Mass transport in plants Flashcards
How is water moved out through stomata?
The humidity of the atmosphere is usually less than that of the air spaces next to the stomata.
So there is a water potential gradient from the air spaces through the stomata to the air.
When the stomata are open, water vapour molecules diffuse out of the air spaces into the surrounding air.
Water lost by diffusion from air spaces is replaced by water evaporating from the cell walls of the surrounding mesophyll cells.
By changing the size of the stomatal pores, plants can control their rate of transpiration.
How does water move across the cells of a leaf?
Water is lost from mesophyll cells by evaporation from their cell walls to the air spaces of the leaf.
This is replaced by water reaching the mesophyll cells from the xylem either via cell walls or via the cytoplasm.
Why does water movement of the cytoplasmic route occur?
Mesophyll cells lose water to the air spaces by evaporation due to heat supplied by the sun.
These cells now have a lower water potential and so water enters by osmosis from neighbouring cells.
The loss of water from these neighbouring cells lowers their water potential.
They, in turn, take in water from their neighbours by osmosis.
A water potential gradient is established that pulls water from the xylem, across the leaf mesophyll, and into the atmosphere.
How does movement of water up the stem in xylem occur - cohesion part?
Cohesion tension:
Water evaporates from mesophyll cells due to heat from the sun leading to transpiration.
Water molecules form hydrogen bonds between one another and hence tend to stick together - cohesion.
Water forms a continuous, unbroken column across the mesophyll cells and down the xylem.
How does movement of water up the stem in xylem occur - transpiration pull?
As water evaporates from the mesophyll cells in the leaf into the air spaces beneath the stomata, more molecules of water are drawn up behind it as a result of the cohesion.
A column of water is therefore pulled up the xylem as a result of transpiration - the transpiration pull.
Transpiration pull puts the xylem under tension, a negative pressure within the xylem - cohesion-tension theory.
How is the cohesion tension theory supported?
Change in the diameter of tree trunks according to the rate of transpiration.
During the day, when transpiration is greatest, there is more tension in the xylem. This pulls the walls of the xylem vessels inwards and causes the trunk to shrink in diameter.
At night, there is less tension in the xylem and so the diameter increases.
How is the cohesion tension theory supported - breaking?
If a xylem vessel is broken and air enters it, the tree can no longer draw up water. This is because the continuous column of water is broken and so the water molecules can no longer stick together.
When a xylem vessel is broken, water does not leak out. Instead air is drawn in, which is consistent with it being constantly under tension.
Is energy required for water uptake in plants?
Transpiration pull is a passive process and therefore does not require metabolic energy to take place.
The xylem vessels through which the water passes are dead and so cannot actively move the water.
Xylem vessels have no end walls which means that xylem form a series of continuous, unbroken tubes from root to leaves.
Energy is nevertheless needed to drive the process of transpiration, in the form of heat that evaporates water from the leaves and ultimately comes from the sun.
What is translocation?
The process by which organic molecules and some mineral ions are transported from one part of a plant to another.
What are the phloem?
In flowering plants, they are the tissue that transports biological molecules.
It is made up of sieve tube elements, long thin structures arranged end to end.
Their ends are perforated to form sieve plates.
Associated with sieve tube elements are companion cells.
What is the source and sink?
Having produced sugars during photosynthesis, the plant transports them from the sites of production, the sources, to the places were they will be directly used or stored for future use, sinks.
Sinks can be anywhere in the plant - sometimes above and sometimes below the source - so translocation of molecules in phloem can be in either direction.
What does the phloem transport?
Organic molecules to be transported are sucrose and amino acids.
It also transports inorganic ions such as potassium, chloride, phosphate and magnesium ions.
What is the first phase of the mass flow theory?
Transfer of sucrose into sieve elements from photosynthesising tissue:
Sucrose is manufactured from the products of photosynthesis in cells with chloroplasts.
The sucrose diffuses down a concentration gradient by facilitated diffusion from the photosynthesising cells into companion cells.
Hydrogen ions are actively transported from companion cells into the spaces within cell walls using ATP.
The hydrogen ions then diffuse down a concentration gradient through carrier proteins into the sieve tube elements.
Sucrose molecules are transported along with the hydrogen ions by co-transport, with co-transport proteins.
What is mass flow?
