MATGII Flashcards
What does the tearing of the temple veil at Jesus’ death indicate/ symbolically reveal?
With the death of Christ, all people (not just the high priest) have access to the presence of God.
What does “passion” mean in reference to Jesus’ crucifixion?
The sufferings of Jesus during his final days of life: his agony in the garden at Gethsemane, his trial, and crucifixion
Who did the Jews believe could forgive sin? Why was this a problem for Jesus?
They believed only God could forgive sin. People are angered when he claims to forgive them for their sins
- What is blasphemy?
To speak irreverently about God
What is at least one irony in the story of Jesus’ passion and death?
They charged him with blasphemy even though he is God and therefore never talked badly or irreverently about got
Which Gospel articulates the passion, death and resurrection of Christ?
All four
Why is the Passion narrative the heart of Christian faith?
The events recounted are the high points of Jesus’s plan to save humanity.
What is redemptive love?
Jesus’s own suffering and death, to lay down ones life for ones friends.
- Why was Jesus made “to be sin who knew no sin…”?
So that in him we might become the righteousness of God
- How do we earn God’s love and forgiveness?
By accepting Jesus, God sent the son to be the expiation for our sins
- The Son sacrificed himself for the world because he loves the Father. What was the Father’s will for the world?
The plan of divine salvation in his redemptive mission
- How could Jesus die for our sins when he did not sin himself?
Jesus is the paschal lamb who is willingly lead to slaughter, he is the sacrificial lamb and is exempt from sin.
- In the NT Jesus refers to the use of ash as a sign of what?
Admission to the Order of Penitents
Lent is a time in the Church for the whole community to pray and fast especially for which group of people?
The catechumens who were preparing for baptism
- Who is an example of a modern martyr and how did they show redemptive love?
Saint Damien de Veuster -
- What is the difference between a sign and symbol?
Sign: one meaning, no interpretation.
Symbol: many meanings, requires interpretation.
- What are at least two elements that are in all four resurrection narratives?
Mary Magdalene was there and at the tomb
- What do the common elements of the resurrection narratives help us to understand?
Help us to understand the resurrection as a real historical event.
- What is one element of historical validity for the NT and why does it point to historical validity?
We have different NT copies from different locations showing great authenticity of scriptural accounts
- According to 1 Corinthians 15, if the resurrection of Christ is denied, what negative consequences would there be for the faith? (give at least two examples)
- Our preaching is empty and our faith is empty
2 our faith is in vain, we still have sin
- What is at least one way in 1 Corinthians St. Paul conveys that the resurrection really happened?
The risen Christ appeared to over 500 people
- (Falling plates) How does the Paschal Mystery apply to us today?
Without gods grace we will die, and because Jesus died on the cross we can receive eternal life
- (A Man on a mission) What does it mean that Jesus “set his face toward Jerusalem”?
He was determined to make it to Jerusalem.
- (Last Supper) from John 6: What does Jesus say the disciples need to do in order to have life in them?
Eat my flesh and drink my blood
- (Pilate condemns Jesus to death) What does Pilate ask Jesus and why is it significant?
“What is the truth?”
- (The Crucifixion) What was the significance of Jesus saying “I thirst” on the cross?
It symbolizes the Passover is complete
- (Christ’s descent into Hell) What happened to all those people who died before Christ?
Jesus spent holy Saturday with them offering to them the same salvation he offers to us.
- If the resurrection reveals the truth of Jesus’ divinity, what else does it reveal as true AND WHY would it be true?
That all of his other teachings are true…
- What is an example of how Jesus uses the natural world to point to the reality that out of death comes life?
“I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit” (John 12:24)”
Excerpt From: Brian Singer-Towns. “The Paschal Mystery.” v2.2. Saint Mary’s Press, 2013. iBooks.
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