Masticatory System Disorder Flashcards
Disk displacement with reduction adalah
The most common disorder of the TMJ is disc displacement, and in most of the cases, the disc is dislocated anteriorly. As the disc moves forward, the retrodiscal tissue is pulled in between the two bones. This can be very painful as this tissue is fully vascular and innervated, unlike the disc. The movements made by chewing or even talking cause a chronic bruise to the tissue resulting in inflammation and pain.
The forward dislocated disc is an obstacle for the condyle movement when the mouth is opening. In order to fully open the jaw, the condyle has to jump over the back end of the disc and onto its center. This produces a clicking or popping sound. Upon closing, the condyle slides back out of the disc hence another “click” or “pop”. This condition is called disc displacement with reduction .
Disk displacement without reduction adalah
In later stage of disc dislocation, the condyle stays behind the disc all the time, unable to get back onto the disc, the clicking sound disappeared but mouth opening is limited. This is usually the most symptomatic stage - the jaw is said to be “locked” as it is unable to open wide. At this stage the condition is called disc displacement without reduction
Fortunately, in majority of the cases, the condition resolves by itself after some time. This is thanks to a process called natural adaptation of the retrodiscal tissue, which after a while becomes scar tissue and can functionally replace the disc. In fact, it becomes so similar to the disc that it is called a pseudodisc.
Capsulitis adalah
Perubahan oklusi, gangguan oklusi, kehilangan gigi
posterior, maloklusi iatrogenic, kebiasaan buruk,
bruxism, mikrotrauma🡪 muscular imbalance🡪
meningkatkan beban TMJ🡪 merubah dinamik
joint🡪 capsule terinflamasi🡪 capsule meregang
karena ada pergerakan translasi dari capsule🡪
menimbulkan rasa sakit🡪 bisa eksaserbasi bila ada
pergerakan mandibula ke depan dan lateral,
mengunyah kontralateral, membuka mulut terlalu
Arthritis adalah
TMJ terinflamasi🡪 menyebabkan degenerasi
dari articular tissue dan tulang🡪 condyle
kehilangan ketinggian vertikal🡪 gigi paling
posterior ipsilateral menjadi gigi pertama yang
kontak dan berperan sebagai fulkrum🡪
menyebabkan terjadinya open bite🡪 dimulai
dari gigi anterior kontralateral berlanjut ke
bilateral sampai hanya gigi paling posterior
ipsilateral yang kontak
Subluksasi/Dislokasi adalah
Condyle terhambat di depan articular eminence🡪 dikarenakan articular eminence menghambat pergerakan ke arah posterior dari unit disc-condyle atau karena disc menghambat pergerakan ke arah posterior dari condyle atau kombinasi keduanya🡪 menyebabkan pasien tidak dapat menutup mandibulanya dari keadaan membuka mulut yang maksimal
Medial pterygoid untuk
menutup mulut
Medial pterygoid untuk
menutup mulut
Apa hubungan AV Shunt, saraf dan retrodiscal tissue
Retrodiscal tissue terdiri dari AV Shunt yang bisa melebar dan menyempit sesuai pergerakan condyle, dan juga berisi saraf trigeminal