Math, Math, & More Math Flashcards
Maintenance Fluid Rate
Weight in # x 30 = ____ mls/hr
Surgical Fluid Rate
Weight in kg x 10 = ____ mls/hr
< 20# drip set
> 20# Drip set
Drip Rate
Mls/hr / time (hrs) / 3600 x drip set = ____gtt/sec
Rounding rules for <1 gtt/sec
Round to tenths place x 10 and reduce!
Drug reconstitution (gm to mg/ml)
1gm = 1000mg
____gm x 1000 / ____ mls of water = ____mg/ml
% Drug Concentration
% = ____gm x 1000 / 100 = ____mg/ml (conc)
% Dextrose Sol.
Need (mls) x Need (lesser %) / Have (higher %) = ____ mls of ____% Dextrose (higher %)
KCL Problems with < 1000mls in fluid bag
____meq KCL x ____mls remaining / 1000mls / 2 = ____ mls of KCL
KCL Problems with full fluid bag
____meq KCL / 2 = ____mls of KCL
Calculating mg after giving mls
Step 1: DDV
Step 2: V x C = new dose
Rx label
Write out Rx and include Drug, Conc, and Amount at bottom
Mannitol % Drug Conc.
Must answer in gm!
% = ____gm / 100 = ____gm/ml (conc)
< 7kg O2 Flow Rate
Non-Rebreathing System
200 x wt. in kg = ____ mls O2/min
> 7kg O2 Flow Rate
Rebreathing System
30 x wt. in kg = ____ mls O2/min
Time remaining in O2 Tank
____psi x 0.3 / O2 Flow Rate in L (mls / 1000) = ____min. OR / 60 = ____hrs.
Title Vol.
10-15mls x wt. in kg = ____-____mls
Res. Bag
60mls x wt. in kg = ____mls
*always choose larger bag: 1 L, 2 L, 3 L, etc…
Any pt < 7kg = __ L bag
1 L bag
Sx fluid Vol. per 15min
____mls/hr / 4 = ____mls/15min