Mary Key Religious Reforms Flashcards
Mary initial religious problems
- Protestantism, although minority faith, had attracted adherents in london and in other party’s of the south
- reformed Protestant Church of England was protected in statute law
- many members of the political elites, on whose support Mary depended, had benefited financially from the acquisition of monastic land and had no desire to surrender what Mary saw as their ill-gotten gains
First statute of repeal
- repealed the religious legislation of Edward’s VI reign
Order of service at the time of the death of HVIII was restored
All clergy who had married when permitted to do so could be deprived of their livings
Legal status of the CofE was upheld
Nov 1554
Mary’s third parliament assembled
- heresy laws restored
- return of cardinal pole to england
Second statute of repeal
- repealed anti-papal legislation from henry VIII’s reign
Feb 1555
First burnings for heresy
21 march 1556
Burning of archbishop cranmer
Catholic reformation
Bishops were to reside in their dioceses
Bishops to preach and oversee carefully the religious life of their parishes
There was a proposal but never put in effect, that each cathedral should have a seminary attached for the training of new recruits to the priesthood.
Extent to which Mary had transformed the religious situation by 1558
Bulk of country remained catholic in sentiment
If had more time Pole and Mary could have re-catholocised england
Delay in restoring church’s institutional structure and divisions of crown and papacy did not help
Mary never completed what she set out to do