Master Deck (Edited for Spelling) Contains Chapters 1-7 Flashcards
Master Card List Chapters 1-7
What is Scientific Management?
The process of “scientifically” analyzing manufacturing processes, reducing production costs, and compensating employees based on their performance levels.
What is the human resources movement?
The human resources movement is a management philosophy focusing on concern for people and productivity.
What is outsourcing?
Outsourcing is the practice of contracting with outside vendors to handle specified business functions on a permanent basis.
What is authority?
The right to make decisions, direct other’s work, and give orders.
What is line authority?
The authority exerted by an HR manager by directing the activities of the people in his or her own business unit, department, or service area.
What is staff authority?
Staff authority gives the manager the right (authority) to advise other managers or employees.
What is a line manager?
A line manager is a manager who is authorized to direct the work of subordinates and is responsible for accomplishing the organization’s tasks.
What is a staff manager?
A staff manager is a manager who assists and advises line managers.
What is employee engagement?
Employee engagement is the emotional and intellectual involvement of employees in their work, such as intensity, focus, and involved in his or her job and organization.
What is strategy?
Strategy is the company’s plan for how it will balance its internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats to maintain a competitive advantage.
What are change agents?
Specialists who lead the organization and its employees through organization change.
What is environmental scanning?
The process of identifying and analyzing external opportunities and threats that may be crucial to the organization’s success.
What is evidence-based HRM?
The use of data, facts, analytics, scientific rigor, critical evaluation, and critically evaluated research/case studies to support human resource management proposals, decisions, practices, and conclusions.
What are metrics?
Metrics are statistics used to measure activities and results.
What is the balanced scorecard?
A measurement system that translates an organization’s strategy into a comprehensive set of performance measures.
What is certification?
The recognition for having met certain professional standards.
What is social responsibility?
Social responsibility is the implied, enforced, or felt obligation of managers, acting in their official capacities, to serve or protect the interests of groups other than themselves.
What is productivity?
The ratio of an organization’s outputs (goods and services) to its inputs (people, capital, energy and materials).
What is the primary sector?
Jobs in agriculture, fishing, trapping, forestry, and mining
What is the secondary sector?
Jobs in the manufacturing and construction.
What is the tertiary or service sector?
The tertiary or service sector are jobs in public administration, personal and business services, finance, trade, public utilities, and transportation/communications.
What are contingent/non-standard workers?
These are workers who do not have regular full-time employment status.
What is globalization?
The emergence of a single global market for most products and services.
What is organizational culture?
The core values, beliefs, and assumptions that are widely shared by members of an organization.
What is organizational climate?
Organizational climate is the prevailing atmosphere that exists in an organization and its impact on employees.
What is empowerment?
Empowerment is providing workers with the skills and authority to make decisions that would traditionally be made by managers.
What is selection?
Selection is the process of choosing among individuals who have been recruited to fill existing or projected job openings.
What is the selection ratio?
The selection ratio is the ratio of the number of applicants hired to the total number of applicants.
What is the multiple-hurdle strategy?
The multiple-hurdle strategy is an approach to selection involving a series of successive steps or hurdles. Only candidates clearing the hurdle are permitted to move on to the next step.
What is must criteria?
Must criteria are the requirements that are absolutely essential for the job, include a measurable standard of acceptability, or are absolute and can be screen initially on paper.
What is want criteria?
Want criteria represent qualifications that cannot be screened on paper or are not readily measurable, as well as those that are highly desirable but not critical.
What is reliability?
The degree to which interviews, tests, and other selection procedures yield comparable data over time; in other words, the degree of dependability, consistency, or stability of the measures used.
What is validity?
Validity is the accuracy with which a predictor measures what it is intended to measure.
What is differential validity?
Differential validity is the confirmation that the selection tool accurately predicts the performance of all possible employee subgroups, including white males, women, visible minorities, persons with disabilities, and Aboriginal people.
What is criterion-related validity?
Criterion-related validity is the extent to which a selection tool predicts or significantly correlates with important elements of work behaviour.
What is content validity?
Content validity is the extent to which a selection instrument, such as a test, adequately samples the knowledge and skills needed to perform the job.
What is construct validity?
Construct validity is the extent to which a selection tool measures a theoretical construct or trait deemed necessary to perform the job successfully.
What are intelligence IQ tests?
