Maternal History And Risk Flashcards
Maternal serum alpha fetoprotein (MSAFP)
16-18 weeks, neural tube defects if high, low can indicate T21
Glucose tolerance test
24-28 weeks, plus repeat H/H bc blood volume increases by 50%
Given at 28 weeks
Chorionic Villus Sampling
Chorionic tissue (inside layer of placenta) tests for fetal chromosomal anomalies, can test in 1st trimester. Can be transabdominal or transvaginal
Screen for chromosomal abnormalities, done in second trimester (have to wait for enough fluid). Uses fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
Cordocentesis (Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling - PUBS)
Takes blood from umbilical cord, guided by ultrasound. Test for blood disorders
Biophysical profile (BPP) variables
Fetal breathing movements, fetal movement, fetal tone, amniotic fluid volume, non-stress test
Fetal breathing movements (BPP)
Normal - one or more episodes lasting 30 seconds or more
Abnormal - absence of breathing movements or movements lasting less than 30 seconds
Fetal movement (BPP)
Normal- 3 or more body or limb movements
Abnormal - two or less
Fetal tone (BPP)
Normal - one or more episodes of active extension with return to flexion of limb or trunk, or opening and closing of hand
Abnormal - slow extension with return to partial flexion or absent movement
Amniotic fluid volume (BPP)
Normal - single vertical pocket >2cm
Abnormal - <2cm or no fluid
Non-stress test
Normal - reactive
BPP scoring
8-10 - normal
6 -10 - may be sleepy, watch and retest
4 or less - no reassuring, consider delivery
Hypertension with proteinuria (> 300mg/L)
High blood pressure (hemolysis), elevated liver enzymes, low platelets
Superimposed PIH
Already had HTN, now worse due to pregnancy
Most common intrauterine infection, transmitted by exposure to infected blood or body fluids, most asymptomatic at birth.
Tx - gancyclovir
AF <1 L at 36 weeks, < 800 ml at term
Potter sequence - renal agenesis, not urinating, no fluid, no lungs, can lead to hypoplastic lungs
Hydramnios (poly)
AF volume > 2L anytime
GI obstructions, tight nuchal cord (obstruction to swallowing), neuro defects, TE fistula
Premature rupture of membranes
Preterm premature rupture of membranes (before 37 weeks)
Infection of placental membranes
Lectin/Sphigomyelin (L/S) ratio
Normal 2 or more
<2 indicates immature lungs, give steroids, try to stress baby, wait
>2 occurs when fetal lung surfactant is present in fluid (35 weeks)
Phosphatidylglycerol (PG)
If present in amniotic fluid, indicates lung maturity
More reliable than l/s ratio in diabetic moms
Fetal-lung maturity (TDx-FLM)
Measures mg of surfactant/g of albumin
>55 - probably maturity
Short term- beat to beat changes, vagal stimulation
Long term- larger amplitude
Early Decelerations
Head compression
Variable decelerations
Cord compression
Late decelerations
Fetal tachycardia
> 160 for 10 or more minutes
Think infection if sustained
Stop labor
Mag sulfate
Can cause neuromuscular or respiratory depression in baby
Indomethacin (prostaglandin inhibitors)
Risk of premature ductal closure, pulmonary hypertension, and altered renal function
Betamimetics (terbutaline)
Can cause hypoglycemia due to hyper insulin emit
Decrease heart muscle contractors which decreases uterine contractility
Abruptly pulling away from intrauterine wall, can be partial or total. Can bleed into pocket. Can cause hypoxia and hypoperfusion in baby
Cord prolapse
Occult - covering cervical opening
1st or 2nd degrees - dangling
Risk of cord compression and fetal hypoxia
Placenta previa
Low placental implantation, bright red bleeding because right by cervical opening, low placental implantation
Consider hyperbili (RBC breakdown and bleeding)
C/s risk
Extra fluid on lungs bc they aren’t squeezed
If c/s with no labor - RDS bc labor kicks out surfactant response
Fetal fibronectins
Found in fetal membranes throughout pregnancy, no longer detected in fluid after 22 weeks until ~2 weeks before delivery
Cervical ferritin
Inflammatory marker (think infection)
Corticotropin releasing hormone
Component of labor, both term and preterm
Placental a-microglobulin-1
Bio marker for rupture of membranes
Last menstrual period (LMP) assessment of gestational age
EDD= first day of LMP- 3 months + 7 days + 1 year
Fundal height gest age assessment
Uterus is at umbilicus at 20 weeks
First feeling of fetal movement
Primigravida - 18-20 weeks
Multigravida - 16-18
Fetal heart tones detected when
as early as 9 weeks, commonly by 12 weeks
Fetal femur length for gest age assess
Second trimester on, accurate +/- 7 days
TORCH infections
Toxoplasmosis, others (parvo, syphilis), rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex
All cross placenta
Screened at 35-37 weeks
Mom given prophylaxis abx during labor if positive
Normal fetal baseline
110-160 - 2 minutes
Fetal bradycardia
Less than 110 for 10 min or more
Fetal tachycardia
Greater than 160 for 10 min or more
Category 1
Normal FHR
Category 2
Indeterminate FHR not predictive or abnormal fetal acid base balance
Reevaluation needed
Category 3
Abnormal FHR, abnormal fetal acid base balance
Mag sulfate
CNS depressant to prevent seizures
Decreases BP transiently
GDM etiology
Secretion of human placental lactogen increases cellular resistance to insulin
Cortisol and glycogen levels increase
Pancreas can’t meet need for increased insulin demand, leads to hyperglycemia
Kleihauer-Betke test
For placental abruption
Tests for fetal blood in maternal circulation
Occult prolapse
Cord not visible or palpable but located between presenting part and pelvis or cervix