Maternal Medicine Flashcards
Does cardiac output change in pregnancy? By how much?
Yes, 30-50%.
Starting at 6 weeks and peaking at 24 weeks
Why should women not sleep on their back after 28 weeks?
Due to uterus compression of the superior vena cava.
What happens if the Superior vena cava is compressed? What is this called?
Drop in blood pressure. It is termed supine hypotension syndrome
Why are doctors concerned about supine hypotension syndrome?
It doubles risk of stillbirth
What ECG changes can be seen in the third trimester? (4)
PR interval shortens Left axis deviation T wave inversion in leads III and V2. Q waves in lead III and aVF Always compare ECGs to previous
Is pregnancy an antithrombotic or prothrombtic state?
This is to try and reduce risk of haemorrhage intro and post-partum. However, increases risk of venous thromboembolism.
What clotting factors increase in pregnancy? (5)
VII,IX,X,XII Fibrongen Plasminogen D-dimer vWF
What clotting factors are reduced during pregnancy?
Protein S
Does tidal volume increase or decrease in pregnancy?
Tidal volume increase by roughly 50%
Is functional residual capacity increased or decreased in pregnancy
Decreased - this means the pregnant woman has lower oxygen reserves.
Does a pregnant woman have to change her calorie intake and when during pregnancy?
Yes it is recommended that mothers need to ingest 200 extra kcal/day in the third trimester
They are not eating for two!
What is human placental lactogen?
Produced at week 5 of pregnancy. Acts similar to growth hormone, decreases insulin sensitivity in mother and aids in breast development
What are the risk factors associate with anaemia in pregnancy? (4)
Multiple pregnancy
Poor diet
Menorrhagia (Pre pregnancy anaemia)
Short interval between pregnancy
What impact does anaemia have on the fetus? (3)
Preterm birth
Low birth weight
Iron deficiency in first year of life
What is the common cause of anaemia in pregnancy?
Iron deficiency
What physiological changes impact anaemia during pregnancy? (2)
increase in red cell ass
Increase in plasma volume
When do we screen for anaemia in pregnancy? (2)
Booking bloods
28 weeks
What is defined as anaemia in pregnancy in 1st trimester?
What is defined as anaemia in pregnancy in the 2nd trimester?
What is defined as anaemia in pregnancy in 3rd trimester?
What is first line treatment for those diagnosed with anaemia in pregnancy?
Oral iron supplements alongside dietary advice.
What foods are recommended for those with iron deficiency?
Red meat, fish and poultry
Pulses, dark green vegetables, wholemeal bread and dried fruit.
What is the recommended. dose for iron supplements?
100-200mg daily
What vitamin aids in iron absorption?
Vitamin C. Medication should be taken with a glass of orange juice
What drinks should women be advised to avoid when taking iron supplements?
Teat and coffee as it inhibits absorption.
List side effects of taking iron? (2)
Constipation and gastric irritation