be allocated FL240 level KONAN.
e) LTMA departures RFL250 and above, unable to cross KONAN FL245 or above, shall be coordinated at a maximum of FL230. This traffic is RFC to any flight level obtained by Brussels ACC with Maastricht UAC after passing 10nm east of DVR.
f) Traffic inbound to the Netherlands, Paris or LFOK shall be allocated FL230 or below.
g) FL110 maximum level for traffic inbound to EBOS or EBKT.
h) Minimum 3 minutes longitudinal separation at all levels.
- What level planning conditions exist for traffic via UL10 at RINTI?
- a) FL310 should be planned.
b) FL270 may be planned only if FL310 is unavailable.
c) Minimum 3 minutes longitudinal separation.
d) Only EGKK outbound traffic RFL350+ may route DVR-RINTI-OTGUV-LESDO (D4).
e) Traffic to be transferred to Reims UB.
f) Traffic to be on track to OTGUV within the OTGUV gate.
g) Traffic RFC when passing 5nm after RINTI.
h) Traffic RFT after passing ELTEG.
i) Traffic unable to cross RINTI FL195+ shall be coordinated with Paris TN.
j) Reims are responsible for informing LAC of any traffic operating within the delegated area of ATS which is unknown to LAC.
- What level planning conditions exist for traffic via L10/B3/N57/M91/A30 to Paris ACC/Lille App?
- a) Responsibility for L10/B3 is shared between S15 and Paris ACC FL135-195.
b) TC GODLU is responsible for L10/B3 below FL135.
c) Eastbound flight levels on L10/B3 FL150 to FL190 are available to S15.
d) Level allocation is affected by the status of CBA1.
d. i. When CBA1 is not active, traffic may use these routes between FL115 and FL195 subject to verbal coordination between S15/16 and Paris TB.
d. ii. When CBA1 is Active, eastbound levels FL110 and below may be planned. Traffic must be FL110 or below by the FIR boundary to avoid infringement of CBA1.
e) To ensure that CBA1 is not active when allocating a level above FL135, the S15P shall telephone Paris ACC to confirm the status of the area on an individual basis.
f) Minimum 3 minutes longitudinal separation above FL115, 10 minutes longitudinal separation below FL115.
- What transfer of control conditions exist from Reims to S16 and S17?
- a) Traffic transferred from Reims to S17:
a. i. Is RFC/D 10nm before SOSUN/KESAX/ABNUR within the delivering sector limits; and
a. ii. Is RFT at or abeam NITAR, no more than 5nm north of UT10.
a. iii. Is RFD and RFT with all Reims sectors when inside the RFT/RFD box.
b) Traffic on UL613, transferred from Reims, is RFT/C/D after VESAN within the delivering sector limits.
c) PTMA departures on UL613, transferred from Paris at or below FL260, are RFC with both Paris and Reims ACCs after passing VESAN.
d) When Reims are holding at VESAN/ABUDA, they will inform AC and ensure traffic is clean before transfer to AC.
e) When Paris TN are holding at ABUDA, they shall inform S17 and ensure traffic is clean before transferring to AC.
f) Paris TN will notify S17 of traffic on UT191 prior to transferring the traffic to S16. Reims will endeavour to stream EGKK arrivals.
- Under what conditions may Paris apply reduced longitudinal separation between traffic routeing through KUNAV, ALESO or SOVAT?
- Paris may apply reduced longitudinal separation between aircraft through KUNAV, ALESO or SOVAT, provided that:
a) Traffic crossing the FIR/UIR boundary at KUNAV/ALESO are to be treated as if they were following a single ATS route.
b) 3 minutes separation may be used at all levels above FL195.
c) The relevant aircraft are monitored by radar and the actual distance between them is at least 20nm. Both aircraft must have functioning transponders and the radar equipment at both LAC and Paris must be serviceable.
d) If any speed restriction is imposed, this should be notified by the pilot on transfer.
e) The GS Channel or Paris WS may cancel the use of reduced separation in exceptional circumstances giving 30 minutes notice where possible.
f) Direct telephone facilities must be serviceable at both units.
- Under what conditions may S15 apply reduced longitudinal separation to Reims ACC?
- S15 may apply 3 minutes separation between aircraft through RINTI provided that:
a) The aircraft are monitored by radar and the distance between them is never less than 20nm and they have functioning transponders and both radars are fully serviceable;
b) Any speed restriction is notified by the pilot on transfer;
c) The Reims WS may suspend this procedure giving at least 30 minutes notice where possible;
d) Direct telephone facilities must be fully serviceable.
