Mass Photometry Flashcards
What is mass photometry
Measures binding to a surface
refractive index at the surface changes when molcule bind to it
Explain the incident light scattered light and reflected light for mass photometry
The incedent light comes from the bottom to the top
When molecules bind near the surface, they scatter the light
The incedent light is reflected from that surface as reflected light
In a mass photometry experiment what does the resulting image look like
Shows molecules that bound to the surface as darker
The more mass, the more contrast (more mass not more size) meaning a tetramer shows more than the same sized dimer
What type of technique is mass photometry
A single molecule technique
Shows individual binding of single molcules and collects each binding event the separated them based on their contrast (more contrast more mass)
Explain the scatter plot for a mass photometry
Shows the peaks from higher to lower contrast and how many particles are making those peaks
The number of particles (concentration) goes down overtime because more protiens have come out of solution and already bound to the coverslip
This is why less particle show overtime because already bound
Explain the mass photometry setup
Has the glass coverslip at the top with the molecule on the coverslip causing scattering and reflection
The laser shines light past the WFL to the The partial reflector (PR) and lets the light go up past the BFP of the obejective lens to hit the coverslip
The reflected light goes down and it attenuated by a mask on the PR and it goes past another lens (L) and collected by a camera , the mask removes the direct reflected light to only collect the high constant scattered light
The camera has to refresh fast enough to take videos of the binding events
How what are the problems with measuring in mass photometry and how can the signal be improved
Need to differentiate between incedent light that interacts with the object and the background light
Also the contrast is very small for a single molecule and we really need to suppress the noise to actually measure a signal
so we increase the contrast by measuring the reflection (measuringin diff direction the incedent light) rather than the transmission (directly across incedent light)
Need to detect a high 10^8 photons to get a signal to noise good signal to noise ratio, but digital cameras detect only 10^5 (so there needs to be a better way
What is special about molecules near the coverslip of the machine
They radiate the most photons into the machine at wide angles due to scattering, this is why the scattering give the most contrast
Explain the mask in mass photometry
Masks the angles of light that are sent down by the reflected light to reduce the amount of reflected light sent to the camera
The scattered light goes at wider angles and so that would be collected
Basically separated the scattered light from the reflected light to increase the constrast since scattered light gives more contrast
What are the steps to the mass photometry experiment
Prepare instrument and materials
Aquire data
Analyze data
How do you Prepare instrument and materials for mass photometry
Warm up the instrument
Cleans the coverslips with water,ethanol etc.)
Find the good side of the coverslip
Filter the protiens solutions or centrifuge them
Get small volume of protiens and find the concentrations
How do you acquire data from mass photometry
Add immersion oil to the microscope then the coverslip and you small volume of buffer
Load the protiens sample
Set the acquisition time to set how long each video frame of the landing event would be
Monitor the landing events,you want to have the landing events separated in space, not on top of each other
Why is the concentration of sample so low in mass photometry
you want to have the landing events separated in space, not on top of each other, so low concentration with do this
How do you analyze the data from mass photometry
Adjust the sensitivity to pick out each of the landing events
Look through the images to see if any need to thrown out due to artifacts
To remove noisy images you can add spatial and temporal masks (like something weird happens at a specific time so you just cut the time off)
Convert the contrast values to molecular weights using standards every series of measurements
Plot the data with histograms and adjust the histogram bin width (to show the peaks well in the histogram)
Fit the histogram to the Gaussian functions
Why do we fit the histograms with a Gaussian function
Because the histograms look noisy
Also to find the amplitude, width, and where the peaks are potisioned
How can you find the mass of the particles based on their constant
Use the molecular ladder standard curve
MW=m (contrast) + B
On sheet
Whag are the limitations of mass photometry
There is a small MW range that is detects, because molecule has to be small enough to have scattering
Have to use a narrow range of protien concentrations because of high have overlapping landing events
- This is why is hard to measure Kd, since to make those measurement you need high concentrations
-Also lose a lot of sample from its binding to lookers tips because concentration is already small
Has no detection specificity so any impurites in the sample that scatter light are also measured
Advantages of mass photometry
Single molecule techniques
On sheet
Explain the antigen antibody complex example for mass photometry
Bivalent antibody so it can bind two antigens at once
If just free antigen, only see one peak
If antigen