Materials Flashcards
Density, p =
The density of a substance is defined as its mass per unit volume i.e. Mass/volume (kg/cm^3)
Hooke’s law defined with equation and units
the force needed to stretch a spring is directly is proportional to the extension of the spring from its natural length up to the limit of proportionally i.e. Force(N), F = k∆L where k is the stiffness/spring constant(N/m) and ∆L is the extension from natural length
Elastic limit
The maximum amount that a material can be stretched by a force and still return to its original length when the force is removed (if beyond then undergoes permanent deformation)
Tensile strain = (equation)
Extension per unit length/extension divided by original length
epsilon = ∆L/L
Tensile stress = (equation)
Force per unit cross-sectional area
Sigma = (T)ension/(A)rea(cross-section)
Pascals = 1 N/m^2
Energy stored =
0.5F∆L = area under force/extension graph
Ultimate tensile stress =
Breaking stress = The point at which the wire loses its strength and extends and becomes narrower at its weakest point
Elastic strain energy =
Area under curve
Compare the use of analogue and digital meters
Analogue more accurate but harder to read
Young modulus = (graph)
linear ratio of stress to strain = tensile stress/tensile strain = FL/A∆L (gradient of stress(y) strain(x) or force(y) extension(x)) = TL/A∆L = only in straight line so when Hooke’s law is obeyed = material property
(Pa) or (Nm^-2)
Elastic potential energy stored in a stretched spring=
work done to stretch the string = area under curve = 0.5F∆L = 0.5k∆L∆L
Deformation that stretches an object is _____ whereas deformation that compresses an object is _____
Spring force extension graph
Straight line y=mx due to hookes law
Polythene strip force extension graph
Gives and stretches easily after its initial stiffness to overcome however after giving easily, it extends little and becomes difficult to stretch
Rubber band force extension graph
Extends easily when it is stretched, however it becomes fully stretched and very difficult to stretch further when it has been lengthened considerably
Describe each stage of a stress(y)strain graph for a wire
0-limit of proportionality stress is proportional to the strain
Beyond the limit of proportionality, the line curves and continues beyond the elastic limit (the point beyond which the wire is permanently stretched and suffers plastic deformation) to the yield point, which is where the wire weakens temporarily. Beyond the yield point, a small increase in the stress causes a large increase in strain as the material of the wire undergoes plastic flow. Beyond the ultimate tensile stress (breaking stress), the wire loses its strength and extends and becomes narrower at its weakest point. Increase of stress occurs due to the reduced area of cross-section at this point until the wire breaks at the breaking point.
The stiffness of different materials can be compared using
the gradient of the stress-strain line = the Young modulus
The strength of a material can be seen on a graph by its
ultimate tensile stress which is the peak of the curve i.e. distance along y axis so stress
The brittleness of a material can be seen by
whether it snaps without significant yield i.e. short curve
The ductility of a material can be seen on a graph by
distance along the x axis so its stretchiness and strain
The ductility of a material can be seen on a graph by
distance along the x axis so its stretchiness and strain
What happens when a metal wire is extended beyond its elastic limit when it is unloaded/unextended
Curve descends parallel to x axis but not to origin showing it is slightly longer showing permenant extension
For a rubber band, the change of length during unloading for a given change in tension is
greater than during loading
Describe each stage of a stress(y)strain graph for a wire
0-limit of proportionality stress is proportional to the strain
Beyond the limit of proportionality, the line curves and continues beyond the elastic limit (the point beyond which the wire is permanently stretched and suffers plastic deformation) to the yield point, which is where the wire weakens temporarily. Beyond the yield point, a small increase in the stress causes a large increase in strain as the material of the wire undergoes plastic flow. Beyond the ultimate tensile stress (breaking stress), the wire loses its strength and extends and becomes narrower at its weakest point. Increase of stress occurs due to the reduced area of cross-section at this point until the wire breaks at the breaking point.