- The process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest.
-It also answers stated research questions, test hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes.
Data Collection
What are the consideration for planning data collection?
- Subject/participants
- Schedule
- Finances
- Miscellaneous considerations
- This pertains to the people or your respondents in the study.
-The date or time to be used during data collection from participants.
The expenses to be incurred in data collection such as printing of materials, travel allowance, etc
Safety, Respondents’ Motivation, Protocol/Seek Approval
Miscellaneous Considerations
The process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest.
The data are presented in rows and columns with values and results
The data shows the relations, comparisons, and distribution of values and percentages
Enumerate the elements of the graph
- Title
- Labels
- Depth and Axes
- Colors
it describes the data set
it gives representation of the axes and parts of graph
it means depth of a point relative to a given data set; axes are lines on a graph
Depth and Axes
it has enough shades or tint to make contrast between the background and data to be clearly seen
It shows relationship of parts of the whole concept
Pie graph
The data values are expressed at different points in time
Line graph
The values are presented horizontally where it is used as the results of data
Bar graph
The values are expressed in different time periods or other data groupings in a vertical form
Column Graph
This commonly emphasized the area showing the rise and fall of various data series over time with colors, textures and hatchings.
Area graph
the culmination of the long process of formulating a hypothesis, constructing the instrument, and collecting data. It is used to properly test the hypothesis, answer the research questions, and presents the results of the study in a clear and understandable manner. In quantitative research, it deals with numerical data, as in most surveys and experiments, it is logical to use statistical treatment.
Statistical Treatment
What are the two branches of statistics?
- Descriptive Statistics
-Inferential Statistics
It involves tabulating, depicting, and describing the collected data. The data are summarized to reveal overall data patterns and make them manageable.
Descriptive Statistics
It involves making generalizations about the population through a sample drawn from it. It also includes hypothesis testing and sampling. It is concerned with parametric (interval and ratio scale) and non-parametric (nominal and ordinal scale) statistical tools.
Inferential Statistics
What are the common statistical tools in descriptive statistics?
- Frequency Distribution
- Proportion
- Percentage
4.Measures of Central Tendency. - Variability or Dispersion
It is the record of the number of individuals or cases located in each category on the scale of measurement.
Frequency Distribution
It is the total frequency divided by the number of cases in each category. It can be derived from the frequency distribution
It is the proportion expressed in percentage (proportion × 100)
The data below show some of the personal information of 20 respondents in a study.
*For Gender: M = Male, F = Female
*For Civil Status: S = Single, M= Married, W = Widowed, WR = Widower
*For Highest Educational Attainment: N = did not graduate in elementary, E = Elementary, H = High School, C = College, G = Post Graduate
It indicated whether the center of the distribution tends to be located. It refers to the typical average score in a distribution
Measures of Central Tendency
It is the exact mathematical center of a distribution. It is equal to the sum of all scores divided by the number of cases.
It is the middlemost value in a distribution below or above which is exactly 50% cases that are found.
It refers to the most frequently occurring score in a distribution
It refers to the extent and manner in which the scores in a distribution differ from each other.
Variability or Dispersion
It is the difference between the highest value and the lowest value in the given distribution.
It is the measure of variation that takes into consideration the deviations of the individual scores from the mean.
Average Deviation.
It is the square of the standard deviation.
It is the square root of the quotient of the total squared deviation of the mean and total number of cases.
Standard Deviation.
Enumerate the common statistical tools in inferential statistics
- Variables
- Data
- Purpose
To determine the statistical to be used in variables, what should be noted?
“How many variables?”
To determine the statistical to be used in data, what should be noted?
What level of measurement?
To determine the statistical to be used in Purpose, what should be noted?
What type of question?
Enumerate the levels of measurement of variables
- Nominal Data
- Ordinal Data
- Interval Data
- Ratio Data
These are attributes that only name variable. These data are considered at the simplest level or categorical level.
Nominal Data
It does not only classify items, but also give the order or ranks of classes, items, or objects. It is still a weak form of measurement, because the ordering implies to which category is “greater” or “lesser” – not how much “greater” or “lesser”
Ordinal Data
It is used to classify order and differentiate between classes or categories in terms of degrees of differences. It has no true zero point.
Interval Data
It differs from interval scale only in one aspect: it has a true zero point (complete absence of the property being measured).
Ratio Data
What are the types of test?
-Parametric Test
-Non-Parametric Test
The kind of test that measures the level of either the data possess an interval or ratio
Parametric Test
The type of test when the data are nominal or ordinal
Non-Parametric Test
Enumerate the types of research question
-Descriptive Questions
-Relationship Questions
-Comparison Questions
To identify participant’s responses to a single variable or question
Descriptive Questions
To answer the degree and magnitude of the relationship between two or more variables.
Relationship Questions.
To find out how two or more groups on an independent variable differ in terms of one or more outcome variables
Comparison Questions.
Give a relationship questions
- What is the significant association between religious beliefs and the effectiveness of information, education, and communication on natural family planning?
- What is the significant relationship between the pretest and post test scores of accounting students in their qualifying examinations?
This measures the index of relationship between two variables
Pearson’s r
This is used to test when there is a significant relationship between the x and y variables
Linear Regression Analysis
This is used to show relationship with given three or more independent variables
Multiple Regression Analysis.
Give a comparison questions
- Is there a significant difference on the student’s performance before and after the enhancement?
- How significantly different are the three instructional methods of teaching research to four groups of students?
This is used for at least 30 respondents in research and to compare two independent samples
This is used to compare the sample mean and the perceived population mean of more than 30 samples
This is used when comparing the means of two or more independent groups ; it is also a set of difference between the observed and the expected frequencies in a study
f-test (Chi-square).
This is used to compare variances across the means (or average) of three or more groups
*Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).
A chapter that shows how the problem will be investigated ;
Research Methodology
The strategy used in the collection of data or analysis to come up with new information or to understand a particular topic
Research Method