Materials Requirements Planning (MRP) Flashcards
Dependent Demand
- Demand for items that are subassemblies or component parts to be sued in the production of finished goods.
- tends to be sporadic or “lumpy” (large quantities are used at specific points in time with little or no usage at other times)
Dependent vs. Independent Demand
- Independent Demand (Stable Demand), random,continuous, can be forecast, not under the control of planners
- Dependent Demand (lumpy Demand), dependent on our plans
MRP (Material Requirements Planning)
- Computer based information system that translates master schedule requirements for end items into time-phased requirements for subassemblies, components, & raw materials.
- MRP designed to answer three questions (WHAT,HOW,WHEN is needed?)
- High suitability of MRP for dependent demand systems.
Overview of MRP
- MRP Inputs: Master schedule (orders & forecasts), Bill of materials (design changes), & Inventory records (receipts & withdrawals)
- MRP Processing: MRP computer programs
- MRP Outputs: Primary reports (changes, order releases, planned-order schedules) Secondary Reports (exception reports, planning reports, performance control reports, inventory transaction)
MRP Input: Master Schedule
- states which end items are produced, when these are needed, and in what quantities.
- should cover a period that is at least equivalent to the cumulative lead time (the sum of the lead times that are sequential phases of process require, from ordering of parts or raw materials to completion of final assembly)
Cumulative Lead time
- the sum of the lead times that are sequential phases of process require, from ordering of parts or raw materials to completion of final assembly
- Procurement, fabrication, subassembly, assembly)
MRP Inputs: Bill of Materials
- a listing of all of the assemblies, subassemblies, parts and raw materials needed to produce one unit of a product
-product structure tree
(visual depiction of the requirements in a bill of the materials, where all components are listed by levels.)
Low - Level Coding
the sum of the lead times that are sequential phases of process require, from ordering of parts or raw materials to completion of final assembly
MRP Inputs: Inventory Records
- Includes information on the status of each item by time period called time buckets
- information about.. (gross requirements, scheduled receipts, expected amount on hand)
- Other details for each item such as (supplies, lead time, lot size policy, changes due to stock receipts and withdrawals, canceled orders & similar events)
MRP Processing
MRP processing takes the end item requirements specified by the master schedule and “explodes” them into time- phased requirements for assemblies, parts, and raw materials offset by lead times
Gross Requirements
total expected demand
Scheduled receipts
open orders scheduled to arrive
Projected on hand (projected available balance)
expected inventory on hand at the beginning of each time period
Net Requirements
actual amount needed in each time period
Planned- Order receipts
quantity expected to received at the beginning of the period