maternity terminology/assessment - week 1 Flashcards
during pregnancy ( prenatal )
During labour and delivary
After delivary of infant and placenta
Pregant woman
NUmber of times a women has beeen pregant
The number of pregnancies a woman has completed to the stage of fetal viability, but not the number of fetuses born
Fetal viability
Capacity of fetus to live outside the uterus (usually considered to be 22-24 weeks). The legal age of viability is 20 weeks or 500 gms in Canada. This definition governs the abortion law.
a women who has not completed a pregnancy with a fetus or fetuses who reached the stage of viability
women who has completed one pregnancy to the stage of fetal viability
a women who has carried two or more pregnancies to vaibility (wheather they ended in live infant or still births)
37-42 weeks completed of pregnany
20-36 completed weeks of pregnancy
42 or more completed weeks of pregancy
Gravidity, term biths, preterm births, abortion, licing children
Termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable and capable of extrauterine existence, usually less than 20 weeks of gestation (or when the fetus weighs less than 500 gms)
spontaneous abortion; lay term ususlly referring to the spontaneous loss of the fetus
manda has just delivered twins from her second pregnancy. She had a miscarriage at 14 weeks during her first pregnancy. What is the number of her gravidity and parity?
G:2 P:2
dome shaped upper portion of the uterus between the points of intesertion of the uterine tubes
Surgical incision of the perineum at the end of second stage of labor to facilitate birth and to avoid laceration of the perineum.
Vaginal discharge during the post-partum period consisting of blood, tissue, and mucus.
Blood tinged flow that last from 2 to 4 days after birth
Serous pinkish flow that lats until about the tenth after birth
Thin yellowish to white vaginal discharge that may last from 2 to 6 weeks
Painful uterine cramps that occur intermittently for approximately 2 or 3 days after birth. The pain is more severe when the infant is sucking on the breast as the Oxytocin is released. It is also more severe in multipara women.
The fluid in the breast from pregnancy into the early postpartum period. It is rich in antibodies, which provide protection from many diseases; high in protein which binds bilirubin; and laxative acting, which speeds the elimination of meconium and helps loosen mucus.
Distension or vascular congestion. The swelling of the breast tissue brought about by an increase in blood and lymph supply to the breast. This usually starts when the milk comes in.
pernineal lacerations usuallt occurs when rhe fetal had is being born
first degree teaer
involves the skin adn structures superficial to the muscles
second degree tears
extends through the muscles
third degree tear
extends to anal spincter muscler
fourth degree tear
involves the anterior rectal wall
first day of normal menstrual cycle
estamated date of delivary
NAgeles’s rule
A pregnant women LMP was July 6, 2002. Calculate her EDD
Subtract 3 months and add seven days. It should be April 13, 2003.
HB’s Ag
Tests for hepatitis B infection.
blood group and Rh factor
Important to find out if mother is positive or negative.
Immunity to the Rubella infection. Anything below 10 is considered not immune. What if the vaccination is given to the pregnant women?
maternal serum screen
Quad screen marker: This test is a screening test used to screen for neural tube defect and Down Syndrome. The three markers are: Alphafetoprotein, Unconjugated estriol, and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Swabs are taken to identify the following: Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Herpes Simplex.
test for ecposure to the AIDS virus
gestational diabetes screen
Routine serum glucose at 24-28 weeks gestation diabetes screening. This is a one-hour post 50-mg oral glucose test. If the test exceeds 7.8 mmol/L then a glucose tolerance test is recommended.
GBS screen (35- 37weeks)
Group B Streptococcus are a group of bacteria commonly found in the rectum, and vagina, usually cause no symptoms or complications. However, during pregnancy GBS has been identified as a problem because it can cause infection in the neonate, usually as a result of transmission from mother to baby during or shortly after birth. A lot of pregnant women are screened during the last few weeks of pregnancy. Vaginal swabs are taken.
If woman is tested GBS positive, antibiotics are ordered during the labor. A minimum of two doses are considered ideal. This would decrease the chances of the neonatal sepsis. If only one dose is given due to fast delivery, the infant is monitored closely for 48 hours before discharge.
fundal height
The measurement of the upper curve of the fundus to the symphysis pubis. This gives the rough estimate of fetal growth.
That part of the fetus that first enters the pelvis and lies over the inlet: may be head, face, breech, or shoulder.
vertex or cephalic
fetal head
what is tested during urine samples during pregnany
Protein, Ketone, Glucose, Leukocytes
Stimulation of ineffective uterine contractions after labour has started spontaneously but is not progressing satisfactorily
The amniotic membrane is artificially ruptured
Stimulation of uterine contraction before the spontaneous onset of labour.
First stools of the infant: viscid, sticky, dark greenish brown, almost dark, sterile, odourless.
vaginal birth after caesarian section
assisted delivery vacuum
Applying vacuum pressure on the fetal head to facilitate the delivery of the fetus.
forceps assisted delivary
An instrument with curved blades is used to assist in the birth of the fetal head.
Half nitrous and half oxygen, this is used to decrease the perception of pain.
local anestia
the anesthetic agent is injected to the immediate perineal tissue where the episiotomy incision is made.
introduction of local anesthetic agent into the epidural space between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae.
oxytocin: why is this drug used in labour and delivary? when is it used
It is used to stimulate uterine contraction and can be used to induce or augment labor.
It is also used after the delivery of fetus to stimulate uterine contraction to assist in the expulsion of the placenta and to control post-partum hemorrhage.
first stage of labour
onset of regular uterine contractions to full dilation of the cervix
average length of time for nullipara (1st stage)
Nullipara: 10 to 16 hours
average time for multipara (1st stage)
Multipara: 6 to 10 hours
second stage of labour
From full cervical dilation to the birth of the fetus
nullipara average length (2nd stage)
1-2 hours
multiparous average time (2nd stage)
less than an hour
third stage of labour
From the birth of the fetus to the delivery of placenta
average time for nullipara and multipara (this stage)
up to one hour is consider normal
estaminated blood loss
gestional age from anetnatal history
Gestational age: In fetal development, the number of completed weeks counting from the first day of the last normal menstrual cycle.
gestational age from examination
This is determined by looking at the various newborn characteristics.
APGAR score
The Apgar score describes the condition of the newborn infant immediately after birth and, when properly applied, is a tool for standardized assessment
it permits rapid assessment of the need for resuscitation based on five signs that indicate the physiological adaptation to the outside world:
* Heart rate based on palpitation of the base of the umbilical cord.
* Respiratory effort
* Muscle tone based on degree of flexion and movement of extremities
* Reflex irritability
* Colour
small for gestational age, weight falls below the 10th percentile
Average for gestational age, usually the weight falls between the 10th to 90th percentile for infant’s age.
Large for gestational age, the weight is above the 90th percentile
what is the main ingridient in the formula?
cows milk