Math Theorems Flashcards
Using Fermats Little Theorem how can we avoid testing every number 1 to P
for a single number
Prob that flt returns yes when N is prime is 1
Prob that flt returns yes when N is not prime is <= 1/2
So depending on the amount of certainty we pick k different a values, which gives us
1/2k as the probability flt returns yes when it is not prime.
What theorem would you use to solve:
wx - yx divisible by N
- N can be factored into two primes
- GCD(w,N) = 1 and GCD(y,N) = 1
Euler’s Theorem:
If N is the product of 2 prime numbers and GCD(w,Z) = 1 and GCD(y,Z) = 1
Then Z(p-1)(q-1) === 1 mod N
E.g. Is 41536 - 94824 divisible by 35
35 is product of 5 & 7 (two primes)
gcd(4,35) = 1
gcd(9,35) = 1
(p-1)(q-1) = (5-1) * (7-1) = 24
Z24 = 1 mod 35
1536/24 = 64 so 4(24*64) equals 1 mod 55
4824/24 = 201 so 9(24)(201) equals 1 mod 9
1 mod 5 = 1, 1 mod 9 = 1
1 -1 = 0, there is no left over so yes it is divisible!!!
What is the substitution rule for x and y
in modulo arithmetic in terms of x’ and y’
x = x’ (mod n) and y = y’ (mod n)
x + y === x’ + y’ (mod n)
xy === x’y’ (mod n)
10 * 15 (mod 4) =>
(10 (mod 4) * 15) (mod 4) -or-
(10 * 15 (mod 4)) (mod 4)-or-
(10 (mod 4) * 15 (mod4)) (mod 4)
Can you prove that if a mod b has an inverse then b mod a must also have an inverse?
Yes, a (mod b) only has an inverse if gcd (a,b) = 1
so the formula b (mod a) only has an inverse if gcd(b,a) = 1
gcd(a,b) and gcd(b,a) are the same formula.
Euler’s Theorem
For N = pq where p & q are prime,
For any Z where gcd(Z, N) = 1
Then Z(p-1)(q-1) is equivliant to 1 mod N
Multiply Algorithm
Time O(n2)
if y == 0: return 0
z = multiply(x, floor(y/2))
if y is even:
return 2z
return x + 2z
How can we use Fermats Little Theorem to prove a number is prime.
Fermat’s little theorem says:
If p is prime, then for every 1 <=a
a(p-1) === 1 (mod p)
So if we have a number P that we want to test for primality, then calculate
a(p-1) for every value a between 1 and p.
If they all equal 1, then it is prime.
(Note: There are some charmichael numbers like 561 which pass the test, but aren’t prime.
Euclid’s Rule
if x & y are positive integers x >= y,
then gcd(x,y) = gcd(x mod y, y)
How are keys created for RSA
1. Pick two large prime numbers p and q
- calculate n = pq. (n is the modulus for pub and priv)
- Calculate totient of n .. (p-1)(q-1)
- Choose e (the public key exponent) so that the gcd(e, totient(n)) = 1. (can be small like 3, 5, 35)
- Calculate d to be the inverse of e mod totient(n)
- Use Extended-Euclid (e,n)
- The number that returns as the multiple (x) for e is the inverse.
- if it’s negative you need to mod it. (Basically add N to it until it is positive.)
- This number alone not (x * e) but the x is the inverse x Mod N.
Public Key = (n, e)
Private key = (d)
Note if you get a decryption key of 1, then your selection of e was not gcd 1 with totn.
