Maternal and Child Nursing Flashcards
Age of viability:
At least 24 weeks
At least 20 cms in length
At least 600 grams
FHR is heard using doppler, fetoscope, and stethoscope by what period?
Doppler: 10 weeks
Fetoscope: 16 weeks
Stethoscope: 18-20 weeks
Neural tube defect is suspected if ___ is present in amniotic fluid
Alpha feto protein
Fetal bradycardia and tachycardia
Less than 110
More than 160
Rubra: 1-3 days
Serosa: 4-9 days
Alba: 10 days
Presumptive signs of pregnancy
Morning sickness Amenorrhea Fatigue Frequency of urination Breast changes Lassitude Quickening
Average weight gain in pregnancy
11-13 kg
Pituitary changes during pregnancy
Increased estrogen and progesterone
Decreased luteinizing hormone, FSH, and oxytocin
Causes of first trimester bleeding
Ectopic pregnancy
Cases of 2nd trimester bleeding
Hyaditiform mole
Incompetent cervix
How to position pregnant mothers with incompetent cervi
Trendelenerg position
Medications for incompetent cervix
- Ritodrine HCL
- Terbutaline
- Magnesium sulfate
Causes of 3rd trimester bleeding:
Placenta previa
Abruptio placenta
L:S ratio for lung maturity
Mode of action of tocolytics
Stimulate beta 2 receptors causing uterine relaxation
Fluid administered with tocolytics to prevent hyperglycermia
Lactated Ringers
Drug of choice for prevention and treatment of convulsions in pregnancy induced hypertension and causes CNS depression
Magnesium sulfate
Antidote to magnesium sulfate
Calcium gluconate
Gold standard for diagnosing diabetes
oral glucose tolerance test
In hydramnios, amniotic fluid is more than ____ ml and index is above ___ cm
2000 ml
24 cm
Treatment for HIV infected pregnant mother and infant
Chemoprophylaxis against pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in HIV exposed infants
Maternal infection that causes neonatal conjunctivitis
Chlamydia infection
Maternal infection that causes opthalmitis
Gonococcal disease (Neisseria gonorrhea)
Cause, mode of contraction, symptoms and treatment of Toxoplasmosis
Cause: Protozoan toxoplasma gondii, by eating raw meat or contact with feces of infected animals
Ssx: myalgia, malaise, rash, splenomegaly, posterior cervical lymphadenopathy
Tx: sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine
Effect when rubella is acquired during first trimester, and on early second trimester
Permanent hearing impairment
Postpartum assessment
Breast Uterys Bladder Bowel Lochia Episiotomy
Homan’s sign
Emotional response
Classification of metal retartdation
Mild: 50-59: Slow, basic math and reading skills up to 6th grade, can achieve vocational skills, self-maintenance and independent living
Moderate: 35-49: delay in motor development, with self-help, incapable of self-maintenance
Severe: 20-34: marked delay in development and minimal self-help abilities, can conform to routines
Profound: less than 20: gross retardation with minimal-capacity, incapable of self-maintenance, only basic emotional response
Kinds of play for age
Infants: Solitary Toddlers: Parallel Preschool: Associative School age: Cooperative Adolescents: Competitive
Usual cause of otitis media
Streptococchus pneumoniae
Hemophilus influenzae
Four pillars of the family planning program
Responsible parenthood
Respect for life
Birth spacing
informed choice
First placental hormone produced
Human chorionic gonadotropin
Normla amount of amniotic fluid
800-1200 ml at term
Embryological origin of placenta
BPD that corresponds to 40 weeks gestration
Averga eindex of amniotic fluid volume assessment