The bulk movement of a substance through a given channel or area in a specified time.
What is the second phase of the mass flow theory?
Mass flow of sucrose through sieve tube elements:
The sucrose produced by the source is actively transported into the sieve tubes.
This causes the sieve tubes to have a lower water potential.
As the xylem have a much higher water potential, water moves from the xylem into sieve tubes by osmosis, creating a high hydrostatic pressure within them.
What is the second phase of mass flow - at the respiring cells?
At the respiring cells (sink), sucrose is either used up during respiration or converted to starch for storage.
These cells therefore have a low sucrose content and so sucrose is actively transported into them from the sieve tubes, lowering their water potential.
Due to this lowered water potential, water also moves into these respiring cells, from the sieve tubes, by osmosis.
The hydrostatic pressure of the sieve tubes in this region is therefore lowered.
As a result of water entering the sieve tube elements at the source and leaving at the sink, there is a high hydrostatic pressure at the source and a low one at the sink.
What is the third phase of the mass flow theory?
The sucrose is actively transported by companion cells, out of the sieve tubes and into the sink cells or storage.
Is energy required for translocation?
While mass flow is a passive process, it occurs as a result of the active transport of sugars.
Therefore the process as a whole is active which is why it is affected by, for example, temperature and metabolic poisons.
What is the evidence supporting the mass flow hypothesis - cause and effects?
Downward flow in the phloem occurs in daylight, but ceases when leaves are shaded, or at night.
Increases in sucrose levels in the leaf are followed by similar increases in levels in the phloem later.
Metabolic poisons and /or lack of oxygen inhibit translocation of sucrose in the phloem.
What is the evidence supporting the mass flow hypothesis?
There is a pressure within sieve tubes, as shown by sap being released when they are cut.
The concentration of sucrose is higher in leaves (source) than in roots (sink).
Companion cells possess many mitochondria and readily produce ATP.
What is the evidence questioning the mass flow hypothesis?
The function of the sieve plates is unclear, as they would seem to hinder mass flow (they may have a structural function, helping to prevent the tubes from bursting under pressure).
Not all solutes move at the same speed, they should do if movement is by mass flow.
Sucrose is delivered at more or less the same rate to all regions, rather than going more quickly to the ones with the lowest sucrose concentration, which the mass flow theory would suggest.
What is the ringing experiment?
Woody stems have an outer protective layer of bark on the inside of which is a layer of phloem that extends all around the stem. Inside the phloem layer is xylem.
A section of the outer layers is removed around the complete circumference of a woody stem while it is still attached to the rest of the plant.
After a period of time, the region of the stem immediately above the missing ring of tissue is seen to swell.
What are the observations of the ringing experiment?
Samples of the accumulated liquid are found to be rich in sugars and other dissolved organic substances.
Some non-photosynthetic tissues in the region below the ring are found to wither and die, while those above continue to grow.
What is the conclusion of observations of the ringing experiment?
Phloem, rather than xylem, is the tissue responsible for translocating sugars in plants.
As the ring of tissue removed had not extended into the xylem, its continuity had not been broken.
If it were the tissue responsible for translocating sugars you would have not have expected sugars to accumulate above the ring nor the tissues below it to die.
What are tracer experiments?
Radioactive isotopes are useful for tracing the movement of substances in plants.
For example, the isotope C14 can be used to make radioactively labelled carbon dioxide (CO2^14).
If a plant is then grown in an atmosphere containing this, the 14 isotope will be incorporated into the sugars produced during photosynthesis.
These radioactive sugars can then be traced as they move within the plant using autoradiography.
How are the results for tracer experiments found?
It involves taking thin cross-sections of the plant stem and placing them on a piece of X-ray film.
The film becomes blackened where it has been exposed to the radiation produced by the C14 in the sugars.
The blackened regions are found to correspond to where phloem tissue is in the stem.
As the other tissues do not blacken the film, it follows that they do not carry sugars and that phloem alone is responsible for their translocation.
What is the evidence that translocation of organic molecules occur in phloem?
When phloem is cut, a solution of organic molecules flow out.
Aphids are a type of insect that feed on plants. They have needle-like mouthparts which penetrate the phloem. They can therefore be used to extract the contents of the sieve tubes, which show daily variations in the sucrose content of leaves that are mirrored a little later by identical changes in the sucrose content of phloem.