Materials Engineering (Week 6) Flashcards
Failure is almost always undesirable.
However sometimes failure is built into the design, can you give some examples?
Ring pull on a can
Crumple zone of a car
Mechanical Properties
Elastic region
deformation is reversible (work or
energy required for deformation low)
Mechanical Properties
Plastic region
-deformation is permanent (work of
deformation high) due to movement of dislocations
(defects or holes in the atomic structure)
Different classes of materials have
different failure characteristics
Ductile fracture:
– Occurs with plastic deformation
Young’s Modulus
Slope of line in elastic
- Yield Stress
Point at which elastic
behaviour ceases
Failure Stress
Break point
Different classes of materials have
different failure characteristics
Brittle fracture
Little or no plastic deformation
– Catastrophic
Different classes of materials have
different failure characteristics- Why?
Ductility is a function of intrinsic (e.g atomic structure) and
extrinsic materials properties (e.g microstructure) and
‘test’ or ‘service’ conditions (the material is being loaded under) (e.g temperature, strain rate, stress state).
Ductile fracture is usually desirable! why?
Ductile: warning before fracture
Brittle: no warning
You can look at % Area Reduction or % Elongation Length, when and before material fractures.
Ductile vs Brittle Failure:
Fracture involves two steps:
Crack formation and then Crack Propagation (where crack gets larger to the point where the material fails / breaks).
Ductile: plastic deformation in vicinity of advancing
crack progresses slowly stable cracks
Brittle: cracks can spread very rapidly unstable crack
propagates spontaneously without an increase in
applied stress
Ductile materials are generally tougher more strain
energy required to induce ductile fracture
Examples of very ductile materials: pure gold or lead
Example: Failure of a Pipe
for a ductile pipe and brittle one:
Ductile failure:
–one piece
–large deformation
Brittle failure:
–many pieces
–small deformation
Moderately Ductile Failure
Evolution to failure: (5 steps)
-Cavity formation
-Coalescence of cavities to form crack
-Crack propagation
-Shear fracture at a 45 degree angle relative to tensile direction
Why do materials fail differently?
The shape of the potential energy curve describes the difficulty in separating different atoms
* A ‘sharper’ potential well indicates …
more difficulty in separating the two atoms
Mechanical Properties
* Pure metals
– Dislocation movement facilitated along
Slip planes
– Can be several slip planes in a metal lattice
* eg 12 options in FCC and 12-24 in BCC packed structures!
– Ductile
* Only 3-6 in HCP
– Brittle (relatively)
Mechanical Properties
Both ionic and covalently bonded ceramics
tend to be very hard.
The rigid atomic structure of most ceramics means that…
they are intrinsically hard
– Dislocation movement difficult in covalent structures (requires breaking and reforming of bonds as the dislocation moves through the structure) and can only occur in limited directions (slip planes)
Mechanical Properties
However, most materials are polycrystalline
-Dislocation movement along limited slip planes is hindered by grain boundaries through variation in grain-grain orientation
-Deformation of one grain constrained by neighbours
Mechanical Properties:
Strength of metals and alloys can be
increased if slip motion is made more difficult
Slip motion in polycrystalline materials (such
as metals and alloys) hindered by
Reducing grain size and Solid solutions
(dislocation movement impaired)
– Cold working (Dislocations already piled up at grain boundaries
Mechanical Properties:
However the presence of grain boundaries in a
polycrystalline ceramic does not allow for much…
plastic deformation (adsorption of stress)
What is Cleavage
Successive and repeated breaking of atomic
bonds along specific crystallographic planes
Transgranular Fracture
is characterised by cracks growing
through the grains
Intergranular Fracture
fracture is characterised growing along the grain boundaries
What are microcracks caused by?
Thermal or mechanical stress
microcracks are undesirable
Fracture Pathways
Will always fracture on the path of least
resistance (Lowest energy expenditure), if pores are present they will go through them
What are pores left by?
Pores are undesirable
Fracture Pathways
* How much energy needed related to: (2)
– Surface area created
– intrinsic properties of the atomic structure(s) of the phases present
Ideal vs Real Materials:
DaVinci (500 yrs ago!) observed
The longer the wire, the smaller
the load for failure, Why?
Larger samples contain more flaws!
Flaws cause premature failure
TS(perfect materials)»_space; TS(engineering materials)
I.e On paper materials have a much high tensile strength, then in reality due to potential flaws.