Matrices Flashcards
what does it mean if matrix multiplication is associative, using A B and C as examples
- (AB)C = A(BC) = ABC
- or A(B+C) = AB + AC
what does it mean if matrix multiplication is not commutative, using A and B as examples
AB does not = BA
what does the transpose of a transpose of a matrix equal
the original matrix
what are the 2 things ((AB)^T)ij can equate to
- (AB)ji (notice i and j swapped)
- (B^T * A^T)ij ( notice i and j did not swap but B and A did)
what does a . b equal in terms of a^T
a . b = a^T * b
what is the condition in order for the inverse of a matrix to not exist
the determinant of the matrix must be 0
how does multiplying a matrix by a constant c change the determinant
it also multiplies the determinant by c
what is an easy way to spot whether the det of a matrix is 0
if 2 rows or columns are equal
does the det(A) = det(A^T)
what is the det(AB) also equal to
what is the 2x2 matrix for rotations (all matrix notations are read downwards first
- cosθ, sinθ
- -sinθ, cosθ
what direction does the inverse of a regular rotation matrix rotate a vector and why
- in the clockwise direction
- because all the θs turn into -θs
what is the inverse of a rotation matrix equal to
its transpose
what is the matrix for rotation about the x-axis
- 1 0 0
- 0 cosθ sinθ
- 0 -sinθ cosθ
what is the matrix for the rotation about the y-axis
- cosθ 0 -sinθ
- 0 1 0
- sinθ 0 cosθ
what is the matrix for the rotation about the z-axis
- cosθ sinθ 0
- -sinθ cosθ 0
- 0 0 1
are rotations in 2D commutative (does doing A then B = doing B then A)
what is the only scenario in 3D where rotations are commutative
if its about the same axis
for a rotation matrix Q, what does QQ^T or QQ^-1 equal
the identity matrix I
simply speaking, how would you prove that a matrix is a rotation matrix
by showing that it doesnt change the length of the rotated vector
what is the proof showing that the length of a rotated vector x doesnt change ( starting from x’ = Qx)
- x’ . x’ = (x’)^T * x’ (length of new vector squared)
- (x’)^T * x’ = (Qx)^T * Qx
- = x^T * Q^T * Q * x (you can expand brackets if you flip the order)
- as Q^T*Q = I, above = x^T * x
what is the difference between the determinant of a rotation and reflection matrix
- the det of a rotation matrix is 1
- the det of a reflection matrix is -1
if R = Q^T, where R rotates the coordinate system by an angle and Q^T is the transpose of a rotation matrix that would normally rotate a vector by and angle, how would you present the change of a coordinate system in 3D using ‘a’ as the vector
a’ = Ra
if a’ = Ra, what is the relationship between a’ and a when R is turned to R^-1
a = (R^-1)a’
if A = a linear transpose in a coordinate system, what is the formula showing the relationship between A and the matrix R
A’ = RAR^T