Materials Flashcards
Material can be hammered or beaten into flat sheets and will show extensive plastic deformation when subjected to compressive forces
Material will break with little/no plastic deformation
Material will resist plastic deformation by surface indentation/scratching
Abilitis of a material to resist tensile force
Material is made of long chains of molecules called polymers
Ultimate tensile strength
Maximum stress it can withstand while being pulled/stretched, before it fail/breaks
Material can be drawn into wires and will show plastic deformation under tensile stress before breaking
The property of a body to resume its original shape/size once the deforming force/stress has been removed as
The change in shape/size of an object. If the material returns to its original shape then the deformation is elastic; if not, then it’s deformation is plastic
Describe plastic behaviour
When the deforming force is removed -> material remains stretched ∵ exceeded its elastic limit
What’s Hooke’s law?
States that the extension of an object is proportional to the force that causes it, provided the elastic limit is not exceeded
What is stress?
The force per unit area
Nm-² or Pa
Extension per unit length
Describe the graph of a rubber material
- elastic
- doesn’t obey Hookes law
- loading + unloading graphs are different ∴ showing heat has been lost
What’s the assumption when using the eqt Y = Fl/eA
Hooke’s law obeyed ∴ elastic limit not exceeded