material deprivation Flashcards
Statistics from 2021/22/23 about attainment
(Source: Department for Education)
- in general females perform best
- female asians were the highest performing while black & white males were the lowest performing attainment 8)
- those who are not in need of FSM performed better in general
- 1/4 of pupils were eligable for FSM (1.9M)
- largest group of pupils were white, 73.5%, smallest group after unclassified were mixed, 6.8%
- 59% of students excluded from school were eligable for FSM
how does housing affect achievement? + some statistics
- overcrowding
- cold or damp housing= greater risk of being ill, missing school, falling behind
- around 139,000 children are homeless in the UK or living in temporary housing. (Shelter England)
- 1.7M school days are missed in the EU because of illness related to damp and mold, the UK’s rate is 80% above average
- 45% of school aged children have arrived to school late, tired or hungry due to temporary living conditions
how does overcrowded housing impact children’s achievement?
- direct impact:
- makes it harder to do homework and revise
- distractions
- lack of educational activities
-lack of space to play, which can impact development, difficulty learning & focusing.
how does diet and health impact attainment?
- lack of energy
- behavioural and emotional issues
- fatigue
- abscences from school
Howard (2001)- impact of diet and health
- children in poorer homes have a lack in energy, vitamins and minerals= poor health
- weak immune system + fatigue
- absences from school + academic failure
Wilkinson (1996)- impact of diet and health on achievement
- found among ten year olds, lower social class = higher rate of hyperactivity, anxiety and conduct disorders.
- all impact on concentration
Blanden + Machin (2007)- behaviour impact on achievement
- found children from lower income families were more likely to engage in ‘externalising behaviours’
- this can be things such as disruptive behaviour at school and temper tantrums
how does the cost of education & financial support impact on achievement? (all sociologists summary)
- cost of items places a heavy burden on poor families (Tanner et al 2003)
- Flaherty- fear of stigmatisation prevents children who can have FSM from claiming them
- Smith and Noble- socially disadvantaged students concentrated in increasingly unpopular schools
- Ridge 2002- people who got FSM were made fun of
Tanner et al (2003)- financial support & the cost of education
found that the cost of items such as transport, books, uniforms, computers, calculators, sports, music and art equipment places a heavy burden on poor families
Flaherty- financial support and the cost of education
fear of stigmatisation may explain why 20% of those eligable for FSM do not take up the opportunity
Smith and Noble (1995)- financial support and the cost of education
“barriers to learning”
“reduce rather than increase the opportunities for children from poor families, by concentrating socially disadvantaged chilren in a limited number of increasingly unpopular schools”
Ridge (2002)- financial support and the cost of education
“I realised when I was in year 7 that the people who got free school meals were teased
…I couldn’t handle that as I was already being teased enough, so I don’t get free school meals”
how does the fear of debt affect educational attainment?
- Callender and Jackson (2005) found there were more costs than benefits to university for w/c students
- lower classes were especially deterred from higher education due to the debt, 5x less likely to apply than the most debt tolerant students (mostly m/c)
- this affects their achievemtn by ensuring they can’t get a well-paying job, therefore upholding class inequality
- Diane Reay- many w/c students opt for more local universities to cut down on costs, which limits their opportunities
- w/c students have to worry about repaying the debts for the rest of their lives
Claire Callender and Jon Jackson (2005)
- survey of 2,000 prospective students found that w/c students are more negative about debt
- there are more costs than benefits for them
2010 national union of students survey online reported that:
- 81% of the highest social class students recieved help from home
- 43% of those from the lowest class did
Diane Reay’s study:
many w/c students opt for more local universities to cut down on costs, which limits their opportunities
impact of the maximum tuition increase:
- in 2012, UCAS reported that the number of UK applicants fell by 8.6% when the maximum became £9,000 a year
- for m/c students, this may not be as impactful, but this makes higher education a lot more inaccessible for w/c students
impact of behavioural problems on education:
data and statistics on children’s mental health- CDC
- ADHD: 9.8% (6M)
- Anxiety: 9.4% (5.8M)
- behavioural problems 8.9% (5.5M)
Wilkinson- lower social class (10y/o)=higher rate of hyperactivity and disorders