Maternal and Perinatal Mortality Flashcards
What is maternal mortality?
The death of a women while pregnant or within 42days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management, but not from accidental or incidental causes.
What is maternal morbidity?
Severe health complications occurring during pregnancy and delivery not resulting in death.
What is the maternal mortality ratio?
Number of maternal deaths during given time period per 100,000 live births during the same period.
Represents the risk associated with each pregnancy.
What is the lifetime risk of maternal death?
Probability of maternal death during a women’s reproductive life usually expressed interns of odds.
Measure of the woman risk of becoming pregnant as well as the risk of dying while pregnant.
What are some facility based methods of measuring maternal deaths?
Health information systems Registries Confidential enquiries Maternal death review Audit
What are some population based methods of measuring maternal deaths?
Notification by law
Vital registration
Surveys or surveillance - sisterhood method, verbal autopsy.
What is the sisterhood method?
Asks if you had any sister who died during pregnancy or childbirth.
What is verbal autopsy?
Method for assigning cause of death by interviewing relatives and neighbours who were present at the time.
What are direct deaths?
Deaths related to obstetric complications during pregnancy, labour or puerperium or resulting from any treatment received.
E.g haemorrhage, sepsis, pre-eclampsia, unsafe abortion.
What are indirect deaths?
Deaths associated with a disorder, the effects of which were exacerbated by pregnancy.
E.g Malaria
What are late deaths?
Deaths that occur > or = 42 days after end of pregnancy but within 1 year.
What are the biggest causes of maternal death worldwide?
Haemorrhage and Unsafe Abortion.
What is the 3 Delays Model?
Delay in decision to seek medical care - lack of understanding, acceptance of maternal death, socio-cultural barriers, low social status of women.
Delay in reaching care - geographical, lack of transport.
Delay in receiving care - supplies, personnel, poor training with punitive attitude.
What are some ways we can prevent maternal mortality?
Antenatal care
Skilled Attendant at birth
Emergency Obstetric care
What is Stillbirth?
Birth of a dead baby after 20/24/28 weeks of gestation or weighing more than 500g.
What is Early Neonatal Death?
Death of a baby within the first week of life.
What is Late Neonatal Death?
Death of a baby within the first 28 days of life
What is Perinatal Mortality?
Includes still birth and neonatal mortality.
What is infant mortality?
Death of an infant within the first year of its life.
What is Child mortality?
Death of a child within the first 5 years of life.
What is involved in essential newborn care?
- Ensuring baby is breathing
- Starting newborn on exclusive breast-feeding right away
- Keeping the baby warm
- Washing hands before touching baby.
What are the objectives of the global Every Newborn Action Plan (ENAP)?
Strengthen and invest in care during labour, delivery and 1st week of life.
Improve quality of maternal and newborn care
Reach every woman and newborn to reduce inequalities
Harness the power of parents, families and communities
Count every newborn - measurement, programme tracking and accountability.