Masterclass 1 (Topic 1-4) Flashcards
What are the principles of Corporporate Governance?
Leadership Effectiveness Accountability Remuneration Relations with Shareholders
What are the 2 systems of Corporate Governance?
- Principles based approach (guidelines of best practice) used in the UK
- Rules based approach (follow or recieve a fine) used in the US - SOX
3 Key areas of Corportate Governance
Segregation of roles
Internal audit
2 Key points of segregation of roles in Corportate Covernance
- CEO & Chairman should be different people
- Non-exec directors & other day to day directors should be 50/50 split
What does segreation of roles help to do in corportate governance?
- Reduce the risk of collusion
- Ensure directors act in the interest of shareholders
How many Committees should a business have in corporate convernance and what are they?
4 commitees
- Audit
- Remuneration
- Nomination (recruitment of directors)
- Risk (identify & mitigate risks)
What is the role of Internal Audit in Corporate Governance?
- Review internal accounting procedures
- Internal accounting procedures
What is the purpose of corporate governance?
To control the board of a listed company to ensure they act in the best interest of the shareholders.
It is the system by which companies are directed and controlled
What are the features of governances codes - Leadership
- Effective board responsible for the ling-term success of the company
- Charman / CEO split
- Non- exec directors for independance
- Nomination and remuneration committees - payment,salary,bonus
What are the features of governances codes - Effectiveness
- Formal, rigorous,transparent appointments
- Induction,CPD,board performance
- Timely information
- Retirement by rotation - re-election at regular intervals
What are the features of governances codes - Accountability & Audit
- Balanced and understandable assesment of company’s current and future prospects (different directors with a range of skills and knowledge)
- Sound systemn of control - (internal audits)
- Risk based approach
- Intpendant external auditors
- Audit committee
What are the features of governances codes - Remuneration
- Sufficient to attratct retain and motivate, but not excessive
- Significant proportion should be linked to perormance
- Align interests - make shareholder
- No director should infulence or set own salary
- Unethical to pay poor performance
What are the features of governances codes - Relations to shareholders
- Use of the AGM to discuss issues with shareholders.
Benefits of Corporate Governance
- Reduces risk
- Stimulates performance
- Improves access to capital markets
- Enhances the marketability of goods and services
- Improves leadership
- Demonstrates transparency and social accountability
Failures of Corporate Governance
- Domination by single individual
- Ineffective internal controls
- Lack of board involvement
- Poor supervision
- Lack of independant scruitiny
- Poor communication with Shareholders
- Emphasis on short-term profitability
- Misleading accounts - tesco scandal