Master Circular – Lead Bank Scheme Flashcards
The genesis of the Lead Bank Scheme (LBS) can be traced to the Study Group headed by ………………………………….. on the Organizational Framework for Implementation of the Social Objectives, which submitted its report in October 1969.
Prof. D. R. Gadgil (Gadgil Study Group)
………………… Committee endorsed the idea of an ‘Area Approach’ in its report (November 1969), recommending that in order to enable the PSBs to discharge their social responsibilities, each bank should concentrate on certain districts where it should act as a ‘Lead Bank’.
……………………. is a forum for achieving coordination between credit institutions and field level development agencies at the block level.
Block Level Bankers’ Committee (BLBC)
…………………………….. is the Chairman of the BLBC.
The Lead District Manager (LDM) of the district
District Development Manager (DDM) is from …………………………….
RBI selectively attends the BLBC meetings. The officer attending from RBI is known as………………..
Lead District Officer (LDO)
Who convenes the District Consultative Committee (DCC) meetings?
Lead District Manager (LDM)
Who is the Chairman of the DCC meetings
The District Collector
The LDO represents the RBI as a …………………. of the DCC
The ……………. is a forum to review the pace and quality of implementation of various programmes under the LBS in the district
District Level Review Committee (DLRC)
Who is the Chairman of the DLRC meetings
The District Collector
BLBC/DCC/DLRC/SLCC meetings shall be held at …………………… intervals?
Public Representatives, i.e., Local MPs/MLAs/ Zilla Parishad Chiefs are also invited to ……………… meetings.
District Level Review Committee (DLRC)
Who is the Chairman of the State Level Bankers’ Committee (SLBC) meetings?
Chairman/Managing Director/ Executive Director of the Convenor Bank and co-chaired by the Additional Chief Secretary or Development Commissioner of the State concerned
Who convenes the State Level Bankers’ Committee (SLBC) meetings?
SLBC Convenor Bank of the State
In cases where the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director of the SLBC Convenor Bank is unable to attend SLBC Meetings, the ………………………………. shall co-chair the meetings along with the Additional Chief Secretary/Development Commissioner of the State concerned?
Regional Director/ GM(O-i-C) of the RBI
The State Chief Ministers are encouraged to attend …………………. SLBC meeting in a year.
at least one
The assignment of Lead Bank responsibility to designated banks in every district is done by the ……………………….. following a detailed procedure formulated for this purpose.
Reserve Bank of India
Under National Strategy for Financial Inclusion (NSFI): 2019-2024 – Universal Access to Financial Services: Providing banking access to every village within a …………………………………………. has been one of the key objectives.
5 KM radius/ hamlet of 500 households in hilly areas.
Banks have been advised to achieve a CD Ratio of ……. percent in respect of their rural and semi-urban branches separately on an All-India basis.