IQ tests measure general intellectual abilities such as verbal comprehension, inductive reasoning, memory, numerical ability, speed of perception, spatial visualization, and word fluency?
What are emotional intelligence tests? EQ
EQ tests measure a person’s ability to monitor his or her own emotions and the emotions of others and to use that knowledge to guide thoughts and actions.
What are aptitude tests?
Aptitude tests measure an individual’s aptitude or potential to perform a job, provided he or she is given proper training.
What are personality tests?
Personality tests are instruments used to measure basic aspects of personality, such as introversion, stability, motivation, neurotic tendency, self-confidence, self-sufficiency, and sociability.
What are interest inventories?
Interest inventories are tests that compare a candidate’s interests with those of people in various occupations.
What are achievement tests?
Achievement tests are used to measure knowledge or proficiency acquired through education, training, or experience.
What is the management assessment centre?
The management assessment centre is a comprehensive, systematic procedure used to assess candidate’s management potential that uses a combination of realistic exercises, management games, objective testing, presentations, and interviews.
What are situational tests?
Situation tests are tests in which candidates are presented with hypothetical situations representative of the job for which they are applying and are evaluated on their responses.
What are micro-assessments?
Micro-assessments are a series of verbal, paper-based, or computer based questions and exercises that a candidate is required to complete, covering the range of activities required on the job for which he or she is applying.
What is the selection interview?
The selection interview is a procedure designed to predict future job performance on the basis of applicant’s oral responses to oral inquiries.
What is a unstructured interview?
A unstructured interview is a conversational-style interview. The interviewer pursues points of interests as they come up in response to questions.
What is a structured interview?
A structure interview follows a set sequence of questions.
What is mixed (semi-structured) interview?
A mix(semi-structured) interview is a format that combines both structured and unstructured.
What is a situational interview?
A situational interview is a series of job-related questions that focus how the candidate would behave in a given situation.
What is a behavioural interview or behaviour description interview (BDI).
The BDI is a series of job-related questions that focus on relevant past job-related behaviours.
What is a panel interview?
A panel interview is where a group of interviewers question the applicant.
What is a mass interview?
A mass interview is a process in which a panel of interviewers simultaneously interviews several candidates?
What is the halo effect?
The halo effect is a positive initial impression that distorts the interviewer’s rating of a candidate because subsequent information is judge with a positive bias.
What is the contrast or candidate-order error?
The contrast or candidate-order error is a error of judgement on the part of the interviewer because of interviewing one or more very good or very bad candidates just the interview in question.
What is a realistic job preview? (RJP)
A realistic job preview is a strategy used to provide applicants with realistic information- both positive and negative- about the job demands, the organization’s expectations, and the work environment.
What is statistical strategy?
Statistical strategy is a more objective technique used to determine whom the job should be offered to; involves identifying the most valid predictors and weighting them through statistical methods, as such multiple regression.
What is recruitment?
The process of searching out and attracting qualified job applicants, which begins with the identification of a position that requires staffing and is completed when resumes or completed application forms are received from an adequate number of applicants.
What is a recruiter?
A recruiter is a specialist in recruitment whose job is to find and attract capable candidates?
What is employer branding?
The image or impression of an organization as an employer based on the benefits of being employed by the organization?
What is human capital theory?
Human capital theory is the accumulation of firm-specific knowledge and experience involves a joint investment by both the employee and employer; therefore, both parties benefit from maintaining a long-term relationship.
What is a job posting?
A job posting is the process of notifying current employees about vacant positions?
What is yield ratio?
The percentage of applicants that proceed to next stage of selection process?
What is want ad?
A recruitment ad describing the job and its specifications, the compensation package, and the hiring employer. The address to which applications or resumes should be submitted is also provided.
What is a blind ad?
A blind ad is an ad in which the identity and address of the employer are omitted.
What are contract workers?
Contract workers are employees who develop work relationships directly with the employer for a specific type of work or period of time.
What is human resources planning?
Human resources planning is the process of forecasting future human resources requirements to ensure that the organization will have the required number of employees with the necessary skills to meet its strategic objectives.
What is environment scanning?
Environment scanning is an assessment of external factors influencing the organization’s ability to find and secure talent from the external labour market including economic, competitive, legislative, social, technological and demographic trends.
What are skills inventories?
