Mass Politics Flashcards
Published in 1903 and 1905, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
were forger by the Russian secret police and detailed a Jewish plot to dominate the world
The Paris Commune obtained its greatest support from the
workers of Paris
Which pairing is correct?
Theodore Herzl-The State of the Jews
David Lloyd George
passed the “Peoples Budget” of 1909 that included a progressive income tax
Which political party became the model Marxist party in the late 19th century
German Social Democratic Party
Freud argued that mental disorders are caused by a
a conflict between natural drives and cultural restraints
The revolution of 1905 in Russia was caused by
Russia’s defeat in the Russio-Japanese War
Created under Alexander II, the zemstvos were
county assemblies
Bismarck enacted several measures of national health legislation because
he wanted to win over the working class
In 1903, Millicint Faucet
founded the Women’s Social and Political union
The Third Republic in France was shaken in 1894 by the “Dreyfus Affair” which saw the rise of ____ in French Society
As a result of the 1905 revolution, Tsar Nicholas II issues the October Manifesto which
guaranteed individual liberties, more liberal franchise for the election of a Duma, and veto power for the Duma- all of which Nicholas II repealed in the next two years
Until the Russio-Japanese war, ordinary Russians believed that the Taar was their “little father” and would do what he could to aid them in their lives until this trust was shaken on janueay 22, 1905. this day was hence referred to as
bloody sunday
Many Christians were troubled by the writings of Darwin because they
showed the world governed by chance, and constant, undirected struggle
In response to the growing materialism and free thought in the world, Pope Pius IV issued an encyclical entitled
Syllabus of Errors
Although a few challenged to representational art had occurred earlier, the first significant break emerged in France with the
One means by which 19th century companies attempted to dominate an industry was to control every step of the process from acquisition of raw materials to the distribution of the final product in a/an _____ combination