how has globalisation impacted education? & conservative policy 2015+ Flashcards
what direct policies have been influenced through globalisation?
- variety of schools eg free schools and academies
- skills for global marketplace competition
- additonal funding for maths + science
- raising standards for teachers
what influences of globalisation other than policies have been identified?
- privatisation and marketisation
- university entrances for overseas students, make more money
- EAL and ESOL funding
- looking into other cultures to find solutions to problems
- international comparisons between edu systems for example pisa ranking
2 what impact has globalisation had on education?
- changes to teaching and learning strategies
- curriculum changes
- multiculturalism, many residents are immigrants so pupil population is now more diverse
- the EU has shaped policies and laws
what problems are identified with globalisation?
- limited range of subjects
- cultural differences between nations
- validity and reliability of testing
- expensive
- shortlived policies
PISA tables (international league tables) impact and evaluation
impact: Labour and Conservative have both been concerned by these and have shaped policy as a result (labour literacy strategy, con-free schools)
- Torrance states PISA isn’t comparable because there are different sample sizes, tests and ages involved. This gives an invalid picture
- Wiliam states each country organises their education differently, so it is impossible to say what could work for the UK
Schools run like businesses, growth of capitalism (Rikowski) impact and evaluation
Privatisation- businesses taking over education
(endogenous and exogenous factors)
- sponsorship of academies
- marketisation of schools
- schools subletting facilities or teachers
- performance related pay
- Schools running like a business is for the benefit of shareholders not students.
- Money for teaching and learning goes to marketisation :(
- Creates sink schools due to formula funding
- Academies and Free Schools can employ unqualified teachers and pay low wages
Expansion of UK education services impact and evaluation
- Nord Anglia has over 42 schools worldwide offering a ‘global british education’
- Eton, Harrow and other private schools also operate like a franchise
- Acts like cultural imperialism- spreading the west’s promotion of education
- Schools are commercial enterprises and need to make profits
How has globalisation impacted the national curriculum?
- national literacy and numeracy hours (1998-2010).
- slimming down of the NC (2010-2015) to ‘essential knowledge’ Michael Gove.
- raising entry requirements for teachers, as done in Finland.
- ‘master teachers’ (2014) in all state schools (if elected), as done in singapore.
globalisation definition
increase in the interconnectedness of cultural, political, and economical services around the world
Private companies using their brands in schools. This makes schools seem the same (homogenised)
for example culinera, bic, postura
- the transferring of assets and services from the state to private providers= not state funded, they take it over and run it (private companies)
NOT private schools
Fragmentation of ownership
postmodernist idea?
the breaking up of state run services as these are sold off to private companies for them to make a profit (Ball!!)
internal privatisation
external privatisation
Key concepts of conservative educational policy from 2015
- multi academy trusts (MATs)/academy chains
- progress 8
- global educational league tables
- PISA tests
- EBacc
- Meritocracy
- Selective schools
- Grammar schools
- Social mobility