Skill inventories are manual or computerized records summarizing employees’ education, experience, interests, skills, and so on, which are used to identify internal candidates eligible for transfer or promotion?
What are management inventories?
Management inventories are records summarizing the qualifications, interests, and skills of management employees, along with the number and types of employees supervised, duties of such employees, total budget managed, previous managerial duties and responsibilities, and managerial training received.
What are replacement charts?
Replacement charts are visual representations of who will replace whom in the event of a job opening. Likely internal candidates are listed, along with their age, present performance rating, and promotability status.
What replacement summaries?
Replacement summaries are lists of likely replacements for each position and their relative strengths and weaknesses, as well as information about current positions, performance, promotability, age, and experience.
What is succession planning?
Succession planning is the process of ensuring a suitable supply of successors for current and future seniors or keys jobs so that the careers of individuals can be effectively planned and management.
What is the Markov analysis?
The Markov analysis is a method of forecasting internal labour supply that involves tracking the pattern of employee movements through various jobs and developing a transitional probability matrix.
What is trend analysis?
Trend analysis is the study of a firm’s past-employment levels over a period of years to predict future needs.
What is ratio analysis?
Ratio analysis is a forecasting technique for determining future staff needs by using ratios between some causal factor (such as sales volume) and the number of employees and needed.
What is a scatter plot?
A scatter plot Is a graphical method used to help identify the relationship between two variables.
What is regression analysis?
A regression analysis is a statistical technique involving the use of a mathematical formula to project future demands based on established relationship between an organization’s employment level ( dependent variable) and some measure factor of output (independent variable).
What is nominal group technique?
A decision-making technique that involves a group of experts meeting face to face. Steps include independent ideas generation, clarification and open discussion, and private assessment.
What is the Delphi technique?
The Delphi technique is the judgement forecasting method used to arrive at a group decision, typically involving outside experts as well as organizational employees. Ideas are exchanged without face-to-face interaction and feedback is provided and used to fine-tune independent judgements until a consensus is reached.
What is staffing table?
The staffing table is a pictorial representation of all jobs within the organization, along with the number of current incumbents and future employment requirements (monthly or yearly) for each.
What is a hiring freeze?
A hiring freeze is a common initial response to an employee surplus: openings are filled by a reassigning current employees and no outsiders are hired.
What is attrition?
Attrition is the normal separation of employees from an organization because of resignation, retirement, or death.
What is a early retirement buyout programs?
Early retirement buyout programs are strategies used to accelerate attrition that involve offering attractive buyout packages or the opportunity to retire on full pension with an attractive benefits package.
What is job sharing?
Job sharing is a strategy that involves dividing the duties of single position between two or more employees?
What is work sharing?
Work sharing is where employees work three or four days a week and receive EI benefits on their non-workdays(s).
What is reduced workweek?
A reduced workweek is where employees are working fewer hours and receive less pay.
What is a layoff?
A layoff is a temporary or permanent withdrawal of employment to workers for economic or business reasons.
What is termination?
Termination is the permanent separation from the organization for any reason.
What is leave of absence?
A leave of absence allows those who may interested in taking time away from work for a variety of reasons (e.g., personal, educational, etc.) to have a set period of time away from their position without pay, but with a guarantee that their job will be available upon their return.
What is survivor syndrome?
Survivor syndrome is a range of negative emotions experienced by employees remaining after a major restructuring initiative, which can include feelings of betrayal or violation, guilt, or detachment, and can result in stress symptoms, including depression, increased errors, and reduced performance.
What is supplemental unemployment benefits?
Supplemental unemployment are benefits (SUBs) A top-up of EI benefits to bring income levels closer to what an employee would receive if on the job.
What is a severance package?
A severance package is a lump-sum payment, continuation of benefits for a specified period of time, or other benefits that are provided to employees who are being terminated.
What is a transfer?
A transfer is a movement of an employee from one job to another that is relatively equal in pay, responsibility, or organizational level.
What is a promotion?
A promotion is a movement of an employee from one job to another that is higher in pay, responsibility, or organizational level, usually based on merit, seniority, or a combination of both.
What is tort law?
Tort law is the judge-based law, whereby the precedent and jurisprudences set by one judge through his or her assessment of a case establishes how similar cases will be interpreted.
What are regulations?