- When may silent radar handovers be used between S15 and Reims ACC?
- Silent radar handovers may be used provided that:
a) A minimum of 10nm, constant or increasing, exists between the aircraft;
b) Aircraft have functioning transponders displaying discrete codes and both primary and secondary radars as well as direct radar-radar telephone lines are fully serviceable; and
c) Pilots are to be instructed to report any speed restrictions when transferred.
- When may Reims ACC apply reduced longitudinal separation to S16/17?
- Reims may apply 3 minutes longitudinal separation between aircraft through SUBIP, KUNAV, ALESO or SOVAT, subject to the following conditions:
a) Traffic routing via SUBIP/KUNAV or KUNAV/ALESO are to be treated as if they were following a single ATS route. (Traffic via SUBIP/ALESO may be treated as on separate airways and may be transferred at the same level on their own navigation).
b) The relevant aircraft should be monitored by radar and the distance between them shall be at least 20nm. Both aircraft must have functioning transponders and both radars must be fully serviceable.
c) If any speed restriction is imposed, this should be notified by the pilot on transfer.
d) GS Channel may suspend this procedure giving at least 30 minutes notice where possible.
e) Direct telephone facilities must be fully serviceable.
f) On route TB3 standard separation is to be applied.
- What conditions apply to radar handovers between Reims/Paris ACCs and S16/17?
Radar handovers may be used between Reims/Paris and S16/17 when the respective radars are serviceable and two-way direct speech facilities are available.
- What action should be taken following communications and OLDI failures between AC and Paris/Reims?
When telephone communications and OLDI fail:
a) aircraft are to be instructed to pass their flight details by RTF to the receiving centre.
b) The transferring centre is to ensure that coordination has been effected before penetrating the receiving centres airspace.
c) Aircraft are to be in level flight with 10 minutes longitudinal separation.
d) If telephone communications fail but the OLDI link remains in service, aircraft will not be required to pass their own estimates.
- What conditions exist for coordination of Paris TMA departures via SOVAT from Paris ACC to S16?
- a) Paris will endeavour to provide 10nm in trail between North Atlantic traffic (NAT) departing LFPG using speed where appropriate. Certain tactical situations may result in flights being presented on radar headings.
b) Oceanic traffic departing the Paris TMA is restricted to a maximum of FL260.
c) Westbound Oceanic traffic departing the Paris TMA are not included in the LUS Sector Group traffic figures.
d) Slow climbing non-Oceanic Paris TMA departures unable to make FL260 or above by VESAN will be transferred to S16 at FL240. These aircraft are released for climb with Paris to FL260.
e) Non oceanic Paris TMA departures able to make FL310 or above by RATUK will be transferred to S2. Traffic unable to meet this restriction, but able to be FL260 or above by VESAN, will be capped at FL280 and transferred to S16.
- What conditions apply to coordination of Paris TMA departures from S16 to S2?
- S16 may offer Paris TMA departures to S2 subject to the following conditions:
a) If coordination has not been agreed by RATUK, or the aircraft will not be FL310 by 10nm before SANDY, S16 shall withdraw the offer and target S26 or S15 as appropriate.
b) S2 must coordinate a level within its airspace or reject the offer.
c) Flights not accepted by S2 shall follow the appropriate sector sequence as follows: 16 – 26 or 16 - 15 – 26.
- Under what conditions may reduced longitudinal separation be planned between S15 and Brussels ACC?
Subject to the serviceability of both radars, 3 minutes longitudinal separation may be planned provided that the aircraft are monitored by radar and the distance between the aircraft is at least 20nm.
- What conditions apply to the use of radar handovers between S15 and Brussels ACC?
- Radar handovers may be used in both directions, provided that:
a) Both radars are fully serviceable; and
b) Direct telephone lines are fully serviceable.
- What is the minimum radar separation between S15 and Brussels?
- 8nm constant or increasing, unless on parallel radar headings, at FL200 and above, during periods of CBA1 activity that restrict L9/UL9.
- What is the minimum radar separation between Brussels and S15?
5nm, constant or increasing.
5nm, constant or increasing.
Silent radar handovers may be used provided that:
a) A minimum of 10nm, constant or increasing, exists between the aircraft;
b) The aircraft have functioning transponders displaying discrete codes and both radars and direct radar-radar telephone lines are serviceable; and
c) Pilots shall report any speed when transferred.