Mass Transport in Plants Flashcards
What are the 2 specialised plant tissues?
- Xylem : Water & Mineral ions
- Phloem : Organic molecules (Amino acids & Sucrose)
XYLEM (Water transport mechanism)
Plants need to conserve water. They obtain water and mineral ions from the soil via their roots. The water passes from the roots to the stem where it is transported up the plant in xylem vessels to the leaves. Water leaves the plant through the stomatal pores by diffusion. This is transpiration.
Transpiration involves the mass transport of water through plants.
How does water move in a plant?
- Water enters through the root hair cells in the epidermis.
- It then passes across the cells of the cortex, across the endodermis, and into the xylem vessels.
- The xylem vessels transport water up the plant to the leaves.
transports sugars and organic substances from leaves where they are formed (By PHOTOSYNTHESIS) to where they are needed.
The Roots
Root hair cells have (hair like) extensions that increase their surface area to increase the uptake of water and increase the area for channel & carrier proteins.
They also have a thin cell wall so they have a shorter diffusion distance.
Mineral Ions movement
- Mineral ions (Na2+) pumped in by AT, uses carrier proteins, change shape using energy from ATP hydrolysis against conc. gradient (↓to↑)
- mineral ions ↑ conc. in root hair cell, so lowers water potential of cytoplasm
valve= water enters by osmosis down water potential gradient through aquaporins - Air spaces between soil particles contain O2 needed in aerobic respiration in mitochondria of root hair cell to make ATP
-H2O enters R.H.C by osmosis ↓ WP gradient
-H2O passes from R.H.C to xylem
Xylem structure
- Dead cells form hollow tubes with no cytoplasm= Allows easier water flow
- End walls break down so xylem forms a continuous tube with no end walls= So water can form a continuous column
- Cell walls are strengthened with lignin= This makes the xylem waterproof and rigid
- Xylem pits= These are little holes which allow water to move laterally between xylem vessels
Transpiration: Cohesion tension theory
- Stomata open causes water to diffuse from the air spaces at a higher water potential inside the leaf to a lower water potential of the air outside the leaf. The loss of water from the leaf is known as TRANSPIRATION.
- The loss of water from the air spaces causes water to move down a water potential gradient from the mesophyll cells to the air spaces.
- This lowers the water potential of the mesophyll cells, so water moves by osmosis from adjacent mesophyll cells
- This sets up a water potential gradient across the leaf to the xylem vessels.
- Water from the xylem enters the leaf, and this causes water to be pulled up UNDER TENSION through the xylem from the roots
- Water forms a CONTINUOUS COLUMN in the NARROW xylem vessels.
- Water molecules form weak Hydrogen bonds between them, so they tend to stick together – they have COHESION
- They are also attracted to the walls of the xylem – there are forces of ADHESION between the water and the xylem.
- The pulling force is great and the column of water is under TENSION.
- The movement of water through the plant from the roots to the leaves is known as the TRANSPIRATION STREAM.
5-10 xylem to leaf
Explain how water enters xylem from the endodermis in the root and is then transported to the leaves
(In the root)
1. Active transport by endodermis;
2. Of ions into xylem
3. Lower water potential in xylem
(Xylem to leaf)
5. transpiration from leaves
6. Creates cohesion
7. Adhesion / water molecules bind to xylem;
8. Creates continuous column of water
Root pressure moves water through the xylem. Describe what causes root pressure
- Active transport by endodermis
- ions salts into xylem
- Lowers water potential in xylem
- Water enters by osmosis
Describe how high pressure is produced in leaves
- Water potential becomes lower
- Water enters phloem by osmosis
- Increased volume of water causes increased pressure
Light Affecting the Rate of Transpiration
- Light intensity does not affect transpiration directly.
- Stomata open in the light and close in the dark.
- The rate of transpiration is higher in the light.
Temperature Affecting the Rate of Transpiration
An increase in temperature increases the rate of transpiration.
Temperature increases cause the rate of water diffusion to increase.
They move more rapidly with increasing temperature (increase in kinetic energy).
Humidity Affecting the Rate of Transpiration
The air outside the leaf contains much less water vapour.
The greater the difference in humidity between the air spaces and the air outside the leaf, the greater the rate of diffusion of water vapour out of the leaf, so the greater the rate of transpiration.
Water leaves the leaf down a water potential gradient.
Air Movement Affecting the Rate of Transpiration
Air movement over a leaf moves the water vapour away from the stomatal pores.
This increases the water potential gradient between the inside and the outside of the leaf.
The greater the rate of movement of air, the faster the movement of water vapour, so the greater the rate of transpiration.
Remember xerophytes have sunken stomata. This keeps a higher humidity outside the stomata, so reduces transpiration