Matching Flashcards
The Lobes of the Brain and their Functions
Parietal Lobe: Behind the frontal lobe. Primary sensory area. Receives info about taste, touch, temperature, pain, movement. Also, reading and math. Home to post-central gyrus.
Frontal Lobe: Directly behind forehead. Involved in reasoning and planning and thinking about the future. Movement. Emotions. Some speech. Home to precentral gyrus.
Temporal Lobe: In front of the occipital lobe, under/behind the frontal and parietal lobe. Involved in hearing, processing memories, and integrating “sensation” memories.
Occipital Lobe: Back of the brain. Involved in vision. Also links images from the eyes with images from memory.
The 5 Divisions of the Brain
Telencephalon: Complex functions such as voluntary movement, interpreting sensory input, and complex problem solving. Gyri and Sulci. Cerebral cortex. Amygdala. Hippocampus. Basal Ganglia.
Diencephalon: Has the thalamus and hypothalamus. (It is important in sensory and motor relay). Optic Nerve. Mamillary bodies.
Mesencephalon: Has Tectum/Tegmentum. The tectum has the inferior and superior colliculi. Also has peraiaqueductal gray. The substantia nigra and red nucleus. (Both are components of the sensorimotor system).
Metencephalon: Has pons and cerebellum. Movement control.
Mylencephalon: Tracks carrying signals from the brain to the body. Also has the reticular formation – a cluster of 100 tiny nuclei. This is involved in sleep, attention, movement, and cardiac/respiratory/circulatory reflexes.
Order of Meninges
Dura Mater (Tough Mother)
Arachnoid Membrane
Subarachnoid Space (CNS/Blood Vessels)
Pia Mater (Pious Mother).
Dura Maters (tough mothers) stomp on spiders (arachnoid membranes) to sooth fragile Pia Maters (Pious Mothers).
Divisions of the Nervous System
Central Nervous System (Brain/Spinal Cord)
Peripheral Nervous System (Somatic/Autonomic)
*Somatic: Afferent/Efferent
*Autonomic: Afferent/Efferent**
**Efferent (via Autonomic): Sympathetic NS / Parasympathetic NS
Planes of the Brain (Dissection Planes)
Saggital Plane: Cut down the middle (between the saggy gap of the 2 hemispheres)
Horizontal Plane: Cutting between top of brain and the lower brain
Frontal Plane: Cutting the front of the brain (frontal lobe) from the rest of the brain.
Cross Section: Any cut along a long narrow thing (such as spinal cord).
Orientations/Anotomical Directions of the Brain
Brain Directions: DPVA - Dogs Pee Very Aggressively
(Dorsal, Posterior, Ventral, Anterior)
Medial = towards middle
Lateral = away from middle
Ipsilateral = same side
Contralateral = opposite side (contrary)
Generic Directions: DCVR (Don’t Carry Vietnamese Rocket-Launchers)
(Dorsal, Caudal, Ventral, Rostral).