Matrices Flashcards
What do i and j represent in matrices?
i is the row and j is the column.
What is the identity matrix? What is a null matrix?
The identity matrix is a matrix which has 0’s everywhere except diagonally from the top left to bottom right, which are 1’s. The null matrix is just a matrix full of 0’s.
What is the transpose of a matrix?
Where aji = aij, the matrix is symmetric.
What order matrix do you get when you multiply two matrix together?
A matrix with the number of rows equal to that of matrix A and a number of columns equal to that of matrix B.
How do you find the elements of the product of two matrices A and B?
cij = sum from k=1 to number of columns in A or number of rows in B of :aik*bkj
What do you get if you multiply a matrix A by the identity matrix I?
You get the original matrix, A.
What do you get if you multiply a matrix by its inverse?
The identity matrix I.
What is the equation for the inverse of a matrix including minors?
A^-1 = 1/|A| * C(transpose)
where C is the cofactor matrix whose elements are multiplied by (-1)^(i+j)
How do you find the inverse of a 2 by 2 matrix?
- Swap the position of the two leading diagonal elements
- Negate the two off-diagonal elements
- Multiply all by the reciprocal of the determinant of tha matrix
How do you find the inverse of a 3 by 3 matrix?
Find all the minors - this is the cofactor matrix.
How do you solve simultateous equations using the inverse matrix?
Put the equations into a matrix, with one unknown column and one column for the answers. The answers to the simultaneous equation are the inverse of the matrix multiplied by the answers of the equation. (e.g. x+y = 4 - 4 is the answer here)
How do you solve simultaneous equations using determinants?
- Solve the equations to find x and y
- The answers you get should look similar to determinants
- Convert to determinants and rearrange so you have x and y on the top and the determinants as the denominators
How do you solve simultaneous equations using Gaussian elimination?
Use row operations to make a triangle of 0’s in the bottom left corner, starting from the top and working round the corner
What does it mean if, during Gaussian elimination, you get a zero in the bottom right corner (whole bottom row are zeros?
There is no solution to this set of equations.
How do you solve simultaneous equations using row reduced echelon form?
Use row operations until you have the identity matrix. Find zeros in same order, but after bottom left triangle, start from top middle zero and then work round the corner.
What does it mean if a set of vectors, e.g. a, b and c are linearly independent?
Linearly independent if αa + βb + γc = 0 is only satisfied if α = β = γ = 0
What is the procedure to work out if a set of vectors is linearly independent?
Put α, β and γ in front of each matrix and make it equal to zero, and find α, β and γ. Then form a matrix with the vectors as columns and obtain row-reduced echeclon form. If there are all zeros in final column, is linearly independant.
What are the conditions required for a set of vectors to form a linear vector space?
- The set is closed under commutative and associative addition (a+b = b+a and (a+b)+c = a+(b+c)
- The set is closed under multiplication by a scalar that gives a new vector
- There exists a null vector such that a=0 = a
- Multiplication by unity leaves all vectors unchanged
- All vectors have a corresponding negative vector such that: a+(-a) = 0 and -1 x a = -a
What is the span of a set of vectors?
The infinity set of vectors that may be written as linear combinations of the original set of vectors.
What is the image of a vector A?
The span of the column vectors of A.
What is the kernel of a vector A?
The solution of the square matrix multiplied by α, β and γ, all equaling zero (vector with α, β and γ as x,y and z)
What is the rank of a matrix A?
The dimension of the image of A (number of linearly independent rows or linearly independent columns). Is also the number of non-zero rows in row reduced echelonform. ALso the size of the largest square submatrix with a non-zero determinant.
What is nullity of matrix A?
The dimension of the kernel of A.
What is the rank-nullity theorem?
For a m by n matrix, rank(A) + nullity(A) = n
How can you tell if there are solutions from the rank?
If the rank is equal to the number of columns of A, then there are unique solutions. If the rank of A is different to the rank of the cofactor matrix then there are no solutions.
What are linear transformations?
Where a matrix is multiplied by another matrix A to transform it into another vector space.
How do you find the eigenvalues of a matrix?
Find the magnitude of the matrix - lambda x the identity matrix. Then solve the equation.
How do you find the eigenvectors?
Multiply the found matrix from (A-lambda X I) by e11 and e21, using the different eigenvalues.
How do you normalise eigenvectors?
Multiply the found eigenvector by beta which is equal to the inverse of the square root of the sum of the individual elements squared.
How can you find eigenvectors using the vectors/cross product?
Find (A-lambda X I) and take the vector product of the first two rows.
How do you find the inverse of a matrix using the identity matrix?
Perform row operations until matrix A is in row-reduced echelon form, but do the same row operations to the identity matrix. This will convert I into the inverse of A.
What is matrix diagonalisation?
You want to find the non-singular matrix P such that: D = P^-1 X A X P, where D is a diagonal matrix.
How do you find P?
P is constructed by arranging the eigenvectors of A as the columns. The diagonal elements of D then correspond to the eigenvalues of A.
What do you get if you put a Diagonal matrix to the power of n?
All the diagonal elements are put to the power of n too.