Marxists: Marxits Ideas and White Collar/Corporate Crime Flashcards
(Criminogenic Capitalism)
Argues capitalism produces greed and selfishness. Accumulation of wealth is promoted and encouraged.
(Criminogenic Capitalism)
Argues the law enforcement serves capitalism by protecting capitalism and punishing the lower class. Blame them for crime.
States crime is an understandable response to capitalism.
(Ideological Functions)
Argues that capitalists also benefit e.g. keep workers for work and this creates a false consciousness - making capitalists look caring.
(State and law making)
Laws protect private property are basis of the capitalist economy.
(State and law making)
State is reluctant to pass the laws that regulate business.
Created the term ‘White Collar’ crime
Crime commited by a person of high social status in his occupation.
Notes corporate crime has enormous costs, physical, environmental, economic.
Hughes and Langan
.Corporate crime is not as visible as street crime, hidden from public gaze.
.When detected it’s hard to establish blame.
.Might go unreported as an individual might feel helpless against a large scale organisation.
Box - Strain theory
Applies strain theory to white collar crime.
Argues when a compnay cannot archive its goals legally it will use illegal means to do so.
Sutherland - Differential Association
Sees crime as behaviour learned from others. Culture of a company justifies committing a crime to achieve goals then new starters will be socialised into following this pattern.
Nelken - Labelling
Business and professionals are more able to avoid criminal labels. Can afford expensive lawyers and accountants to help them avoid.
(State and law making)
Crimes of the powerful are less likely to be prosecuted.