Legally binding rules established by special regulatory bodies created to enforce compliance with law and aid in interpretation.
What is equality rights?
Equality rights are found in Section 15 of the Charter Rights and Freedoms, which guarantees the right to equal protection and benefit of the law without discrimination.
What is discrimination?
Discrimination as defined in the human rights code is a distinction, exclusion, or preference based on any of the prohibited grounds and has the effect of nullifying or impairing the right of a person to full and equal recognition and exercise of his or her human rights and freedoms.
What is differential or unequal treatment?
It is the treatment of an individual differently in any aspect of terms and conditions of employment based on any of the prohibited grounds.
What is discrimination because of association?
Denial of rights because of friendship or other relationship with a protected group member.
What is unintentional/constructive/systemic discrimination?
Unintentional/constructive/systemic discrimination is discrimination that is embedded in policies and practices that appear neutral on the surface and are implemented impartially, but have no adverse impact on specific groups of people for reasons that are not job related or required for the safe and efficient operation of businesses?
What is bona fide occupational requirement (BFOR)?
BFOR is a justifiable reason for discrimination based on business necessity (that is, required for the safe and efficient operation of the organization) or a requirement that can be clearly defended as intrinsically required by the tasks on an employee is expected to perform.
What is reasonable accommodation?
The adjustment of employment policies and practices that an employer may be expected to make so that no individual is denied benefits, disadvantaged in employment, or prevented from a carrying out the essential components of a job because of grounds prohibited in human rights legislation.
What is undue hardship?
Undue hardship is the point to which employers are expected to accommodate employees under human rights legislative requirements,
What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is the offensive or humiliating behaviour that is related to a person’s sex, as well as behaviour of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, unwelcome, hostile, or offensive work environment or that could reasonable be through to put sexual conditions on a person’s job or employment opportunities.
What is sexual coercion?
Harassment of a sexual nature that results in some direct consequence to the worker’s employment status or some gain in or loss in tangible job benefits.
What is sexual annoyance?
Sexual annoyance is sexually related conduct that is hostile, intimidating, or offensive to the employee but has no direct link tangible job benefits or boss thereof.
What is systemic remedies?
Systemic remedies forward-looking solutions to discrimination that require respondents to take positive steps to ensure compliance with legislation, both in respect to the current complaint and any future practices.
What is restitutional remedies?
Restitutional remedies are monetary compensation for the complaint to put him or her back to the position he or she would be in if the discrimination had not occurred.
What is occupational segregation?
Occupational segregation is the existence of certain occupations that have traditionally been male dominated and others that have been female dominated.
What is the glass ceiling?
The glass ceiling is an invisible barrier, caused by attitudinal or organizational bias, that limits that advancement opportunities qualified designed group members.
What is the employment equity program?
The employment equity program is a detailed plan designed to identify and correct existing discrimination, redress past discrimination, and achieve a balanced representation of designated group members in the organization.
What are KSAs?
KSAs = Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities.
What is underemployment?
Underemployment is being employed in a job that does not fully utilize one’s knowledge, skills, and abilities. (KSAs)
What is employment (labour) standards legislation?
Employment (labour) standards legislation are laws that establish minimum employee entitlements and set a limit on the maximum number of hours of work permitted per day or week.
What are Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)?
PIPEDA is legislation that governs the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information across Canada, including employers’ collection and dissemination of person information about employees.
What is human capital?
Human capital is the knowledge, education, training, skulls, and expertise of a firm’s workers.
What is HR technology?
HR Technology is any tech that is used to attract, hire, retain, maintain talent, support workforce administration, and optimize workforce management..
What is strategy-based metrics?
Strategy-based metrics are metrics that specifically focus on measuring the activities that contribute to achieving a company’s strategic aims.
What is data mining?
Data mining is the algorithmic assessment of vast amounts of employee data to identify corrections that employers then use to improve their employee-selection and other practices.
What is learning portal?
A learning portal is a section of an employer’s website that offers employees online access to training courses.
What is the learning management system?
The learning management system are special software tools that support internet based training by helping employers identify training needs, and to schedule, deliver, assess, and manage the online training itself.
What are personnel replacement charts?
Personnel replacement charts are company records showing present performance and promotability of inside candidates for the most important positions.
What are position replacement cards?
Position replacement cards are cards that are prepared for each position in a company to show possible replacement candidates and their qualifications.
