Materials Flashcards
o papel
the paper, the role
a pedra
the stone
a madeira
the wood
o ferro
the iron
o ouro
the gold
o barro
the clay, the mud
o plástico
the plastic
o metal
the metal
o vidro
the glass
o óleo
the oil
o petróleo
the petroleum
o tecido
the material, the fabric, the tissue
o carvão
the coal
o cristal
the crystal
o algodão
the cotton
o aço
the steel
a prata
the silver
a borracha
the rubber
a seda
the silk
a palha
the hay, the straw
a lã
the wool
o cobre
the copper
o cimento
the cement
o linho
the linen, the flax
o diamante
the diamond
o chumbo
the lead (metal)
o bronze
the bronze
o mármore
the marble
o tijolo
the brick
o alumínio
the aluminum
o arame
the metal wire
a cera
the wax
a cerâmica
the ceramic
o marfim
the ivory
o granito
the granite
a pérola
the pearl