ModExp Algorithm
Time O(n3)
ModExp(x, y, N):
if y = 0: return 1
Z = modexp(x, floor(y/2), N)
if y is even:
return z2 mod N
return x * z2 mod N
What is Euclid’s Algorithm for GCD
Time O(n3)
// a and b with a >= b >= 0
if b = 0: return a
return Euclid(b, a mod b)
b, a mod b =>
if x & y are positive
x >= y
gcd(x,y) is equal to
gcd(y, x mod y)
p is prime, q is prime:
N = pq
What is totient(N)
Big O time for modulo
Addition => O(n)
Multiplication => O(n2)
Division => O(n3)
What is multiplicative inverse for modulo numbers?
x is the multiplicative inverse of a (mod n)
if a*x (mod n) = 1
Sometimes one doesn’t exist. if gcd(a, N) > 1, it can never exist. E.g. a=2, N=6
When gcd(a, N) = 1 (we say a and N are relatively prime), the extended Euclid algorithm gives us integers x and y such that ax + N y = 1, which means that ax ≡ 1 (mod N). Thus x is a’s sought inverse.
Divide Algorithm
Time O(n2)
if x = 0: return (q,r) = (0,0)
(q,r) = divide(floor(x/2), y)
q = 2 * q, r = 2 * r
if x is odd:
r = r + 1
if r >= y:
r= r - y
q = q + 1
return (q, r)
What is Eculid’s Extended Algorithm
(and what can you tell with it)
To check if a number d is the gcd of a and b. Then the extension says:
if d divides both a and b, and d = ax + by for some integers x and y then necessarily d = gcd (a,b)
input a,b with a>=b>=0
output: x, y, d such that d = gcd(a,b) and ax + by = d
if b = 0: return (1,0,a)
(x’, y’, d) = extended-Euclid(b, a mod b)
return (y’, x’ - floor(a/b)y’, d)
Euler’s Totient Function
For prime P, Totient(P) = P - 1;
When N = pq, Totient(N) = (p-1)(q-1)
How can you reduce 2345 (mod 31)
using the substitution rules and associativity, commutativity and distributivity
Taken together with the substitution rule, it is legal to reduce intermediate results modulo N at any stage. So simplifications can be made like:
2345 (mod 31) ==>
(25)69 (mod 31) ==>
3269 (mod 31) ==>
169 (mod 31) ==>
1 (mod 31)

What theorem would you use to solve
a mod N
if N is prime.
Fermats Little Theorem
(If N is prime, than for 1 <= a < n)
a(n-1) = 1 mod N
199 (mod 5)
19(5-1) => 194 = 1 mod 5
Divide exponent by N-1:
9/4 = 2 R 1
This means 198 = 1 mod 5
Substiution leaves
198 (mod 5) * 191 (mod 5) => 1 (mod 5) * 19 mod 5
1 * 4 = 4
How is RSA performed using:
N, e -> public key
d -> private key
Encrypt x:
y = xe mod N
Decrypt y:
x = yd mod N
Fermat’s Little Theorem
If p is prime, then for every 1 <=a < p
ap-1 = 1 (mod p)
e.g: is 2^2 = 1 mod 3
p = 3 and is prime
2^(3-1) = 2^2 = 1 mod 3
1 mod 3
How do you get a prime number?
Select a random n bit number
Run it through flt
if passes it is prime, otherwise try again
Probability of hitting a prime in n but numbers is 1/n so we expect this to only take n guesses at most.
What are the 3 main steps to Kruskal’s Algorithm
Time: O(mlogn)
m = edges
n = verticies
Input: Undireted graph G(v,e) with weights w(e)
- Sort E by increasing weight
- Set x to the empty set.
- For each edge in our sorted list of edges, if adding edge into x does not create a cycle, then add the edge.
- Return x
What are cut edges
Undirected G=(v,e)
Partition V = S union ~S
Cut(S,~S) = {(v,w) in E: v in S, w in ~s}
This says cut edges are the edges that
cross between S and ~S.
2 Takeaway’s from MST proof
1) I can take a tree, add in e* and that creates a cycle. I can then remove any edge from that cycle and get a new tree T’
2) A minimum weight edge across the cut is part of a mst.
What is topological order in an acyclic graph
The order based on decreasing post number.