What is a HR audit?
A HR audit is an analysis by which an organization measures where it currently stands and determines what it has to accomplish to improve its HR functions.
What is enterprise-wide system/enterprise resource planning (ERP) system?
The ERP system supports enterprise-wide or cross-functional requirements rather than a single department within the organization.
What is stand-alone system?
A stand-alone system is a self contained system that does not rely on other systems to operate.
What is a request for proposal (RFP)?
A RFP is a document that requests vendors to provide a proposal detailing how the implementation of their particular HRIS will meet the organization’s needs.
What is electronic HR (e-HR)?
e-HR is a form of technology that enables HR professionals to integrate an organization’s HR strategies, processes, and human capital to improve overall HR service delivery.
What is a HR portal?
A HR portal is a single internet access point for customized and personalized HR services?
What is employee self-service (ESS)?
ESS enables employees to access and manage their personal information directly.
What is management self-service (MSS)?
MSS enables managers to access a range of information about themselves and the employees who report to them and to process HR-related paperwork that pertains to their staff.
What is a job?
A job is a group of related activities and duties, held by a single employee or a number of incumbents.
What is a position?
A position is a collection of tasks and responsibilities performed by one person.
What is job analysis?
Job analysis is the procedure for determining the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of each job, and the human attributes (in terms of knowledge, skills, and abilities) required to perform it.
What is organizational structure?
Organizational structure is the formal relationship among jobs in an organization.
What is a organization chart?
A organization chart is a snapshot of the firm, depicting the organization’s structure in chart form at a particular point in time.
What is a process chart?
A process chart is a diagram showing the flow of inputs and outputs from the job under study.
What is job design?
Job design is the process of systematically organizing work into tasks that are required to perform a specific job.
What is work simplification?
Work simplification is an approach to job design that involves assigning most of the administrative aspects of work to supervisors and managers, while giving lower-level employees narrowly defined tasks to perform according to methods established and specified by management.
What is industrial engineering?
Industrial engineering is a field of study concerned with analyzing work methods making work cycles more efficient by modifying, combining, rearranging, or eliminating tasks, and establishing time standards.
What is job enlargement (horizontal loading)?
Job enlargement is a technique used to relieve monotony and boredom that involves assigning workers additional tasks at the same level of responsibility to increase the number of tasks they have to perform.
What is job rotation?
Job rotation is a technique used to relieve monotony and employee boredom that involves systematically moving employees from one job to another.
What is job enrichment (vertical loading)?
Job enrichment (vertical loading) is any effort that makes an employee’s job more rewarding or satisfying by adding more meaningful tasks and duties.
What is ergonomics?
Ergonomics is an interdisciplinary approach that seeks to integrate and accommodate the physical needs of workers into the design of jobs. It aims to adapt the entire job system-the work, environment, machines, and equipment, and processes-to match human characteristics,
What are competencies?
Competencies are demonstrable characteristics of a person that enable performance of a job.
What is competency-based job analysis?
Competency-based job analysis is describing a job in terms of the measurable, observable, behavioural competencies an employee must exhibit to do a job well.
What is a team?
A team is a small group of people with complementary skills who work toward common goals for which they hold joint responsibility and accountability.
What is incumbent?
A incumbent is an individual currently holding the position.
What is Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)?
PAQ is a questionnaire used to collect quantifiable data concerning the duties and responsibilities of various jobs.
What is Functional Job Analysis (FJA)?
A quantitative method for classifying jobs based on types and amounts of responsibility for data, people, and things. Performance standards and training requirements are also identified.
What is a diary/log?
A diary/log is a daily listings made by employees of every activity in which they engage, along with the time each activity takes.
What is the National Occupational Classification (NOC)?
The NOC is a reference tool for writing job descriptions and job specifications. Compiled by the federal government, it contains comprehensive, standardized descriptions of about 40 000 occupations and the requirements for each.
What is a occupation?
A occupation is a collection of jobs that share some or all of a set of main duties.
What is a job description?
A job description is a list of the duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships, and working conditions of a job - one product of a job analysis.
What is a job specification?
A job specification is a list of the human requirements, i.e., requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform the job-another product of a job analysis.
What is a physical demands analysis?
A physical demand analysis is a identification of the senses used and the type, frequency, and amount of physical effort involved in a job.